This article says it's coming out this year.
This article says it's coming out this year.
This article says it's coming out this year.
a full generation leap when you're already a generation behind doesn't leave you very far ahead of the competition..What do you mean they're already comparing it to the current generation limitations? Of course it's being compared to them; it's said to be significantly better than them. A full generational leap in terms of graphics, unlike the situation with Wii. It will in no way be limited to this generation's specs, because it will have next generation specs. It won't just be an updated last generation console in terms of power like Wii was.
okay, so let me take that back and say this, instead: nintendo lost half of it's fanbase's playtime. instead of playing the latest piece of shovelware on their wii, they played the plenty of games that were being released on either other console they own (because no one who is open to something other than their most-favored system, or low on cash owns only a wii..) while waiting for the one, two, three flagship nintendo titles to release, if/when they look good.You really think Nintendo lost half of its fanbase? Lol. Even if that were the case, they've gained a new, much larger fanbase this generation with Wii and DS, so it would still be a win for them. But that's not the reality. They may have lost some fans, but not half. There's no way. People who like Nintendo for their games like Mario, Zelda, etc. still play those games. I know there are a lot of Wii owners who play their 360s and PS3s much more than their Wii, but you know that when games like Super Mario Galaxy 2 come out, they dust their Wii off and have some fun. Obviously, I can't speak for everyone, but I know that the thought that Nintendo has lost half of their fanbase is a huge exaggeration.
i really feel like you're idolizing nintendo way too much for doing that. but i feel like you're doing that throughout this convo, oh well.Not that it matters now, because even if that were true, they'll be gaining them back this next generation. If they're going the route that they're said to be going with this next generation, then many old fans should be pleased. Nintendo went for a different audience this last generation, but that's done and over now, whether you agreed with their decision or not. And I'm sure they won't win all of their casual customers over with a hardcore targeted system, but you'd be surprised how many will likely return. Nintendo has done a great job at bridging the casual and non-gamers into the world of gaming.
i sincerely hope gamers win in the end.But even if that doesn't happen, it's not like Nintendo needs the support of all the casual and non-gamers to keep them going. Even if it sells half as much as the Wii did, it'll still be a success. And gamers will still win.
it is the reverence that you treat nintendo with, that they are an omnipotent being who either always has a plan to do better that will work 100%, or does no wrong to begin with.Now I think you're just looking for an excuse to call me a fanboy. How does that in any way sound like something that only a devoted fanboy would say? It's a logical assumption. Expand the market to new audiences, then bridge that new audience into the more hardcore market.
the fact that samus has been, for years, a pillar of gender indiscretion in video games is what i have a problem with.And I really don't want an Other M debate in here, but that comment is ignorance on a completely different level. Samus wasn't portayed much differently in Other M than she was in past Metroid games (and I mean main series Metroid games, not the Prime series developed by Retro). The only difference was that her feelings and emotions were expressed at a larger scale because of the cinematic cutscenes and voice acting, which didn't exist in past games, and the very emotion situation from the end of Super Metroid that led into Other M. And don't even bring up the idea that her following Adam's commands is sexist or any of that bull****. She viewed Adam as a father figure, not just a male superior. This relationship between them had to be stressed in the game as it was important backstory to Metroid Fusion. I also find it funny that most of the people who call Other M sexist without even thinking twice about it (or even playing it in the first place) are probably the same kind of people who like playing blatantly sexist games that let you jiggle large breasted girls' boobs, and you don't hear them complaining about those games.
first thing that came to mind with this was "why wouldn't you sit next to the smelly kid who's really cool?"The GameCube did suffer from a lack of third party support as well, but not on the same scale as Wii. The reason for that was the GameCube's use of mini discs, which couldn't hold as much data as the PS2 and Xbox's DVDs, so many developers got turned off from it. But in terms of power, the GameCube was no slouch. And that's the point I'm trying to get through, that none of Nintendo's past consoles were as far behind in power and graphical capability than the Wii is. That's why I don't understand why so many people automatically assume this mindset that Nintendo always has and always will make underpowered systems, because it's not true. As long as they make their system up to date with current generation graphics, and make it easy for developers to develop for and don't scare them away with inferior or expensive forms of media (mini discs, cartridges), they will get the kind of third party support that you see with the PS3 and 360. Why wouldn't they?
