Pokémon TBT Gaming Week: Pokemon Tournament

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i'm unusually busy today but feel free to arrange a time with me through pm/vm to play later or whichever day you're free, i'll be able to play at around 10:30PM and after (time zone is GMT) and tomorrow should be more flexible, starting from 2PM :)
I'm available to battle in like 2 hours, please pm me if you're available as well!
I'm supposed to be playing Mario Kart for about 1-1.5 hours, but if ya VM or PM me we can settle a time for playing Pokemon!
Since the Mario Kart 8 race hasn't happened yet today, anyone available for a quick battle?
i guess i cant join cause i was too late to register my pokemon team
got another hour or so before i’m gonna wanna go to bed if anyone’s around to battle

great battles!! sent my screenshots :>
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I'm also free to play Pokemon so let me know via DM/VM or discord @ChibiMiharu#7333

I'll be on for another 3-4 hours! If we've already fought but you're still itching for a battle, I'll happily be up for a for-fun rematch!!

So far I've done 5 battles.

L W L W L it's seeming like, lmaooo
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I?m around if anyone wants to play :> i?m poqu#5111 on discord too!
lol I squeaked one out from glow, but GDI she got two freezes on my pokemon... I WAS RAGING
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