• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

🏖️ Tansan

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New Horizons
Island/Town Name
Native Fruit


A Stable of Stars for Winnie


Since Tansan doesn't really have much space for new developments, I'm going to be posting some of the enchanted themed HHP houses I've designed and am designing during this fair period! I'm always inclined to make to make HHP houses fully functional as actual houses, like I did this one, but I might break theme and do some "outdoor" interiors as well! Here's Winnie's Stable of Stars!




Main Room: Kitchen, Living Room, Bathroom





Dining Area




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It's Tabby's birthday today! After spending hours hard at work at the studio, Tabby wanted her best buddies to be the first to witness her upcoming album's concept and invited us to an exclusive birthday show. She wanted to jump on the enchanted theme bandwagon, and she killed it! Ursala has already started filming NookToks to make her go viral. Happy birthday Tabby! I hope you fulfil all your dreams🎈
🍄 Mushroom Cavern 🍄
TBT Fair 2022

This was not what Erik had in mind when he created the wholesome Tansan Scouts. Poor Erik was lead to believe that he was assisting Hamphrey in finding his "misplaced car keys" but was duped into trekking hours through a murky cave with no snacks on the ready, embarking on a hunt to find the fabled glowing moss treasure trove. He could hear the faint whisper coming from two strange gyroids: "🎵 Eat the mushrooms! They will give you strength and show you the light! 🎶" Or maybe it was just his stomach growling?

Continuing where I left off…

A lot has happened that has kept me busy and away from Tansan, hence the sudden halt in my journal entries. I basically quit my job, went on a two month vacation, came back and met my boyfriend (who I moved in with), started a new career (for now). Life seemed to be moving at warp speed and in a direction I was terrifyingly happy with. Although things are changing, life in Tansan is still the same, sleepy island I remember it to be. Summer, my favourite season that I never get to play fully, came and went. An unfamiliar coat of snow covered Tansan when I logged in for the first time in months. I don’t normally play the winter months, so I thought the bell tree’s newest event would be the perfect time to revisit my happy place. For those who are back to blogging like me, I’m excited to read everyone’s journals and get back into posting again! I’m sure I’ll have a lot more to write in the coming entries… but for now I am battling body aches so here are a few photos from my snowy return.

Winter poses a great problem for Jules’ point card completion… harassment from a snow man is not worth me kicking away my dirt paths. These tasks will be left ignored this winter once again. ⛄️​

Warming up inside on a snowy day ❄️

Catching up on Birthdays
During my 5 month hiatus, I missed several birthday parties on Tansan. When I first restarted my island journal I wanted to make sure I celebrated every birthday, as there’s always one or two I miss over the years. In fact, I’ve had Ursala since we got off the seaplane together in 2020 and I think I only celebrated her birthday once. Better late than never, so I decided to throw them all belated parties! For Ursala (who’s birthday was a few days ago), we rented out a hip new cafe for the night. For Jambette we did some frog things at an onsen. Finally, for Tasha, the boys and I pooled some money together to buy her some antiques!


The best view with the best frog

Today was a rather uneventful day on Tansan, but that’s most days now that my island is “done”. I used to log into the game and stress out that there’s something I need to do, or a new project I should start… but now a days I’m content with running around and doing nothing, just taking photos and hanging out. After having this island for a few years and thinking that nothing is new, I realised that the sights of this version of Tansan are all new to me in the winter. I don’t think I’ve even snapped a picture of my favourite view point covered in snow. So here I am today, a tourist on my own island, admiring the best view with the best frog.


Outfit of the Day

So I received this letter in the mail today from Cyd. Cyd would appreciate the Jules in real life. I’m the type of person that has a few go-to outfits that I wear on rotation every day, so no, I don’t really need a mirror to check my fit. But Jules of Tansan… sure, I have a few outfits that I bought myself, but most of the things in my closet are dumb things my villagers have thrown at me. So in the spirit of “throw on whatever and start your day” I decided to leave today’s outfit in the hands of a random number generator. I gotta say, the drip was coincidentally very color coordinated… but landing on a bug cage was pure probability (having 30 bug bags from trying to grind for cobwebs surely didn’t help). Now time to go on a quick run to the convenient store and hope I don’t bump into anyone I know…


Happy Lunar New Year

Happy Chinese/Lunar New Year to all who celebrates! It's now the year of the rabbit. I have two days off from work and I got my fair share of ang bao already. I guess the only bad thing about getting older is now I'm the auntie that needs to distribute red packets too. Thankfully, I don't have to worry about being too cheap (or feel too poor) on Tansan. I can go all out on treating my Tansan family to a lavish dinner! Here's another to add to the Tansan family album!

xin nian kuai le
happy new year!!
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Ursala's Class Reunion
I'm catching up on some of the old letters and gifts I've received from villagers while I was away. There's a whole pile of them waiting to be read on my antique bureau. One gift that could not be ignored was a giant microwave left on my door step, covered in snow. Apparently Ursala had gone off to a class reunion in her hometown and won it in a raffle. Since she only has a diet of wild berries and Tansan's native cherries, I guess she had no use for this. Hopefully winning this raffle doesn't mean that Ursala used up all her luck for the new year.

