• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

🏖️ Tansan

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New Horizons
Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Sunday Morning Knee Injury
What was meant to be a chill and lazy Sunday morning ended in a trip to the hospital to treat a crippling knee pain.

I've been hard at work remodelling a few facilities on the holiday island, as well as redoing a few rooms in my house. This journal entry will show some sneak peaks of what I've been working on with separate picture entries coming later so I can document them better. So for now, enjoy a not-so-typical Sunday on Tansan!


The day started off with me checking the mail. Now that I've had more time to play daily I've been meaning to start a few correspondence chains to see what kind of letters I can get since I normally don't send letters to villagers. Maybe I should write to Hamphrey to let him know that Jambette knows a thing or two about love and fishing?


My usual routine involves me making my island rounds and busting out my dance moves whenever possible. I'm sure my villagers (and special villagers) are sick of my overly enthusiastic dancing by now. But I laboured for hours building vacation homes for these financially irresponsible animals just to learn how to dance like an awkward teenager, so I'm going to dance damn it!


Afterwards I went to visit Dizzy in his recently remodelled home and saw that Scoot was hanging out! He suggested we play some three-on-three team basketball. I'm trying to keep active, so I took this suggestion seriously, even though I'm pretty sure Scoot has no idea what a team means, or how to play basketball.


Sadly, neither Scoot or Dizzy showed up to our scheduled game. So instead I jammed out with Tabby by the record store. At this point in the morning I was beginning to feel some weird clicking and pain in my knee, but I brushed it off and went about my business.


After some hardcore missing-the-basket, I ran into Ken. To fulfil my good deed quota for the day, I found and I returned Ken's missing coin pouch! After looking all over the island for it, the pouch turned out to be in the most obvious place. Since Ken is such an avid fashionista, of course the last place he'd leave it would be by the Able Sister sales! He was probably trying to keep up with the cool kid trends. But we all know that anything a villager buys on the spur of the moment is just going to end up in my pockets anyways.

Apparently Ken had a present all ready for me. It was a heart apron. Something tells me that he would have found a way to give this to me whether or not I found his coin purse. I'm glad he resisted the urge to gift me a maid apron and opted for a more appropriate toned-down version of his fantasies.


Ken's gift inspired me to do some baking in my newly made Kitchen! Yesterday I moved my hobby room to the basement and made my kitchen (which was previously in the main room) into its own dedicated space! Maybe it's still a work in progress because I was using whatever items I had in my inventory, but I'm happy with how it looks so far! Will post some better photos or updates later.


Of course, baking is better shared with friends, so I brought my pear pie over to Jambette's! It was at that moment that the pain I felt earlier could no longer be ignored. I suspected that the workout I did on my own at the basketball courts in Converses that has zero ankle support is probably the reason behind my problems. I was confident that I could get this sorted out quickly, because I did design the hospital myself with top notch facilities after all.



I hurried to the hospital still dressed in my apron and slippers and made my appointment with Dr. T-Bone. (I thought he'd be a fitting bone doctor what with his career appropriate name and all ha-ha... fun fact: we also share the same birthday). I had only sat down for a few seconds before Nurse Gala called me in, even though it was obvious that the others had been waiting there for hours. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the 50,000 Poki donation I slipped in earlier.


To my horror, it turns out that the problem was my dancing all along. I didn't want to admit it, but it's likely I'll have to tone down the gyrating from now on. The doctor then went on to say some smart stuff and I was beginning to be very impressed with the hospital and professionalism... that's all until Dr. T-Bone told me to wear a full on Halloween costume during my recovery process. Hmm... I wonder how much Poki it will take to remove this doctor?


Since I had only just remodelled the hospital recently, I had no idea that this little interaction with the nurse and doctor could even take place, so that was a fun surprise. I'm looking forward to getting hurt more often and seeing what the other dialogue/cure options are. I guess I better keep on dancing and find out.

Main Room (Living Room)
Taking Tasha's advice, I finally decided to switch up my main room! While I liked how it was before too, it felt a little cramped because I tried to fit both a kitchen and living space together. I removed a partition wall that was obstructing some views and tried a more spacious layout after moving my kitchen to its own room. I love how it looks!



I decided to use the "screen wall" doors idea in my own home after playing around with it for Kitt's HHP house! My hobby room that I moved down to the basement also uses this accent wall. I'm kind of in love with it. It really makes for a cute little implied closet space.



