{roleplay} The Three Nations ✲ accepting

"I'm not dancing?"Iris said confused."And you still haven't given me any of your names!"she chuckles.
"That weird... Nevermind. My names Yuuya, and I'm going to torture you." He whispered the last part so no one could hear.
"Nice to meet you Yuuya!Hey,you can use more members of your little...Group right here.Can I help you out?"Iris smiles."I can play the lyre!"She says,waving it around.

(The lyre will be the first thing she mentions in any offer...:p)

Lance watched her,raising an eyebrow.
Iris began strumming it,making a random but beautiful melody."It's an instrument!It can cast spells too and stuff,but who cares about little things like that?"
im also kinda wondering something sharky. why did you make a character that doesnt even fit the Shuriman setting and you kinda made it weird how you were afraid of Kioku but not even some huge masked guy who could kill her by flicking her..
(She isn't afraid of Kioku.:p I can unfreeze Zed if you want me to..xD with Iris... She was born into the race and she can't leave because of logic...:p xD)

"No?"Iris raised an eyebrow."Why would that be important?"
Iris shrugs."I dn't really see your point,but okay!So,is that a yes to me helping you?"She smiles.
"I don't know,or really care.."Lance says bluntly."You can decide."

"I'll prove it!"Iris smiles.She begins playing an eerie melody."Oh nevermind,not that spell,that's a death curse..."she utters,then begins playing a more upbeat song."It's a healing spell!"
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"Death curse!?" Yuuya yelled, jumping back. He watched as she started playing the healing spell. "How do you mistake two entirely different songs!? That was just.... mean!"
'A healing spell?'Lance thinks to himself.He places his hand on the eyelid hiding the empty eyesocket.It began moving.Opening it,he discovered his eye was back.Lance gasped in shock.

"Sorry,didn't mean to!So,did I convice you?"Iris smiles,placing her lyre back on some satchel like item,wrapping around her waist.
The spell had no effect on Yuuya, but it seemed to have an effect on Lance. "Looks like your eye is back!" Does this mean I get to rip it out again and again? Yuuya thought, laughing.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"It just hurt... a lot." He growled, still feeling dead, even though he was fine.