In my first island journal I wrote how I imagined Ursala living in a small town of bears before she moved out to Tansan. I never saw her as the class reunion type, but I'm sure she was eager to boast to her mates about how she went from pitching a tent on a deserted island to becoming a homeowner and helping make Tansan the bustling beach town it is today. Anyways, thanks for the free gift, boss!


Defrosted the microwave and gave it a test spin. Glad to be eating leftover warm pizzas again!
(unpopular opinion, but I absolutely hate cold pizza)


Gone Fishin’

Tonight I revisited one of my favourite areas, Tansan’s fishing village! Home to Ken & Hamphrey, this quiet town is still hardworking as ever, even in the dead of winter. The boys of the fishing village might not have the classic summer spreads available at the fish market and restaurant, but old Hamphrey does cook up the best hearty black bass seafood stew that will warm you right up. Although I usually prefer not to play at night (or when it rains, or when it’s cloudy, so picky this one ah) I love how lively the fishing village looks with all the lights on.


Pictured: Entrance to the fishing village from the south east country side, the seafood shack, and Ken’s house


I also had totally forgotten that I made a new build before I took a hiatus. I would have liked to show it off during a greener season, but I thought it would be fitting to include it in this post because it also connects into the fishing village. Previously, this area behind the bridge was the graveyard, a long time staple of Tansan. However, my need to continue to “fill” areas of Tansan with more shops and buildings took over, naturally. Not sure if I’ll move the graveyard elsewhere, since I do like the look of the zen stones, but for now I’m happy to extend the look and feel of the shanty houses that occupy many spaces on the island. This post shows how the graveyard looked like in the summer. I may redo this area again in the future, but for now I’m happy with some new mini builds to keep the villagers on their toes. No neighborhood is safe… No land is sacred.


Basement Art Studio + Arson attempt
I didn’t post yesterday because I literally spent all of my time doing nothing but crafting what seemed like enough campfires (the easiest DIY thanks to the tree branch epidemic) to host a Tansan Burning Man. Sometimes I’m fine with point cards completions coming naturally, but I don’t know what came over me when I decided to do close to 500 DIY projects in one sitting to finally complete my “DIY Furniture” point card. My poor choices were definitely not a win-win-win situation, because I almost burned my house down in the process. So in honor of 3000 furnitures crafted. I thought I’d show off my basement that I recently finished remodeling (with an Erik cameo who dropped by to give me an apple amidst the chaos).

My basement art studio is split up between a pottery set up/ DIY table (current project: perfect the art of gyroid anatomy) and my general painting area. Despite working as an illustrator in real life, I never attempted to transfer my illustrations into mini-canvas form. So to make up the space I’m using my classic salmon run designs that I used in my Grizzco HQ part of town. The art studio was saved from the fires thankfully. Luckily I had a sprinkler service installed because of the ceramics kiln.



Visiting the Island of Inkwell


I’m doing something a little different for this entry (at least for my typical strictly-Tansan journal entries). Today I wanted to post some photos from my visit to Inkwell, @Nefarious ’s island! We tried to organise a mini staff party to visit Tansan at first and I was excited to play tour guide once again, but for some reason my gates refused to show up no matter what I tried… I don’t know what my villagers were up to while I was absent to get us on the no-fly list but unfortunately travels to Tansan have been halted for now. Thankfully, there’s no shortage of other islands to visit! Thank you to Nef for being a gracious (and silent, mysterious) host and to @Pyoopi and @Mick for hanging out!



The crew touched down on Inkwell around 6:30pm. After a warning from Nef that he hadn’t “updated his island in a year” we ran off to see this little island stuck in time. Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of outdoor pictures. As with most friend visits, outdoor explorations consist mainly of chaotic running around and bonking each other on the head. Although I did love this little bar area by town hall!! Of course @Pyoopi ran into the bar first to serve up the drinks despite the host being right there with Inkwell specials up on the board. Any opportunity to mix a suspicious TeeHeeTiki cocktail, Pyoopi will grab it.