My favourite little feature is probably this window into my reading nook created by the pillars.​

This back wall used to be full with stuff but I decided to keep it simple and tidy this time.​


Memories of a Pre-2.0 House Interior

My side character Hyuji has been somewhat of a forever WIP/afterthought on my island. I originally created him to make the character list on the map page even, then I had plans to turn his house into a cafe during that dreaded period of "wondering if they would ever add Brewster". After a while I decided I'd turn him into a regular character and design a home for him. Now that it's been ages since the 2.0 update has been out, I thought it was finally time to give Hyuji's home an upgrade too. The poor dude has been stuck in the past and living with bedhead for over a year. Before I start his house remodel, I thought I would share some pre-2.0 photos of what his messy life looked like before, as well as his current location/exterior! It's kinda funny looking back and seeing how I used to interior design with our limited furniture list.



First off, I gotta say I kind of regret naming this character "Hyuji" just because it sounds strange as a human name. The name is supposed to be the Korean name of my favourite villager Dizzy (휴지) which means Tissue. Because of Dizzy's nature and also the silliness of his name being Tissue, I wanted to give this side character a messy personality, hence the state of his house. Coincidentally, Dizzy was hangin' around to say hi when I summoned Hyuji back to life.


Hyuji's exterior and location has always been my favourite ever since I redid my island. I had only gone on his character to upgrade his exterior and move his house location to my "countryside" part of town. I liked it so much that I considered moving my own character to this location instead, but I enjoyed my own rep being close to townhall and the shops too much to make the change.



Hyuji lives right above the countryside zone, near the graveyard and the connection to the main villager district. I particularly love this area because it has a bridge feature that has survived many versions of Tansan.



Main Room

I wanted to make this room as bright and funky and messy as possible. Basically this whole house is what I imagine a lazy villager-type would have if they had a mansion like our characters do. But in reality this room was me throwing together whatever furniture my main character could spare him.




This room is actually one of my favourite bathrooms I've ever designed so far and I don't think it needs much editing when I go in to re-do it. The bathroom was inspired by the aesthetics of homes I saw when I used to live in Malaysia, particularly when I went on a trip to Malacca. The flooring I used is my favourite in the game, but I wasn't quite sure how I could fit it in my own house (I don't like reusing/repeating "unique" type flooring throughout houses). Hyuji's other rooms don’t quite fit the vibe of this either, so I'll do some editing to make it more cohesive when I remodel.




Here's the kitchen, using the orange version of my favourite flooring! The main requirements I had for this kitchen was to somehow use this flooring and the halloween table settings that I thought suit this character really well. I'm happy with this room as well, but I'll definitely make better use of the kitchen items that were introduced with the update.



I kind of struggled with this bedroom because I wasn't fond of the old sets we had and didn't want to resort to using the wooden furniture for everything, so I'm glad I get to redesign this. This room had a similar feeling to the main room but there was just something off with it. Maybe it was the dumb wallpaper choice haha. You can tell that Hyuji is a K.K. fan.



And finally, here's the 2nd floor attic! Back then before we had cool partitions, I always struggled with how to compose the longer type rooms. It's the reason why I never bothered to upgrade Hyuji's house to have a basement and I'm still not sure I will. I just gave up designing this house pretty much, but the result was a kind of awesome and eerie attic space. I'm probably going to end up turning this into a bedroom in my update, but I really do like the emptiness of this room.

More Exteriors



Before I end this entry, here are a few more views of the areas surrounding Hyuji's house. He is in an interesting location because his house overlooks several location spots in town: countryside, graveyard, and fishing village. There's a ladder that goes up to a little cliff that overlooks the fishing village behind him. I love HUGE lake views so I considered making the lake view even larger and removing some part of the fishing village, but I also like how my island flows at the moment. Maybe it's something to consider for next time.

Well that's all for Hyuji so far! I will slowly work on his new house and have it ready for my next update. Currently, my only extra room I have planned for him is a gardening room since I think it suits his current country lifestyle more. Thanks for reading!

In an earlier entry I posted some photos of my kitchen after I moved it from my living room to its own room. I made a few small changes since then, replacing the wallpaper and some items to give the kitchen an overall darker colour scheme. I've been slowly editing all the rooms in my house to have darker tones as well, including the living room, bathroom, and music room. I'm pretty satisfied with how it looks more stylish but still has my usual cosy/slightly cluttered feeling. Anyways, here are some of the latest photos of my kitchen! Excited to do more cooking in here.





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