Mafia Redd's Revenge - Game Thread [GAME OVER]



Isabelle came into her office with even more bad news. This time, it became personal...
"COOKIE (@BetsySundrop) WAS KIDNAPPED??!"
Isabelle quickly rounded up the three remaining islanders in Resident Services. She was livid at their "incompetence".
"I am disappointed in ALL of you for letting this happen! Carmen was innocent this entire time, and now my dear friend Cookie is gone, too! We have lost most of our innocent islanders, Nook is still in peril, and Redd is gaining traction on taking over the entire island!
Then, she gave out one final warning:

"I can't let whoever's responsible get away with this any longer. The 'cousin' of you three better come clean NOW, otherwise there will be SEVERE consequences!"
Will the remaining two villagers successfully exile the last cousin?

BetsySundrop was an Innocent Villager.

The final day has now begun.
You have 24 hours to reach a majority vote.

If no majority vote is reached within 24 hours, the day will be extended another 24 hours.

Click here to vote when you're ready. Voting ends this Saturday (if majority reached) at 7PM EST.
You MUST vote for a player this time. A 3-way tie will not be accepted.
Please notify me via PM if you have questions.

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That is absolutely EVIL and I love it XD
I voted Volt just to ensure that there is still a tie while we wait for Dino and Volt to arrive. I am open to changing my vote.
I voted Volt just to ensure that there is still a tie while we wait for Dino and Volt to arrive. I am open to changing my vote.
i recommend not placing a vote whatsoever
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That is absolutely EVIL and I love it XD
betsy at her last moments seeing it was herself all along
I have to clarify this as I believe some players got confused.

The game DOES NOT end immediately right when majority is met. The game will end if there is a majority vote when 7PM EST hits. This is so that you guys can talk it out and make thoughtful decisions on your votes.
ok first @tisABongo remove your vote because majority is turned on so the game ends as soon as dino votes
Yeah I did that, now we just need to figure out who it is
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I have to clarify this as I believe some players got confused.

The game DOES NOT end immediately right when majority is met. The game will end if there is a majority vote when 7PM EST hits. This is so that you guys can talk it out and make thoughtful decisions on your votes.
Thanks !
Whoever mafia is, disguising as Betsy was an amazing decision. I am almost considering not voting the mafia now XD
this is so tragic to me bc i was so sure of dino being town this entire game wahhh

whats currently on you mind
No idea.
If I had died, I would have been 100% sure it was you. But then again, so would have been Betsy.
But with Betsy being dead, it still could be you or Dino. Cause Betsy was sus on Dino so it makes sense for Dino to kill her and hope I stay with my previous suspicions on you. Similarly, it could also be a big brain play from you, kill Betsy and press as to why would you kill the person sure of you being town. And after being so horribly wrong on Doo (So sorry Doo !), I am a lil hesitant on voting without listening to everyone first.
I hope Dino comes on soon.
Ok so hi good afternoon (or whatever time is is where you are). As is said in my post yesterday I did see a reality in which we were dealing with a werevolt but didn't consider it likely at the time (sorry Doo). So I have a few reasons as to why Bongo should consider voting Volt over me.

Early in the game Volt spent time actively suggesting we vote the lily/frosty slot but also while making sure to not push hard enough for a successful wagon to be formed. Volt and frosty both spend a bit of time mentioning how they believe I am town making me think that I was meant to be either a last scapegoat wagon or a suspected mafia vote out because they were both town leaning/clearing me. For evidence of this, volt says I'm town on many occasions defending me on several occasions Post 578. Frosty however was a bit more subtle gently suggesting they like my reasoning and replies but makes sure to throw in a who knows maybe its coaching at the end Post 651.

I do want to bring up Ness as a topic here. Ness started suspecting me early day one and spent most of the game chasing around after me wagoning for my departure. Even after all the chasing and accusing even Ness concluded by the end of his last day that I was most likely town and that we should be voting volt the following day stating that it would be obvious it was him. The following day Ness was killed and Volt was seen by Bongo taking Ness. I'm now confident that is what Ness meant by obvious in his last will and statement Post 911.
Ok so hi good afternoon (or whatever time is is where you are). As is said in my post yesterday I did see a reality in which we were dealing with a werevolt but didn't consider it likely at the time (sorry Doo). So I have a few reasons as to why Bongo should consider voting Volt over me.