I also loved this little guy​



We spent most of the visit nice and toasty inside Nef’s mansion. He had a mixture of ornate, antique, and homey furnishings that captured his character’s mysterious persona. As expressionless as he was, his home was full of personality and perhaps, a dark secret. As expected, Pyoopi lead the way through each room. Now I’m inclined to believe she’s complicit in whatever secrets Nef is hiding. Weird vibes, but otherwise a welcoming home overall. Nef is also a green thumb, managing to keep a greenhouse of pumpkins alive for a year in his home.


Lots of squeezing into small spaces and stepping over bloodstains.
Nef either has terrible nosebleeds or needs to get better at hiding evidence


A peaceful snooze interrupted by a live band of alarm ringtones.

I’ve sported the same hair cut for months so I thought it was time for a change. The first time was a failure though.


Finally we decided to end the night at the cafe. Nef gladly offered to pay for all of us… but @Mick had the audacity to gulp down the entire thing before the host could take a sip (and show off his empty cup to the camera). It was a cute interaction that I’ve never experienced before (thanks for the tip @river - got the idea to try it out for the first time too from their journal).

Thank you again Nef for showing us around. Hopefully tourism in Tansan will be back in business soon too!



The Last of Winter?

This is my 10th journal entry for the "New Year New Horizons" ACNH blogging event, which means I'll probably conclude my longer text-heavy posts and revert back to my usual format of sporadic uploads and snap shots from Tansan (now that I'm back in the momentum of journalling again). I have a few HHP projects to share, finally (which was mostly what I was up to when I came back to the game), but for this last entry I wanted to focus a little bit on my villagers. Despite playing the game regularly for a few weeks now, my villagers were upset that I hadn't talked to them at all (oops). Who knows, maybe the next time I get to catch up with my villagers it will be spring. Anyways, on this cold winter day, here's what some of Tansan's residents were up to!

Ran into Tabby and Scoot hanging out at the museum. Apparently they had gone in together but Tabby got distracted, leaving Scoot to his 5th cup of coffee while waiting for her. Do you know what caffeine does to a duck? Scoot was talking poor Brewster's feathers off about the personalities of each of his abs. Looks like Tabby was in better company. Her eyes were glued to a very plump ranchu goldfish the whole time. It sure was cute, but Tabby was also drooling a bit. Maybe I should have kept a better eye on her?



Caught up with Dizzy who was in a bit of a pickle. He had gotten into a fight with Ken over sharing snacks and wanted me to help mend their friendship. I wondered what would happen if villagers actually took responsibility for their actions, so I told him to apologise himself. I was very proud of Dizzy, who went above and beyond to apologise to Ken, setting up a whole picnic date for them. Turns out Ken also had some apologising to do - Dizzy had initially refused to share his snacks because Ken, being the food snob that he is, once said that peanut butter and jelly was uncultured.


Next I did my rounds to the fishing village to check up on Hamphrey and Ken (who made it back from Dizzy's southern hemisphere picnic trip in record time). Ken had a visitor over! It was Tasha, who had stopped by to buy some fresh mackerel (do squirrels eat fish?). It seems that Ken took something away from the earlier apology picnic, as he had also prepared some peanut butter and jelly for the guest of honour.

Nothing really new with Hamphrey. As the oldest villager in town, he does his best to get in his morning exercise and then likes to go home to vegetate with some coffee and a good book. He also told me he was ready to retire and invest in a holiday home on the island.


Next I ran around to find the other kids. It was freezing out even though I was layered up in the best heat tech imaginable, so I don't blame my villagers for staying indoors. Jambette was cooking up a storm (for literally 9 hours, even when I was time traveling throughout the day). She taught me how to make an orange tarte! Erik was fast asleep in front of the door when I came to greet him, so I didn't bother waking him up. Instead I took a quick snooze as well. He was mumbling something about gigantic mecha robots and puppies. On my way out I found Ursala trying her luck at ice fishing at the canal. I found out that the little green scooter parked out here was hers - every day around 3pm she takes it for a spin and the stops here for a bit to fish and listen to the tunes from the record shop nearby. I guess that makes sense - most of my villagers legs wouldn't be able to touch the floor.

Finally, I went to check up on Cyd. It was easy enough to spot his big red head from across the bridge. I wanted to stick around to see if his weather forecast was accurate, even if the grammar in his programming was a little off.



Thanks for the tip buddy!

Thank you all who stuck around and read my blog during this event period!
Once I merge my blog I'll get back to my regular posting habits. Hope to see you again soon!​
Outfit of the Day

Today I received a gift in the mail. It was a new pair of wooden framed glasses! It's okay Tabby, I know what you
meant by your letter. It's not like you gifted me a coupon to get a nosejob.


