Yeah sure I'll add you!Can I be in 7?
Yeah sure I'll add you!Can I be in 7?
Sooo looks like I'm making a team with Kokillue and piimisu!
Sooo looks like I'm making a team with Kokillue and piimisu!
Anyone wanna join my team 5 spots open. first 3 people who want to be on my team will be the main team and the other two will be subs.
Which name will team 7 be?
1 Splatnado
2 Octosquids
3 Your choice
Please note that team names will be picked when the team is assembled if I give you a fr on wiiu that means your on the team
- - - Post Merge - - -
Actually pm to join 5 spots only first come first serve
Hey man! I'll be on a team with you!Looking to either join or create a team. Either one is fine.
Can i enter?
I forgot to ask- are we allowed to have members that aren't on this forum? (Skype friend) If so we actually have a fourth member already. xD
Yes of course finally! Teams are full now But if someone happens to drop out, please let me know and don't tell me when it's finally ready to do a match. Also, the teams may be full but were always ready for more subs!
Seeing as how there's a large amount of people required for just one match, I was thinking we should start creating some rules and times so we know if we're going to do it all in one sitting or just do them one by one. Still, we'd best have a time prepared for it all.