|roleplay|Phantoms: The Raven Chaser|chapter 2 -

(It's very long and very confusing. Mwahahahaha.)

When he finally calmed down, he noticed the Dancing Hand moving about on his fingertips, the mask of the Magician planted firmly on his face. He was no longer calmed down! "What is that!? Why have you taken us here if it's so dangerous!?" He attempted to shoot the gun at the Shadows, only hearing a loud clicking noise. "What are we supposed to do? How do we get rid of them?"
Kaida was on her butt when she came into the TV. She saw the Dancing Hand and started to slowly try to back away, still on her butt. Kaida was frightened. "W-What is that thing..?" Kaida asked. Junpei had looked at the Dancing Hand, confused. "What is this place..?" He asked himself.
"Ahh, what is that?!" Kaito cried, hiding behind his sister. "What do we do?"

Mika watched one of the boys try to shoot the thing with the gun. "Are you an idiot..? It's obvious that's not going to do anything if it's safe to shoot yourself in the head with it-" She stopped, grabbing the card out of her pocket after she realised something. She crushed the card, like the 'teacher' had said, and a creature appeared in front of her. Maybe it could fight the weird hand.
Yui noticed the other girl across from her summon a creature with a card. "So cool!" She then stood beside her, shooting herself in the head again, huge persona appearing behind her. "Whatever your name, let's take this thing down!" Yui felt the words forming in her head, then did a pose as if she was in an anime. "Zio!"
"WHAT THE *very rude word* DID YOU JUST DO!?" Tokoya screamed at the people smashing cards and shooting themselves in the head. Could his gun do the same thing...? He gulped. He would either kill himself, or summon some... thing. No, no, he had probably drugged them and was tricking them... why did this have to happen...? His breathing was very audible, listening to the voice in his head saying: Do it.
Kaida had seen the others crush their cards, and shoot their guns. She looked down at her own gun. It was glistening and something told her to shoot herself. Kaida picked up the gun and held it up to her head. Kaida's hand was shaking as she pulled the trigger. A persona had appeared behind her. Kaida looked at it confused and frightened. Is this another one of those monsters? She asked herself.
No... no! He told himself, squeezing his eyes shut, Do it! The voice got increasingly louder, eventually causing him pain. He clutched the gun very close to his chest. The pain increased, until he was quietly whining. DO IT. The voice yelled. His head felt like it was splitting open. He didn't even care if the gunshot killed him, this was too painful to bear! He pushed the gun up to his head, yelling. Glass erupted out of the opposite side to where the gun was, his head jerking as he was shot. A large phallic creature appeared infront of him, his eye turning into a long, red, slimy tongue. He knew the creatures name, as it had spoken while it appeared. Mara.

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**UPDATED: Added Locations.**

Jacob woke up, He looked at the shadow with the swords everywhere. I am thou...Thou art i... He heard in his mind, He smirked and put the gun to his head.

Yui noticed the other girl across from her summon a creature with a card. "So cool!" She then stood beside her, shooting herself in the head again, huge persona appearing behind her. "Whatever your name, let's take this thing down!" Yui felt the words forming in her head, then did a pose as if she was in an anime. "Zio!"

The dancing hand flew back, And charged at Yui.
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Yui, through up a defensive pose with her persona blocking the attack. "Take-Mikazuchi, Zio!" She shouted posing again, loving every second.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Haru stood back in shock as the girl battled the giant hand. "I must be dreaming. I'm dreaming."
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Yui, through up a defensive pose with her persona blocking the attack. "Take-Mikazuchi, Zio!" She shouted posing again, loving every second.

The dancing hand fell back again, He stood up and charged at Jacob and Evie instead of Yui.

"Per...Sona." He said, He shot the gun to his head. Jack Frost appeared behind him. "Mabufu!" He said as Jack Frost launched the ice at The Dancing Hand.
Yui, ran after the hand, determined to take it down. She said the words as it came from her head. "Primal Force!" She shouted, she felt some of her energy drain as she said it, it must have been a big move.
Watching the others with their Personas, he attempted to use his. He took several deep breaths, and then yelled: "Mara, Tetrakarn!" The Persona hissed, as Tokoyas body was twisted into a stance that was clearly prepared to counterattack whatever hit him. "Why is this happening...?" He whined under his breath, staring at the Magician hand.
Yui, ran after the hand, determined to take it down. She said the words as it came from her head. "Primal Force!" She shouted, she felt some of her energy drain as she said it, it must have been a big move.

The Dancing Hand was attacked by both Jack Frost's attack and Take-Mikazuchi's attack. Critical Hit! It said above it's head then falling down.
Yui took the lead, going over to the others. "It's down, now for an all out attack!" She shouted cheerfully, grabbing the guitar out of her case and weilding it like a weapon. "Let's get it!" She said, charging towards it.