Sig Contest January!

I don't know how many layers mine get....because I tend to merge and end up with about five in the end...or less. I use layers but then merge....hmmm... may be I'll keep them separate for now...
Most of my sigs have around 10-15 layers at the start and than I combine a bunch to make it like 5 or 6.
I never merge. I just work with few layers, because I never use things such as C4D's.

Mostly, because I can never find any good ones.
Ok there are only a few days left!!!
I have a sig... but I think I will need to work on a better one...
Tomorrow Night after 10 PM Central time Iwill not accept any more entries. Get your's in soon!!!
*drumroll please*

*building suspense*

[quote="Shadow_] A bit of side info, that took me two hours and has 36 layers. [/quote]
I don't even really understand how you add multiple layers to a sig, but okay. >_<

Good job though, Shadow!

Gengar said:
[quote="Shadow_] A bit of side info, that took me two hours and has 36 layers.
I don't even really understand how you add multiple layers to a sig, but okay. >_<

Good job though, Shadow!

^_^ [/quote]
Thanks, I showed JJ this sig and he got scared.
I really wish this other one I was working on would turn out... I just have to stick with the one I made there. Not the prettiest but not meant to be. Supposed to be from the mind of an assassin robot or something...

For January though really wanted to make a cool one using the frozen flame from Chrono Cross, but I couldn't get it right this week.... may be next contest....
Yea for some reason meh Gimp died and it won't reinstall properly. So I can't enter this month.

I made a really crappy sig and entered it. Personally, I think my newest sigs in my Library are better that the one I entered. Oh well, there's always next month. <_<

Great job on the sig, Shadow!
Zelandonia said:
I made a really crappy sig and entered it. Personally, I think my newest sigs in my Library are better that the one I entered. Oh well, there's always next month. <_<

Great job on the sig, Shadow!
Thanks you

Wow another good turnout....

and tough competition.

This will quite possibly be the last sig contest like this for a while. Next month I will be starting up themes. (Here's a hint, it will have to do with some new game coming out next month

:p to be honest I haven't decided yet what it will be)

The next contest might also have other interesting things about it.

for this one though will do it like last time except for one thing. After a few days that thae poll has been open I will close it and open a new one with the top sigs in it. This way everyone gets to re vote for the ones they think are truly the best

Zelandonia said:
I made a really crappy sig and entered it. Personally, I think my newest sigs in my Library are better that the one I entered. Oh well, there's always next month. <_<

Great job on the sig, Shadow!
I do allow reentries you know. If you want to change your sig just get me a link to the one you want
