

i ate six bags of chips last night
Nov 8, 2017
Does anyone here have any tattoos? If so, how many?

I have 9. My favorite one being this one on the back of my arm.


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I have 6. I'd like to get more, but I haven't settled on the design, so I'll hold off. I think my favorite is one of my shoulder pieces. It has a stylized Tree of Life with the word "family" in 4 languages, to represent my background. It's simple, only black ink, but I'm happy with the design.
I've seventeen. Had to cancel two due to COVID-19 unfortunately, although I have a design reserved with my favourite artist once this is all over. Most of mine fall under American Traditional and tend to feature animals and pin-ups. I can't post my favourite on TBT due to graphic nudity, so here's my second favourite (although it is still NSFW):
Here's a picture of my tattoo when I first got it.


You'll notice a signature on the picture. The picture was taken by (and the tattoo was done by) Enya Mahuta. You can find her on instagram.

I would like to get a tattoo collection that eventually culminates to be a half or 3/4 sleeve. I also would love to get tattooed by Kelly Doty!
I have three tattoos, with my favorite one being the portrait of my cat who passed away a couple of months ago! I loved him dearly and luckily he passed away peacefully, but I’m even more glad that, through my tattoo, I am able to celebrate his life and have his memory with me forever.
I'm going to start getting tattoos but I don't know what to do. Any tips?
It's a huge decision as the tattoo will stay on your body for the rest of your life so be sure that you won't get sick of looking at it! Find a reputable tattoo artist at a reputable shop who is willing to work with you on your ideas - definitely don't cheap out! Consider if your place of work will react negatively to tattoos. If so, consider more discrete locations such as back, upper arm, thigh, etc.
I've just got two, one of a mandala and one of a falcon, I'm super happy I payed a higher price for them cause I love how they turned out.


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i dont think i can ever get one bc of my slight fear of needles lol it looks painful, im curious to know what everyone's experience is like!! i also cant decide on what i want so id just.. not hahaha
I have 0 tattoos and don't want any 🐜
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Here's a picture of my tattoo when I first got it.

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You'll notice a signature on the picture. The picture was taken by (and the tattoo was done by) Enya Mahuta. You can find her on instagram.

I would like to get a tattoo collection that eventually culminates to be a half or 3/4 sleeve. I also would love to get tattooed by Kelly Doty!
Looks like coraline
i dont think i can ever get one bc of my slight fear of needles lol it looks painful, im curious to know what everyone's experience is like!! i also cant decide on what i want so id just.. not hahaha

I hate needles in a medical context, but being tattooed isn't so bad. Depending on the size and placement it can be a near painless experience. Often they don't really start to hurt until after your body's inflammatory response kicks in and has caused the area to swell.
I don't have any but I love seeing them on other people! Some of them are literally works of art! I doubt I'll ever get any myself simply because I'm very indecisive and I'm afraid I would wake up one day and not like it anymore but I still think they're really cool!
I used to work for a tattoo artist in Portland, those were fun times. You would think I’d have more, but I only have one on my leg and plan to have it covered as soon as possible. My sister has both sleeves done, so I tend to not want to do the same as her. I do want to get a lot on my legs because I’m self conscious about them, and I want to turn an insecurity into something I love. I’ll probably get a circle of 5ths done somewhere because I’m a music nerd. My sister and I are also planing to get matching tattoos on our wrists bees with a crown above it because we’re queen bees.
i have a ton but here are some notable ones in an album!
my most recent one is my junji ito / caterpillar tattoo, it’s my fave one!
edit: i just counted but i have a total of 14 whole tattoos lol
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I don't have any (I have yet to find a tattoo shop I wholeheartedly trust) but I'm planning to get some small subtle minimalist tattoos in the future :)
I only have one, but I want to get it covered up .-. I got it when I turned 18 and I didn't know anything about tattoo etiquette ... What happened was, I found a picture I liked online and had the artist basically just plagiarize someone else's art... I feel so freaking bad about it, I do resent the artist a bit because he didn't let me know any better and he didn't suggest any changes, but at the end of the day I don't blame him. I'm just glad I learned (thx to Qknd on youtube).

I do eventually want to get a traditional dagger on my calf, I want to incorporate a nautical star on it, as tribute and in honor of my grandfather. I also want to incorporate other little details in honor of my other grandparents, just haven't thought of anything yet.
I do like tattoos but I would never have one. I did have a henna tattoo of a butterfly ~ which did hurt really bad, I’m glad it wasn’t a permanent tattoo.

This is one of 5! This is my favourite though as it’s a tribute to my grandad who passsed in November. The bird is the same as the birds he had tattooed on his hands and the Roman numerals are his birthday❤️
Don't have any myself (haven't really gotten into it nor found stuff I'd want there permanently) but if I find that one motif I probably would go for it.

Love seeing all of yours though! :)