Caesar had reached a very particular computer, hidden deep within the Kremlin. He typed in the binary, continuing to sing the song from before. "I just want to start... a flame in your heart..." he sings, pressing a big red button. Suddenly above, sirens start, red lights flash, and a woman's voice says, "Operation Fallout initiated. Please remain in your homes." And it repeats, as many ballistic nuclear bombs are launched.
"All citizens report to Radiation stations for emergency gas masks," said Caesar into a microphone hooked up to the loud speakers, "Russia and America have been Nuked, I repeat, Russia and the USA have been completely obliterated."
Running away from the group, I bolted down the halls, I my eyes darting around for Caesar, my sniper ready at my side. "Caesar, where are you?! What's going on!?"
Opening a drawer, Caesar gets out a government approved Gasmask ticket and haalnds it to her, "It's unlikely that we need 'em, but I'll show you to one of the posts."
"but walkings no fun, is it. It's much more fun to drag them!" Emi Lin had been wandering around when she heard these voices and decided that it probably would be fun to join in.