Mafia Redd's Revenge - Game Thread [GAME OVER]

Okay Doo, before I go, I wanna listen to your opinion one more time.
First up do you think you are mafia or volt ?
Secondly why ?
Okay seriously, I have read your posts but you kinda relied on Ness' susses once and said a lot of times that you are just saying what you can as like something to look at if you are indeed town.
If it's not an issue, can you please reiterate who you think is most probably mafia and why ?
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Yes please ! A legacy read will be super helpful
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Who are you going with ?
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Also, Doo please leave a legacy post if you can !
Okay Doo, before I go, I wanna listen to your opinion one more time.
First up do you think you are mafia or volt ?
Secondly why ?
Okay seriously, I have read your posts but you kinda relied on Ness' susses once and said a lot of times that you are just saying what you can as like something to look at if you are indeed town.
If it's not an issue, can you please reiterate who you think is most probably mafia and why ?
I’m relying on Ness because I’m clueless 😂 Lily was the person I was most sure of being town, and she was mafia 🤦‍♀️ I’m thinking the most likely option is probably Dino to be honest. There were a lot of times that Ness said frosty/Lily and Dino could be paired, and he also said volt and frosty/Lily were impossible. I know he said volt and frosty in the end but I dont know how rushed that decision was.
I am feeling weird about volt accusing me sooo much though, that does seem a bit weird.
And the stuff that Betsy said about this day’s setup being a disadvantage for volt also makes me think it could be Dino. Dino has been quiet, volt has said a lot more and seems more willing to take risks. But… volt has kept quiet since frosty’s been gone. I dont know 😭
Ok. This is all if doo is town.

I think volt is not a kidnapper.

I think dino is a kidnapper.

Bongo thinks dino is not a kidnapper.

Bongo thinks volt is a kidnapper.

Have fun tomorrow, bongo! I will be watching from the secluded kidnapper's vacation island! Because dino will kidnap me.

Also a thought on the magic for bongo.

If Katrina's good luck stays with you, the bad luck would probably stay with volt. (Unless it fizzled because he's a villager).

Which means, whoever is in the report is who you should vote. Eh?
I’ve let my thoughts on the different possibilities if bongo gets a report tonight
Also I said before that Dan’s thoughts seemed to oppose Ness’s but I feel like maybe that would be too obvious? Like Dan seems to be good at this, I doubt he’d have totally different views to someone we all read as town? (Dan is volt’s slot)
I’m leaning towards Dino but really just hoping bongo gets a good report lol
Also I said before that Dan’s thoughts seemed to oppose Ness’s but I feel like maybe that would be too obvious? Like Dan seems to be good at this, I doubt he’d have totally different views to someone we all read as town? (Dan is volt’s slot)
I’m leaning towards Dino but really just hoping bongo gets a good report lol

We can chill on the island together and talk about how happy we are that we aren't responsible for whatever happens d4.
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Also I said before that Dan’s thoughts seemed to oppose Ness’s but I feel like maybe that would be too obvious? Like Dan seems to be good at this, I doubt he’d have totally different views to someone we all read as town? (Dan is volt’s slot)
I’m leaning towards Dino but really just hoping bongo gets a good report lol

If it's volt, bongo will know by the report, lol.

Watcher is key to this game i think.
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Reactions: Doo
Ok. This is all if doo is town.

I think volt is not a kidnapper.

I think dino is a kidnapper.

Bongo thinks dino is not a kidnapper.

Bongo thinks volt is a kidnapper.

Have fun tomorrow, bongo! I will be watching from the secluded kidnapper's vacation island! Because dino will kidnap me.

Also a thought on the magic for bongo.

If Katrina's good luck stays with you, the bad luck would probably stay with volt. (Unless it fizzled because he's a villager).

Which means, whoever is in the report is who you should vote. Eh?
I think it was you who asked Ness to give me the good luck right ? THANK YOU SO MUCH ! Yeah the good luck is lasting this night as well and it's such a huge game changer !
And yeah, I still think we got it right with Doo, but in case we didn't, my report for the night will once again be a lil difficult to navigate.
Cause :

Dino shows up on report :
It could be volt using disguise
It could be dino not using disguise

If volt shows up its Volt. If dino shows up, I am gonna attempt to bribe tn4u.
I’m relying on Ness because I’m clueless 😂 Lily was the person I was most sure of being town, and she was mafia 🤦‍♀️ I’m thinking the most likely option is probably Dino to be honest. There were a lot of times that Ness said frosty/Lily and Dino could be paired, and he also said volt and frosty/Lily were impossible. I know he said volt and frosty in the end but I dont know how rushed that decision was.
I am feeling weird about volt accusing me sooo much though, that does seem a bit weird.
And the stuff that Betsy said about this day’s setup being a disadvantage for volt also makes me think it could be Dino. Dino has been quiet, volt has said a lot more and seems more willing to take risks. But… volt has kept quiet since frosty’s been gone. I dont know 😭
I feel you, it's it's hard to be sure on a read. I am so sorry if we are wrongfully sussing you !
  • Hug
Reactions: Doo
Start of day 4: Bongo

Bongo’s report possibilities:
Says volt - they can’t pretend to be the same person twice so it must actually be volt? I think? I’ll check in a sec
Says dino - volt could’ve not disguised initially when taking ness but I feel like that’s unlikely since ness said to us all to vote volt - having the report show up as volt is not good for volt. Butttt ness used bad luck on volt, and if the luck worked, then maybe volt’s disguise didn’t work?
Or it be dino. Dino could’ve disguised as volt initially when taking ness, which I guess would make sense as a good frame given the bad luck thing and the fact that ness told us all to vote volt. Then Dino wouldn’t be able to disguise as fort again so it would show up the real mafia as Dino?
Here are my thoughts on the possibilities for your report @tisABongo (where it says fort, I mean volt 😂)
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anyway I need to go and do something, i dont know if the days gonna end in the meantime so yeah, good luck bongo!
Dont forget, ness gave volt bad luck, role block.
So if your good luck lasts, the bad luck might also last.
I am not sure cause unlike bad luck good luck didn't really affect my role. Then again, good luck, at least from the message I received, seemed to be far more powerful than bad luck.
Wait maybe that's the point of only one use being allowed. The good luck is a massive safety blanket.
Another legacy, volt if it turns out im wrong and its you, I'm voting you out first the next time we play together!

Man, ness is gonna be there at the island airport, waiting to yell at me.
Here are my thoughts on the possibilities for your report @tisABongo (where it says fort, I mean volt 😂)
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anyway I need to go and do something, i dont know if the days gonna end in the meantime so yeah, good luck bongo!
Oh come on don't make me feel even worse for voting you XD
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Aight, I am gonna go for the night ! Hope you all have a great day ahead !


Carmen (@Doo) was exiled off the island. They were an Innocent Villager.

Night three has now begun. Day four begins June 21st at 7PM EST.
Players with power roles, you have 24 hours to submit your targets.
Everyone else, try to stay cool.

If luck was handed out by Chops for night two, it has now worn off. Roles will operate normally.
Voting will switch to majority after this night ends. I will explain more in the day four post.