Early in the game Volt spent time actively suggesting we vote the lily/frosty slot but also while making sure to not push hard enough for a successful wagon to be formed. Volt and frosty both spend a bit of time mentioning how they believe I am town making me think that I was meant to be either a last scapegoat wagon or a suspected mafia vote out because they were both town leaning/clearing me. For evidence of this, volt says I'm town on many occasions defending me on several occasions Post 578. Frosty however was a bit more subtle gently suggesting they like my reasoning and replies but makes sure to throw in a who knows maybe its coaching at the end Post 651.

I do want to bring up Ness as a topic here. Ness started suspecting me early day one and spent most of the game chasing around after me wagoning for my departure. Even after all the chasing and accusing even Ness concluded by the end of his last day that I was most likely town and that we should be voting volt the following day stating that it would be obvious it was him. The following day Ness was killed and Volt was seen by Bongo taking Ness. I'm now confident that is what Ness meant by obvious in his last will and statement Post 911.
so you think volt killed Betsy just to have the play that Betsy was sus on him and him killing her makes no sense at all. So he did it just to play into it ? Whereas killing me would have been very convenient for him ?
Fair enough, I personally wouldn't say that scenario is impossible but it is what it is and at this point it won't help with the game.

FR. So you think Doo is town, anyone else? What do you think about Dino? I think I am really liking her solving atm (pulling that whole point about Ness on Ribbit) + her response to me about questioing why she was being sussed (like, don't fully agree on the why she is surprised she is sussed, but her reply on why felt solid). The one thing concerning me, is...this Dino playing a good game after becoming more familiar and having more time or coaching at work tbh?
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*it won't help the game to keep talking about it.

I miss editing so much agian orz.
That is a fair answer. How do you feel about Betsy sussing both Ribbit (early on) and you (a little before EoD rush), than deciding to sheep both of you? I don't think I remember Betsy sussing Shell. Legit get her second guessing the Doo vote and that being a reason to vote Shell, but the openly wanting to sheep the maf reads... :unsure:

But I really just wanna talk to Betsy first, I was honestly finding her pretty towny so.

Also want to talk to Dino and Bongo a bit.
I really wanna talk to Dino first but I am questioing their state of mind this game. Like, the more activity is fine, feels like she's getting more comfy as a player. But I dunno why she seems more concerned that people are talking about her being suspicious when that also happened a fair bit last game? Like, maybe I'm remembering wrong but I think more people than just me were questioing Dino's slot day 2.

Bongo also for real there, making relaly random remarks that has no relevance to the game so. :') Kinda getting Shiny vibes just with less solving tbh. He had one post that...didn't match with anything else he has been saying all game. :unsure:
this is everything frosty said about dino. frosty in two instances have mentioned wanting to talk to dino and pretend to be interest to solve this slot but never did. it's of a mafia interest to not look related to a player to not give out the team to not but also not detached entirely of them, because if a player that wants to look town ignores another player entirely, it looks suspicious because it shows reluctancy of talking abt a partner alignment. i feel like frosty is a smart player that is aware of this so she mentions dino several times and healthly pushed her

in this one post:
Fair enough, I personally wouldn't say that scenario is impossible but it is what it is and at this point it won't help with the game.

FR. So you think Doo is town, anyone else? What do you think about Dino? I think I am really liking her solving atm (pulling that whole point about Ness on Ribbit) + her response to me about questioing why she was being sussed (like, don't fully agree on the why she is surprised she is sussed, but her reply on why felt solid). The one thing concerning me, is...this Dino playing a good game after becoming more familiar and having more time or coaching at work tbh?
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*it won't help the game to keep talking about it.

I miss editing so much agian orz.
she kept both town!dino and mafia!dino opened in this post, as she asked betsy for opinion on dino, likely trying to spread influence and prepare to prevent a dino chop that could happen because of ness. i say this because frosty has in essence given two options to betsy regarding to dino and could go with get on betsy good side, hence she was setting up a pocket.
also ness have pushed on dino for most of the game, and in this post:
I'm definitely a bit suss on ness but not just for the wagon on me specifically. Yesterday ness attempted to start 3 wagons first ribbit then me and then finally he started the last minute wagon on shell. That's a whole lot of wagons for one person in one day in my opinion. I'm not saying he is absolutely mafia this may just be typical day one chaos but it's something I took note of. I also can't entirely put together why ness would want ribbit out if he was mafia. Ness and ribbit seemed to work together on the vote at EOD. Ribbit was also guardian but I'm not sure the mafia knew ribbit's role for that to be the reason.
dino had answered to frosty about her ness suspicion, which could be planned to a kick a ness wagon. considering that ness died d3 and frosty was already aware that ness was katrina, it was possible that were they had planned together to get rid of him, hence why frosty asked dino about dino's ness sus in specific to get this ball rolling

Sorry for my absence the last 48 hours have been insane.