it may just be my newfound love of Steam, but i'm likely never turning back.I'm really not a big fan of digital media, but I know that's the direction we're headed. I much prefer physical media, and I'm sure that it's going to stick around for some time to come, but, yes, digital media is going to become more prominent. Will it become the turning point of the next generation? I dunno.
welp, because no rumors have actually been confirmed by nintendo, and the latest article that's been linked said that, pretty much word for word. yup. slightly more powerful than the ps3.And, again, Project Caf? is going to be much more than just "slightly more powerful" than the 360 and PS3, it will be a full generational leap in terms of graphics. I don't know why you're still clinging to that belief.
how's that for a slice a fried gold.IGN said:The console will apparently be around the same size as Microsoft’s Xbox 360 but will look like a modernized version of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and will be slightly more powerful than Sony’s PlayStation 3.
sauceMyNintendoNews said:The console will apparently be around the same size as Microsoft’s Xbox 360 but will look like a modernized version of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and will be slightly more powerful than Sony’s PlayStation 3.
I'm wasn't talking about a full generational leap from Wii's graphics, I meant a full generational leap from Xbox 360 and PS3. >.>a full generation leap when you're already a generation behind doesn't leave you very far ahead of the competition..
I think you just want me to sound like I'm "idolizing" Nintendo. Never did I say that they cannot fail. For all we know, Project Caf? could be another Virtual Boy. But I do have high hopes for the company, yes, in the same way that you probably have high hopes from your favorite developer(s), or favorite sports teams, etc. And after the huge success of Wii, I really can't see them failing. It could happen, yes, and I completed accept that as a possibility, but I see it as a very, very slim possibility.i really feel like you're idolizing nintendo way too much for doing that. but i feel like you're doing that throughout this convo, oh well.
i somehow doubt they have a "hardcore" fanbase, anymore.. there's nostalgia for what nintendo was, but i think the combined derps of the gamecube and wii soured a lot more people than you would like to believe, whether or not "half of the fanbase" was an accurate statement or not.
Again, read my last paragraph. I don't think that Nintendo is some kind of omnipotent being that can't go wrong. And as for casual and hardcore not The Wii did a pretty damn good job at that. I know that the Wii has missed out on a lot of hardcore third party titles, but that's not the point here. The point is that Wii brings casual and hardcore together very well, and it does do a good job at bridging the two. Dunno why you're suggesting otherwise. Maybe it's because you're just one of those gamers who only play games by yourself, and don't care about social interaction (offline, that is) in games, so you never see it in the act. But I've played hardcore games with casual gamers, casual games with hardcore gamers, and everything in between, so I know how it is. Even at work, I'll be talking to customers and they'll tell me stories about how they got into gaming from Wii or DS and now they're playing Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, etc. It sounds like one of those ideal worlds that only exists in commercials and PR, but it's very real. You just refuse to see is the reverence that you treat nintendo with, that they are an omnipotent being who either always has a plan to do better that will work 100%, or does no wrong to begin with.
if nintendo is really banking on bridging the hardcore and casual market, they obviously have no clue about what they're doing. hardcore and casual don't mix, simply because of the labels they are given, and the entirely different playstyles that come with that presumption.
if a "casual" player of super smash bros. anything was pit against a "hardcore" player, they would not enjoy a moment of it, unless plenty of variables were thrown in there randomly. ex: pokeballs, smash balls, stars.. they would just get stomped, again and again, which is no fun for either party.
hardcore gamers still won't like playing on a "casual" system, so they'll double-dip like they did this gen with the wii for the console-exclusives, if at all.
casual gamers will not enjoy the kind of hardcore games that hardcore gamers will eat up, unless they are not hardcore, in which case, why call them that?
