[RP] The Other Side of the Screen [OPEN]

"well, kinda, cus the old king Is insane and prince lune is getting busy with my cousin, so yes, I do rule my race" she frowned at get questions. "either way, I haven't introduced myself. I'm princess Emi Lin of the cat kingdom."
Caesar smiled, "I prefer the Latin pronunciation, it sounds like the German word for king, Kaiser" Caesars face returned. "What will I be doing in this guild?"
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"Tactics and commander of troops. Sound Appealing? Pay is split evenly."
Caesar looks to Tesla and nods, "In the Barracks, but they are only WW2 era, so they might not be as fun." He turned back to his previous conversation, "I'd like too, but there's one problem. Will I still be able to rule here?" He smirks, "Forfeiting is a against my religion."
Caesar turns toward the woman offering him a guild position, "Excuse me a moment." He walks away, and leads Teela to a building labeled " Barracks e Armory" (Barracks and Armory, obviously)
When He gets there, there is a man in green Clothes. "Hello" the man says. "My name is Link. How may I help you?"
"Soldier! Perch? non in uniforme?" (Soldier! Why are you not in uniform?) Shouts Caesar, angrily, " Non sapete che gli americani o cinesi potrebbero attaccare da un momento all'altro?" (Do you not know the Americans or Chinese could attack at any second?)
Emi Lin knew a fair lot of languages. How else could she understand what and who she way spying on? Even with her fairly wide collection of languages the bossy, shouty man made no sense to her. For all she knew, he was ordering them to shoot her. She definitely didn't like being kept in the dark. Cat are curious creatures by nature, after All.
[erm, i think he was refernecing to the guy in a tunic as apposed to a huge cat in a dress lol]
[I realised that but, since she always listens in on conversations, it annoys her if she can't understand it]
"Mi dispiace signore." (I'm sorry sir) The man in the tunic replies. "Ho pensato che , perch? ero di turno Amory , non avrei dovuto indossare la divisa." (I thought that, because I was on amory duty, I wouldn't have to wear the uniform.)
"Ottenere il vostro uniforme immediatamente, o dovr? mettere in servizio camp!" ( Get your uniform on immediately, or I will have you put on camp duty!), referring to the pits were the bodies of dead enemies were tossed, called camps.
The automatic translator on Sinons system detected what he said. "Um.... Why are you wearing a dress?"
"I think he's wearing a dress because he's a transdresser. He likes to dress like a girl." I chuckled as I walked past the man, right into the armoury to gather up the bombs.
The small doc appeared once more, with a poof. "Why don't we grant his wish of becoming a girl?" Yu didbjustbthat.