So what makes you nostalgic?

certain perfumes my mom used to wear. she had this one she wore every day and i found it again and it was soooo weird. also, the PS1 startup noise fr
Old games like my favorite back in 6th grade: Crisis Core ! ! (PSA to everyone who hasn't played it yet: you should!)
The Pokemon Indigo League anime (if you can call it an anime. pls don't yell at me). Lisa Frank stuff. N'Sync/Backstreet Boys. Invader Zim. The entire state of Michigan
2013. Mostly because of the hype of all this Animal Crossing: New Leaf hype I had. Plus the games I played and the music I listened to during that time.

And a little bit of 2015. Mostly due to DLC Pack 2 from Mario Kart 8.
The Lengend of Zelda Ocarina of Time title screen. Panfu (This just auto corrected to Panty and I died laughing). Club penguin. Whenever I see one of my original villagers in someone else's town. Petpetpark (I have a vivid memory of playing this when I was waiting at my old dentist for my appointment.)
Playing remakes or remastered versions of games! The last time I felt nostalgic was when I booted up Pokemon Alpha Sapphire for the first time as Emerald was my first Pokemon game. The music and the intro just got to me...
The smell of crayons, smell of rain, Animal Crossing: GC music, (well, music from any old game I played.)...
The GameCube startup music, thunderstorms, ice cream trucks, and early morning car rides.
Shoujo manga from the 2000s, Nick Jr. cartoons from the early 2000s, Pokemon, Neopets, and 80s Strawberry Shortcake figurines.
Nothing makes me nostalgic, really. I tend to cut ties with everything from my past in order to continue to move forward.
Game soundtracks, especially the soundtracks from the first 3 Spyro games
Bumping my old threads, how sweet

I'd say certain smells, certain games, certain music, certain places. All remind me of something.