

- Gone -
Jul 17, 2015
So, what is your opinion about shipping? Are you a shipper? If so, what ships from what TV
shows, movies etc. are your favorites? And how did you become a shipper? Or do you don't
care about shipping at all?

While I'm not a shipper myself, I don't have a problem with shippers at all. However, I find it
sometimes really interesting of how some shippers take the whole shipping thing so serious
and spending all their time and energy into it. It's also interesting how excited people can
become when they see their two favorite fictional characters, which they ship, together,
even if it's just for a second.

But at the same time, I have that feeling that some shippers take this whole shipping thing
a little bit too serious. Like, yesterday for example, I checked out the fandom of the Disney
show Star vs the Forces of Evil, since two new episodes of said show aired. Just because
there was one scene in one of the two episodes which had something to do with one of the
fandoms very popular ship "Starco", almost every Starco shipper freaked out because of this,
which caused lots of quarrels with other fans and shippers (mostly "Tomstar" shippers). I was
shocked of how this whole situation kinda escalated, as some Starco shippers didn't accepted
the opinions of other fans and thought that this one scene was the ultimate proof that their
ship was officially. Almost nobody cared about the actual plot of the other episode, even if
it was important.

So yeah, like I said, I don't have a problem with shippers, as long as they are not some sort
of shippers who would kill you if you dare to say something bad about their beloved ships.
I'm honestly not a huge fan of shipping. Many people in a chat I'm a member of constantly talk about their ships and stuff related to shipping in general, but I'm not interested in romantic content enough to care too much. :D If one asked me I'd say that all kinds of media would be better without romance.

A thing that also turns me off shipping is the way shipping business can quickly escalate and create shipping wars or something ridiculous like that.
I don't like it because it doesn't really give the writers of the show freedom to ship who they want. I feel like when fans ship two characters, that is forces the writers to ship those two due to popularity. Or at least that is my unrealistic opinion xD
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Lmao I thought you meant package shipping.

But no I don't do that much, at least not dead serious like a lot of people do. And since I never watch animated tv series or such it's a bit gross shipping real people imo.
Shippers are ******* annoying, plain and simple. Send' em to the gulag.
uhhh I think if it's something innocent than I see no harm in it but it goes a little too far sometimes

I've seen fangirls in youtube comment sections ship Chica and Bonnie from FNAF many times.....
Why do they even call it shipping lmao

I don't really have a problem with it cause my friends always say it in a joke context meant to be funny. Even I do it sometimes xD
domestic, I'm super cheap and will opt for the closest to free (or free shipping if able) option

imports, if given the option, I almost always go with ems. exceptions for if money's really tight and/or shipping charges end up being too absurdly high with that option
when i read the title i thought it was about shipping packages lol
i do tend to ship characters/people but i hate it when other people try to force them together. down right disrespect. other than that i think shipping is harmless.
Exactly! Shipping people in real life is so disrespectful!
I absolutely agree!

This also reminds me of how my classmates "ship" me and my friend and it definitely isn't fun or cute though people seem to think it is. It just feels nasty to have people telling you that "Oh I know you're going to end up together, I ship you so hard" or something similar.
I don't have any issue with shipping unless one or both of the people involved is in a relationship, and if one or both of the people involved constantly deny it but the fans keep shipping it anyways (Larries I'm looking at you) and attack literally any girl/guy who comes into contact with them
I don't have a problem with it, I'm a big fan of a certain ship in a certain anime.

...But I really wish everyone don't attack each other for it (and the creator! The gosh darn CREATOR of their freaking story or whatever!). All the death threats or insults against me because I ship a pairing they don't like...
It'sbeenlike5or6years now!Growup, Alotofusaresupposedtobeadult s!CertainshippersinaCertainfanbase!
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I'm terrible for it. I'm just not vocal about it.

I've a friend people write dodgy fanfic about. It's icky.
im ok with it. i mean, i ship kinda. i just hate those who turn it into wars or attack people for it.

i hate people with ship real life people its just...gross and disrespectful.

i especially loathe yaoi shippers. they are really disrespectful and fetisize gay men. i hate how they look at me and squeal and ask me if im an uke or a seme. just. gross
I think it's ridiculous.

Especially some of the stuff I've read reguarding Castiel and Dean on Supernatural. o_O
I'm, not a big fan. I typically won't be against it unless its a pedophilic , abusive, etc. type ship. I will usually see it as kinda weird and get slightly uncomfortable if someone talks about shipping excessively, which is uhhhh unfortunately rather common with people my age.