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Clothing Spiked Designs [Open for requests]


Hi I'm Spike!
Jan 3, 2014
Throwback Tickets
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Hello all, welcome to "Spiked Designs"

I've now been playing New Leaf since late December and finally got a fair few designs done, including a few requests. I just want to make something clear about my designs: I will not charge for them. I make these designs because it's fun and because I like to help others where I can. If you're determined to repay me for any designs I just ask you help someone else however you can, after all that's what makes this community such a nice place to be a part of :)

If I do say I can't do something I promise you it's not because I don't want to and I will do my best to explain my reason for not being able to complete the design.

I do have a tumblr page you can visit by clicking here. If you like a design please like it on there, it gives me a good idea of what designs are preferred and which aren't so that I can future outfits.

If you're interesting in making a request then simply post in this thread with your request but please be as descriptive as you can, add images if possible too as this helps me get the final design you're looking for :)

If you really want to thank me for my work I'm still trying to complete my gyroid collection so if you have any of the following on this list and don't mind parting with them I'd love to take them off of your hands but honestly this is not something you have to do to make a request.

Currently working on:

Next to work on:



(Click image for QR Codes)

Arsenal 13/14 Shirt

Bucky Barnes

Captain Nintendo

Creeper Jacket

Dr Luigi

Dr Who

Penguins Jersey


Sons of Anarchy cut

Winter Soldier cosplay


(Click image for QR Codes)

1800's Pink Dress

1800's Red Dress

Baabara Dress

Cookie Dress

Cooking Mama Cosplay

Dodo Chaplut Cosplay Dress

Draculaura Cosplay

Green Dress

New Leaf Teapot Dress

Pink Dress

Posh Plum Dress


Stitches Cosplay


Avengers Set


Iron Man & Thor - QR Code Link
Captain America & Spiderman - QR Code Link
Hulk - QR Code Link

DC Comics Set


Full Set - QR Code Link

Resident Evil


Full Set - QR Code Link

Sons of Anarchy


Full Set - QR Code Link

The Walking Dead


Full Set - QR Code Link

Thank you for viewing :)
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Oh, this is neat!! I'm looking forward to more of your designs already, haha. The sleeves are my favorite part; the pattern looks absolutely fantastic. I think I'll scan the QR code sometime to see what it looks like in-game x)

Will definitely keep checking back to see more of your designs. Out of curiosity, what kind of clothes and colors do you enjoy working with the most?
Oh, this is neat!! I'm looking forward to more of your designs already, haha. The sleeves are my favorite part; the pattern looks absolutely fantastic. I think I'll scan the QR code sometime to see what it looks like in-game x)

Will definitely keep checking back to see more of your designs. Out of curiosity, what kind of clothes and colors do you enjoy working with the most?
I'm pretty new to it to be honest so I haven't found my "thing" yet I suppose.

I tried a jackass one earlier but it didn't work at all so I've removed it now but I have since uploaded my latest design. It's an Arsenal football shirt from the 13/14 season with Ozil and his number on the back.

I think from this point on any designs I do that I'm not happy with I will remove and just keep the ones I am happy with on here.
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Updated with a few new designs:



Overalls with long sleeves, modified from short as requested by Adelee


Captain Nintendo:

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I got a fun one for you its based off my toon from my star wars game.
This is the thread i posted when i thaught of my idea

Theres a few ways we can do this since my toon is female.

We can use the 1 piece dress for the outfit with the skirt and the top.

And the long sleeve shirt that go well with the socker shorts since its easyer to work with

I have refs for the one with the skirt but verry few views of the shorts.

There is many views of her without a shirt so you can get the best view for the outfit since the shorts cover the pants just need to make the belt for the top of the socker shorts plus the matching top wont need to be that detailed since in animal crossing you dont see that much of the sides.
If you do the body lines or not use the pallet that has the 30 or 31 color i think thats the flesh color.
and do a color that is a little lighter or darker so the details stay.
Heres a ref of her.

http://s163.photobucket.com/user/wewikk/library/Fo-Fi Stuff

http://s163.photobucket.com/user/wewikk/library/Fo-Fi Stuff/Fo-Fi Pose Pictures

http://s163.photobucket.com/user/wewikk/library/Fo-Fi Stuff/Misc Fo-Fi stuff

This one might take a while if your up to it.

Hey there, sorry for not replying sooner but I've had a busy weekend and not been on here much. I've actually mocked up your design but done it as a sleeveless top. The only issue I hit was I did the wrong skin tone and so I need to adjust it before I can upload it. I can't do it now as the able sisters is closed on my game but I'll try and get it done tomorrow if I have time and get it on here :)
I've finally had time to get this done for you, as I mentioned in my thread I had to change the colours up a bit to match the soccer shorts that are in the game but this should match what your character is wearing and go well with the soccer shorts now :)





Hope you like it :)
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Somewhere somebody made an outfit that looks just like Muffy and I adore it! I wonder, if you have time or could do it, would it be possible to make one that is ice-blue like Baabara's? It's such a pretty colour and the ruffles are awesome. Plus a purple scarf would be great.

It's just a thought and I don't know if it would be too difficult - so ignore it if it is. But I think if it could be done it would look very pretty. :) Also...I wish I had her as a villager.


Not a very clear pic, but you can see what I mean by the colours. I wish I could locate where I found the Muffy dress...

Anyway, no pressure! Just a thought/fantasy I have. :)

Ah...found the Muffy one -

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Somewhere somebody made an outfit that looks just like Muffy and I adore it! I wonder, if you have time or could do it, would it be possible to make one that is ice-blue like Baabara's? It's such a pretty colour and the ruffles are awesome. Plus a purple scarf would be great.

