(Finally done re-reading thread LOL)
A little late on these, but after re-reading the thread about a total of 3 times (not consecutively), here are my thoughts/questions that kind of popped out/seemed iffy to me XD (Note: Some questions I had, have already been asked and answered by someone else haha! So I don't feel the need to repost/reask the same question unless you guys really want me to XD As for my thoughts/opinions on everyone, I'll post them in a separate post )
I'm kind of iffy on the bold because either he doesn't want us to know how he reacts under pressure or he really doesn't know XD
What's the "same as always?" Can you elaborate for me please? :3
This post is kind of iffy to me. Honestly Bingo's early post about Jacob almost made me lean towards Jacob being maf, but when I re-read this post after catching up to the recent posts (especially Sataric's post about Trundle post #422 on page 43 & Dolby's post about Trundle post #443 on page 45), my question for you,Bingo, is how could you read Jacob as being mafia when he also stated that he would be changing his playstyle?
Tardis: I feel slightly suspicious of mainly due to his answer to those 5 questions where Daniel pointed out why he switched to town when he apparently said he liked mafia more in a different game? xD
Sorry, I wasn't caught up with everything during the time you posted this because I was working from 9am to 5pm today haha ; v; As I explained when I got back home from work today, I couldn't do any reads prior before because I'm still new to this haha xD It was very confusing for me at first. ; v ;
(Also I did post an update at 10:41am saying "Hey guys, I will give what input I have when I read what I missed (*?v`*) Currently working and won't be able to be on until 5-6pm ish PST time." while I was at work today XD )
Yeah, at first I was very hesitant on giving any opinions because I wasn't sure what to think or how I could find out who was mafia. I had very little to work with and I found myself at a disadvantage because I didn't know anyone's playstyles, so it's very hard for me to give like concrete evidence/opinions on someone I thought who might be mafia. Also, in the beginning I was confused about how this game worked because all the posts to me seemed just normal and just people spamming/talking in the thread until it got intense during Jacob's/Trundle's post. (Not to mention a lot of abbreviations you guys were using were confusing me to death LOL Like D1/N1/N1'd/Meta/etc, though after reading the whole thread I get the gist of it now haha!) I started to understand the game A LOT more today after reading everything, so now hopefully I can be helpful XD As for Jacob and Trundle, I posted a small view/question regarding that above. Right now I'm more suspicious of Bingo then Jacob. As for Daniel, he's null for me as of now. :3