RIP Tumblr

i know everyone's goin balls off the walls right now about this bein the end of tumblr but honestly i don't think this will kill it :p we've had like, 5 of these "omg it's the end of tumblr!!!!!" moments in the past 4 years and while this is probably one of the most chaotic i've seen and likely going to damage it i don't think this is the end. honestly tumblr isn't the greatest but i'd be pretty sad if this killed it, there hasn't really been a social media website that i've enjoyed as much as i enjoy tumblr and i've never been able to find content/communities i like anywhere else as easily as i can there.

curse you, tumblr staff D:
update on me, i've officially moved to twitter after someone harassed me on tumblr for... following them? when i had no idea who they were and just wanted cool aesthetics?? i don't even care about the stupid mogai "hot takes" or "neoliberalism" or whatever. what matters is that the community is pretty much a herd of cannibalistic sheep. you have to fit in with the herd or you'll get eaten alive.
i feel a LOT better after leaving. it seems funny from an outsider but when you've been into this "culture" since you were 12 because you wanted to meet like-minded people your mental state practically crumbles.
tldr; tumblr is a hivemind, water is wet
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update on me, i've officially moved to twitter after someone harassed me on there for... following them? when i had no idea who they were and just wanted cool aesthetics?? i don't even care about the stupid mogai "hot takes" or "neoliberalism" or whatever. what matters is that the community is pretty much a herd of cannibalistic sheep. you have to fit in with the herd or you'll get eaten alive.
i feel a LOT better after leaving. it seems funny from an outsider but when you've been into this "culture" since you were 12 because you wanted to meet like-minded people your mental state practically crumbles.
tldr; tumblr is a hivemind, water is wet

exactly!! it was the same way for me. it's like they try to hypnotize you, i felt much better after leaving tbh
update on me, i've officially moved to twitter after someone harassed me on there for... following them? when i had no idea who they were and just wanted cool aesthetics?? i don't even care about the stupid mogai "hot takes" or "neoliberalism" or whatever. what matters is that the community is pretty much a herd of cannibalistic sheep. you have to fit in with the herd or you'll get eaten alive.
i feel a LOT better after leaving. it seems funny from an outsider but when you've been into this "culture" since you were 12 because you wanted to meet like-minded people your mental state practically crumbles.
tldr; tumblr is a hivemind, water is wet

honestly the first "there" sounds like you're talking about twitter, and left me super confused for quite a bit
The only thing I really focused on, while one tumblr was milo murphy stuff and my own theories for it.
So now in case any posts I like may go, I'm taking notes of posts that are important to me, like recommended art sites and writer sites to go on for help. For posts for film gifs that interest me enough to go watch the movie.
I never used tumblr excessively. I think that something important about all platforms though is censorship. I think there are a lot of NSFW artists that feel the pain over their art being revoked. I think that it's a fine line between nsfw and art--and I can see why some creators would think it's unfair and have to move back to deviant art or something else. I really haven't used tumblr in a long time :/ but I did occasionally go on it to find graphics resources or look at art for some of my fandoms.
they literally have no moderation. AT ALL. they have ALWAYS had a horrible system and this isn't the way to do it. i don't think tumblr is the place to be a nsfw site, and i can't tell you how many horrible things my eyes have been scarred by thanks to tumblr's horrible tagging system, but if they could find a happy medium that would be nice. this is just stupid, lol.
I don't know specifically why that person was harassing you, but I've admitted blocked people before who've followed me and had very... unsavory content on their blog. I'm not even talking NSFW, but way worse stuff.

I don't see why they felt the need to harass you about it though, did they think that'd honestly do something? They could of just blocked you, or block then unblock (It unfollows you).
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This is really sad for creators. A lot of creators are being driven off the platform.
I don't know specifically why that person was harassing you, but I've admitted blocked people before who've followed me and had very... unsavory content on their blog. I'm not even talking NSFW, but way worse stuff.

I don't see why they felt the need to harass you about it though, did they think that'd honestly do something? They could of just blocked you, or block then unblock (It unfollows you).

oh, i'm 15. i don't post gore, abuse, or anything of the sort. i've always just posted about my interests. they just spent three paragraphs calling me abusive and a liar over old drama when i... just wanted little webcore graphics for my page? i wasn't even trying to hurt them. they've been dragging it on for three years and tumblr just goes along with whatever he says because i said something that could just possibly be perceived as racist when i was 13

then they harassed my friend just for commenting on my farewell post wishing me a recovery like... honest to god, i've met some of the most toxic and abhorrent people i've ever met on that hellhole. can't help but to be a bit glad that they gave me the final nudge for me to jump ship though. i've been off for like, three days, and i'm already feeling a lot better.
That's really unfortunate. Anything passed the initial contact is really uncalled for, and even then that appears to be a misunderstanding. The fact that that person went at your friend wishing you well really defines their character as an ignorant person, so don't take it to heart. I'm so quick to block people like that I honestly forget how bad it gets sometimes.

Anyhow, I'm glad you're doing better.
just got followed by another pornbot today. good job staff! A++
I block all the porn bots that follow me or like my stuff, I dont know how to report them on mobile.

I got followed by another one yesterday.