After checking my mail I ran around the island trying to find her to say thank you and return her autograph book she dropped in front of a sandwich shop. To say thanks she gave me a faux-fur hat! Thus my outfit of the day was complete: a new hat and a new pair of glasses. Maybe she is trying to cover up as much as my ugly mug as much as possible...


Yesterday was Hamphrey's birthday! This was a special one because it was the first time I celebrated his birthday with him since he arrived in early March 2020. Maybe because I always forget to play during the winter months. The snow had cleared just in time for Hamphrey's birthday too. After having a small party with Erik, I took him out for his after party surprise: A bonsai workshop! He ended up being more knowledgeable than the instructor. Hopefully Ken and Dizzy can keep theirs alive until the summer!

No More Snow! New Outfit! New Build! Villager Houses! Featuring Hamphrey

The snow has finally melted on Tansan! So instead of doing work I'm going to procrastinate and post a longer journal entry this time. I thought I'd post some pictures of my new build that I mentioned earlier, in a less snowy white environment... as well as some pictures of my villager residential neighborhood, because I realised from my master post that it's a highlighted area I haven't documented yet.



Outfit of the Day


First things first, I checked my mail box and saw that Hamphrey gave me a party favor for his birthday a couple days ago! It was an adorable bright purple faux fur bag. Scoot also gifted me a coatigan for apparently being his inspiration for staying fit. Am I letting myself go that noticeably? Anyways, I put together an outfit based on Hamphrey and Scoot's gifts - I paired it with a bright purple tiny top hat (name not accurate) and some purple cobweb tights. I saw Hamphrey going out for a stroll in the neighborhood now that he no longer is in danger of getting buried alive in snow. I tried to take a photo with him and the outfit... but it proved to be exceedingly difficult... Some outtakes of tripod mode on the left. Stop walking away Hamphrey! It turned out that the best photo I took of us together was when he was mid-outfit change.



Abandoned Shack

Now for some photos of my new build now that the snow has cleared! No one on Tansan was truly happy that the newest real estate project quickly became a dilapidated compound... but at least there's some nice views. Despite the hazard warning (shaky foundation and angry spirits), the house is the perfect spot for roof top picnics overlooking the big lake and the fishing village. Hamphrey stopped by with me to check it out.


Villager Residential Area, Tier 2

Lastly, here's my villager residential area. I may have posted shots of this before but probably not all the houses together. When I first started making Tansan 2.0 I decided to keep a cluster of villagers together with similar houses on the second tier. Originally I wanted to have my first 5 villagers, Ursala, Scoot, Tabby, Erik, and Jambette together, but I decided to put Dizzy in the residential area instead of Erik, who I moved to the countryside on his own. Mostly for aesthetic reasons. And I felt bad for leaving Dizzy without any villager friends around - something about him seems more like an incompetent lazy than Erik. The residential area has some great views overlooking bodies of water and most of them have their own personalised porch. There's also a playground by Dizzy and a little pumpkin patch by Ursala!


Well that's all for today. Thank you for reading!​


Bedroom Update


It's finally Spring on Tansan so it's time for some spring cleaning! I've had this bedroom update build for a while now since the last time I documented it here, so I wanted to post the updated version after changing some miscellaneous items around, namely my favourite gift from mumzy, the handmade candles! My new bedroom in comparison to the old version has a lot more earthy tones and an antique feel that is more coherent to the rest of my current house. I'll be updating my main post with my other room changes that I haven't posted here yet as well.


The bedroom is split between my sleeping area and the bathroom/lounge. I would have liked to put a library somewhere in this room but I decided to utilise the counter top in front of the partition instead.


Of course, my furnishings had to be asian-themed, similar to my home aesthetics in real life. I have an imperial dresser just like that one in my own room! Wish I could find a vintage banker lamp somewhere, though.


My favourite part of this corner is the greenery without overwhelming it with plants. The hanging ivy peeking out behind the screen is a nice feature. I wanted to have more plants but who am I kidding. I'm not that much of a green thumb in real life (at least for houseplants). I'm more of a "let my balcony grow wild like a jungle" type of person. So my "outdoor" courtyard/garden room is actually more accurate to my plant caring habits.


Close up of my desk area. I considered using a regular computer/work desk but the one I wanted to use was already in use in the basement so I used an antique table for variety. (I don't like repeating furniture too often)


Here's the view of the other side of the room. The bathroom walls are made up of the partition and the large antique wardrobe.


A peek into the bathroom. The angle was too weird to take a nice photo but I also fit in a toilet and clawfoot bathtub in the back.
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