I think for today I'm considering leaning more towards doo than volt. Volt sussed lily/frosty early which is sort of making me lean away from them at the moment even if it could be a smart move for later game. I also feel as though doo has been grasping at straws trying to frame me by taking random out of context quotes and trying to force them into a mafia perspective even if its not there.

So Betsy I know you asked about my volt conspiracy thoughts the other day and its not a solid logic by any means but here is my thinking. I can also see a reality in which volt is mafia as well. Making the sus of lily/frosty early on but not pushing it hard enough to actually influence a vote. Additionally both volt and frosty spun the idea of me being town pretty early on making me sort of feel as though maybe it was a plan to keep me around until late game as an easy last round scape goat to vote out.

Again my thoughts are all of these things can fit well into either perspective so its tough to tell what exactly is going on here lol.

I can bring the quotes later if needed its just challenging to do from my phone
dino disguised as me and this exchange feels like trying to pocket betsy to at least leave a legacy where i was above her in probability

Ok so hi good afternoon (or whatever time is is where you are). As is said in my post yesterday I did see a reality in which we were dealing with a werevolt but didn't consider it likely at the time (sorry Doo). So I have a few reasons as to why Bongo should consider voting Volt over me.

Early in the game Volt spent time actively suggesting we vote the lily/frosty slot but also while making sure to not push hard enough for a successful wagon to be formed. Volt and frosty both spend a bit of time mentioning how they believe I am town making me think that I was meant to be either a last scapegoat wagon or a suspected mafia vote out because they were both town leaning/clearing me. For evidence of this, volt says I'm town on many occasions defending me on several occasions Post 578. Frosty however was a bit more subtle gently suggesting they like my reasoning and replies but makes sure to throw in a who knows maybe its coaching at the end Post 651.

I do want to bring up Ness as a topic here. Ness started suspecting me early day one and spent most of the game chasing around after me wagoning for my departure. Even after all the chasing and accusing even Ness concluded by the end of his last day that I was most likely town and that we should be voting volt the following day stating that it would be obvious it was him. The following day Ness was killed and Volt was seen by Bongo taking Ness. I'm now confident that is what Ness meant by obvious in his last will and statement Post 911.

"I was meant to be either a last scapegoat wagon or a suspected mafia vote out" this is just unlogical because it puts me in the situation i have to backtrack on everything i have said about you so far. i explained above what i think about this interaction with betsy from frosty
and ness was not right and he refused to listen to me. he was just scared of me lol
so you think volt killed Betsy just to have the play that Betsy was sus on him and him killing her makes no sense at all. So he did it just to play into it ? Whereas killing me would have been very convenient for him ?
My suspicion is that volt maybe thought you were safe from elimination last night and thought the only option may have been Betsy
Yeah the good luck is lasting this night as well and it's such a huge game changer !
my reasoning for chopping lily at the beggining is the following: it's something called a policy chop, which is basically chopping a player for being overall unhelpful to town as a policy. in late game, these types of players are either 1) unreadable and offuscate the real mafia 2) actually mafia and they fly under the radar. lily spoke very little and in what she did, she basically got into a fight with ness and didnt help solving any slot
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My suspicion is that volt maybe thought you were safe from elimination last night and thought the only option may have been Betsy

it's on the first page that the katrina powers last for only one night
One Katrina Deliverer


Alongside the above three power roles, there is an additional deliverer role assigned to a random villager. Katrina has blessed them with the power to deliver magical luck to two targets of their choosing. They may choose to use this power at any point during the day, and can only use their role twice for the entire game. Depending on the players they target, the deliverer may either help the islanders defend better against Redd's Gang for a night, or accidentally help the cousins perform their actions more swiftly.

Any role affected by magic will either gain an advantage or lose a critical ability for one night, depending on which kind of magic is sent.
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Aw no RIP ness. Hopefully Bongo will have some good information on who the last mafia is.
if this isnt an obvious setup for framing me yesterday
"I was meant to be either a last scapegoat wagon or a suspected mafia vote out" this is just unlogical because it puts me in the situation i have to backtrack on everything i have said about you so far. i explained above what i think about this interaction with betsy from frosty
and ness was not right and he refused to listen to me. he was just scared of me lol
There is also the scenario where I would have been an easy out if you were voted and found earlier as I was constantly town read by you or in the scenario where someone is interested in the change in dynamic between me and frosty this game versus last (last game frosty wanted me out for inactivity and this game she didn't really seem to care as much to push the topic ect.) There are so many different ways to throw suspicions on someone like me the possibilities are endless.