RIP Tumblr

the so called "adult content algorithm" is kinda stupid I heard most artworks were flagged as adult content even tho theres nothing... anything lewd in the content
Have they made the new rule vague?

I never used Tumblr but I assume the vagueness of this new rule is why people are annoyed?
Have they made the new rule vague?

I never used Tumblr but I assume the vagueness of this new rule is why people are annoyed?

I think it's basically this:

the so called "adult content algorithm" is kinda stupid I heard most artworks were flagged as adult content even tho theres nothing... anything lewd in the content

I don't have a tumblr so everything I've seen is secondhand, but I see a lot of completely innocuous posts being flagged as NSFW under this new algorithm. Some of them are kind of risqu? (shirtless men lol, but that is supposedly fine under the new rules) but others are just like... artists drawing nature and birds, but the algorithm flags them anyway.

I guess if they can get it to do what it's supposed to things might turn out fine, but honestly I see a lot of content creators just never coming back because tumblr hasn't really proven themselves to be trustworthy or reliable by just pulling the rug out from under them and introducing this janky new way of enforcing their rules. Guess we'll see what happens.
I see, well it opens up opportunities for other media platforms to step in and be like 'Hey we're cool with your birds and stuff, come join us'

Similar things are happening. Take for example Epic stealing the thunder of Steam, by selling games which were banned by Steam's guidelines.
The bot seems even more biased then it already is. I haven't checked to see if all of my 600+ posts have been flagged, but it seems it goes after bigger more well known blogs too. My blogs are still quite small compared the the big ones that get flagged frequently, so it seems I'm under the radar... for now. I do suspect that my blog has been affected in some way thou. I'm not sure if it's cause my small group of followers who actually interact with my posts are gone, but lately my posts have been getting nothing, not a single like or reblog.
*whispers quietly*
female presenting nipples
Wait, it gets better. I just found this! I thought I was safe being an Animal Crossing blog, I guess not.

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I cant say I'm surprised.

Is it just me, or does tumblr flag image posts way more than text posts?
Reginald Fairfield
Written stuff was alright last time I heard.
Obviously there's a line somewhere, but for the most part, it's allowed.
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So, people can post really graphic really sexually disturbing stories but the bot can flag tumblr's own post and just about everythin else?

Makes alllll the sense.
Can we really expect much from people who've basically destroyed some of peoples' main source of advertising/income in less than a months notice, and then can't even notify them when they take down their posts?

There's no way to find any sense in this really.