It's just a thought and I don't know if it would be too difficult - so ignore it if it is. But I think if it could be done it would look very pretty. :) Also...I wish I had her as a villager.


Not a very clear pic, but you can see what I mean by the colours. I wish I could locate where I found the Muffy dress...

Anyway, no pressure! Just a thought/fantasy I have. :)

Ah...found the Muffy one -


Hey there, I had a go at this but it took me over an hour to be happy with what I came up with. I think the main issue I had was trying to make the colours work, ice blue was quite tough to work with without it looking all jagged. That said I came up with this and I hope you like it? It's highly inspired by design you posted and what you requested :)

Oh my FLIPPING goodness! This is GORGEOUS!!! I LOVE it! Can I give you some bells or something for it? I adore it! *copying it right now* At the very least I'll give you a great Wi-Fi rating. :)

You were right about the ice-blue likely being difficult to work with. I hadn't thought of that before I asked you. >_< Sorry! I should have thought of that. But, not being a designer, it hadn't crossed my mind.

I am sure that other people will love it, too. You've made the colour so lovely, and the purple bow is such a cute addition, and not only that, but the shimmer effect you added to the scarf and belt really add a magical feel. :)

You did a wonderful job. Thank you so much! <3
I'm glad you like it =) that's payment enough for me.

Awww...thanks! *blush* But I know what you mean. When I am able to make somebody happy I feel like that is reward enough for me, too.

However...you may have just opened my secret Pandora's Box! I may soon return and have another request. ;)

Actually, I really may! I am a woman, and so my mayors (I have several towns) have all female characters. But I now made a male secondary character and don't really like the stuff I have from the Able Sisters so far. If I find someone for a guy that really speaks to me I just may ask you. :)

Well, actually, I already DO know. I am older, so I'm not very familiar with the New Doctor Who series...I was raised on what is now called "Classic Who." Anyway, the first 3 Doctors were my faves. But in particular, John Pertwee (the 3rd Doctor) sometimes wore a green velvet jacket that was almost a teal-green but not quite... I'll try to find a pic. But do you think something like that could be done and not be too difficult or time-consuming for you?


Or...actually even this one with the red and purple -


If there are any already out there I haven't seen them. I did find some Dr. Who ones, but as I recall, the Pertwee one did not really look too great, imo. But it could be that it is difficult to do. I'm not sure. But I hope it doesn't hurt to ask.
Awww...thanks! *blush* But I know what you mean. When I am able to make somebody happy I feel like that is reward enough for me, too.

However...you may have just opened my secret Pandora's Box! I may soon return and have another request. ;)

Actually, I really may! I am a woman, and so my mayors (I have several towns) have all female characters. But I now made a male secondary character and don't really like the stuff I have from the Able Sisters so far. If I find someone for a guy that really speaks to me I just may ask you. :)

Well, actually, I already DO know. I am older, so I'm not very familiar with the New Doctor Who series...I was raised on what is now called "Classic Who." Anyway, the first 3 Doctors were my faves. But in particular, John Pertwee (the 3rd Doctor) sometimes wore a green velvet jacket that was almost a teal-green but not quite... I'll try to find a pic. But do you think something like that could be done and not be too difficult or time-consuming for you?


Or...actually even this one with the red and purple -


If there are any already out there I haven't seen them. I did find some Dr. Who ones, but as I recall, the Pertwee one did not really look too great, imo. But it could be that it is difficult to do. I'm not sure. But I hope it doesn't hurt to ask.
I like these designs, I wanted to give the red and purple one a go but the more I look at it the more I realise the problem is the purple part of the outfit needs to physically stick out and be longer than the legs (which cannot be done in AC:NL). It's a little disappointing as I'd love to make it.

I had a little look around and I found that the purple is essentially a jacket over his shoulders or some kind of throw. I could do the red jacket underneath as I've found that.

With the green jacket I found that this too when worn in full has another green jacket thrown over the top. Much like the one above I could do the green jacket underneath?

I'll have a play but let me know which you'd prefer and I'll see what I can do.
Ok so I had a little play and what I found is there isn't enough space to create the detail which gives the over all look of a "simple design" becoming cluttered.

I've taken a screenshot so you can have a look and see what I mean. I'm not sure what else I can do as it's simply not enough pixels to create what are actually quite small but defining details:


I'll give the green one a go when I have more time and see if that looks any better. I hate not being able to deliver lol
Oh, goodness, don't worry at all! The jacket in the pic...I see what you mean. The details aren't clear enough to look much like the Doctor's jacket. But if you have time, could you try the green? For one thing, the green is more "unique" in ACNL as far as jackets go and would probably resemble Pertwees much more than the red one.

Ugh...sorry about the design program not allowing the pixels, tho it does make sense that there would have to be limitations.

Yeah...the purple jacket over the red wouldn't look right because it would be too short in ACNL. Hmmm...I hadn't thought of that. Pertwee's graceful flair would be difficult to capture simply because of the designing options here, and he had no trouble in RL in wearing clothes that flow and can be folded back, and whatnot.

Tho, to be fair, maybe the red jacket in your pic would look better than I think if I do up my male character with more of Pertwee's hair style. The style on your character probably throws me off as to how the jacket REALLY looks, if that makes sense. Or if (sorry, my brain is really fuzzy at the moment) the purple with the red jacket underneath just may work! Or, hells bells, even his famous black and red almost Dracula-like, but with the Jon Pertwee flair, would be great! As much as I always loved how he looked, save for when he aged a great deal for the reunion Five Doctors with that awful patch-work thing that aged him even more, he ALWAYS looked good. :)

I really appreciate your time and effort. I feel guilty for giving you such difficult requests. I honestly didn't mean to! I just have no design experience at all so I really have no clue that my well-intentioned requests would be so difficult. >_<
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