How does showing emotion or making it obvious that she's a girl make her any less badass? How?! Are you suggesting that girls can't be badass now?the fact that samus has been, for years, a pillar of gender indiscretion in video games is what i have a problem with.
they/nintendo ruined that, taking what was the most badass femme in gaming, and turning her around completely.
i will allow the notion of adding layers to her character, and that the intended story-based goal was something admirable for the series, since it has admittedly lacked in a solid play-through story line/mode (aside from tidbits of data here and there), but i just really hope they don't keep treating samus like something she is not known for.
i think i'll sum it up with this: before super smash bros. i did not know about samus. before metroid prime, (or maybe smash bros again, idklol) i never knew he was a she. before other M, i never knew she was anything more than the most ass-kickingest characters in video games. and that that is gone is not only a blow for female game characters, but for all lovers of game characters. no, not that kind of lover.
on the grounds of calling me a sexist gamer who plays games that have the bounciest breasts you'll ever see, stay classy, tye.
i play street fighter 4, and intend to finish the lara croft games i own. jiggleboned polygons did not sell me on either purchase.
watfirst thing that came to mind with this was "why wouldn't you sit next to the smelly kid who's really cool?"
well, because other people won't hang around with you and you'll lose business/customers.
That's not what IGN said. What you're quoting is from a website that was reporting IGN's post, but never did IGN say that it's only "slightly" above the PS3 in terms of power. In fact, IGN, as well as many of the other rumor sources, have been saying that it's "significantly" more powerful. In the article in question, however, IGN only says that it "outperforms" the PS3 and gives us the technical specs, which have been evaluated by other sources that have said that the specs should give Project Caf? a full generational leap above the current competition.welp, because no rumors have actually been confirmed by nintendo, and the latest article that's been linked said that, pretty much word for word. yup. slightly more powerful than the ps3.
how's that for a slice a fried gold.
Four Swords adventure, Final Fantasy Chronicles... those games were beastly!
So much fun (if you could find 3 friends with GBAs and cables)
And I don't think they'll do it like that in the pictures, the screen will probably be a sub menu or item screen. Going back to FSA and FFC, now that was screens well done!
Full generational leap from the 360? Hahaha! Dream on. NO next gen console is going to be a full generational leap because of rising development costs. Cafe will be a PS3.5 and Sony/Microsoft would be insane to come out with something that dwarfs that. A PS3.5 level of horsepower is perfectly acceptable. If it can run Capcom's, Square Enix's, and Epic's next engines, it'll be fine. I'm sure it'll be graphically competitive with Sony/Microsoft machines.
But you're kidding yourself if you think we'll see a PS2 --> PS3 jump in horsepower.
Right on. I cannot wait to see Mario, Zelda, and Metroid in 1080p with PS3+ quality visuals.I was thinking this earlier and I couldn't have said it better myself. I mean, the ps3 is pretty damn powerful as it is, so if they're saying it's better.. then that's fine by me.
That's what I mean by "full generational leap", though. I'm not saying that it's going to be exactly twice as powerful as the PS3 is. It's just going to be up to date with what the times, and money, allows, unlike the Wii, which was under what was the standard at the time.Full generational leap from the 360? Hahaha! Dream on. NO next gen console is going to be a full generational leap because of rising development costs. Cafe will be a PS3.5 and Sony/Microsoft would be insane to come out with something that dwarfs that. A PS3.5 level of horsepower is perfectly acceptable. If it can run Capcom's, Square Enix's, and Epic's next engines, it'll be fine. I'm sure it'll be graphically competitive with Sony/Microsoft machines.
But you're kidding yourself if you think we'll see a PS2 --> PS3 jump in horsepower.
That's not what is commonly meant by a "full generational leap", though. A full generational leap implies being on par with the following:That's what I mean by "full generational leap", though. I'm not saying that it's going to be exactly twice as powerful as the PS3 is. It's just going to be up to date with what the times, and money, allows, unlike the Wii, which was under what was the standard at the time.
I was thinking this earlier and I couldn't have said it better myself. I mean, the ps3 is pretty damn powerful as it is, so if they're saying it's better.. then that's fine by me.
well.. we already knew the codename..Codename confirmed, Project Caf? is real. Look at this... (Game Boy Advance) (Nintendo GameCube) (Nintendo DS) (Wii) (Nintendo 3DS)
These are all working URLs that take you to the homepage of, Nintendo's official developer website. But if you try something like this...
Obviously, the URLs don't work and they send you to a 404 page. But that's not the case with this...
So there, the codename is confirmed.
We didn't know for sure, though. Now we have undeniable proof that the codename is indeed Project Caf?.well.. we already knew the codename..
but cool, i guess.
still.. it's just the codename.. they could change it to wii2, for all we know.We didn't know for sure, though. Now we have undeniable proof that the codename is indeed Project Caf?.
Oh, and this image was also found on