Hey guys! Im back home XD Ate some delicious sushi with my fam (*?v`*) Anyways back on topic, I re looked over the rules to double check if it was okay to post my will XD And it said as long as its texts its good so here were my thoughts. I started typing all that up at 8:10pm cx Though I have more to add soon and some questions unanswered. ; v;
"If I get sniped, here are my reads of the current situation since 8:10pm PST time. Depending on who dies, will depend on how everything will be looked at again. ; v ; Good luck everyone!!! Hope I was somewhat helpful during my last breath! :'D <3 (Near the bottom I was kind of in a rush since my aunt and uncle are picking me up now to spend time with them since they came down from Texas to LA to where I'm at now haha! XD So sorry I couldn't put in as much detail as I could!)
Alexi - I'm not sure what to say about Alexi. A lot of people seem to be saying she's leaning towards mafia, honestly I haven't picked that up yet. As I've mentioned before, she seemed really town like, though as Sataric had said, maybe she's trying too hard to be town like to trick us? As of now I really don't know what to think of Alexi, cause this can also be said about other users who seem very town like. ; c ;
ClamEatsCurry - For now I have Curry as null, but I'm slightly leaning him towards town because early on when he gave us his reads, he had his suspicions on Tom.
Cory - At first I thought he was town until he started being really defensive towards Tom near the end of the voting round just like Cad was. In the end, he DID vote for Tom, so I'm not as suspicious on him as I am on Cad. Though that could be a play where he's just going with majority vote to make him seem town. So as of now, I'm slightly suspicious of Cory.
Cadbberry - I'm definitely suspicious of Cad and leaning her towards mafia because near the end of the voting, she was really keen on thinking and saying that Tom was town. To me it seemed like she was trying to protect Tom and lean the majority of the vote to Heyden. Hence, one of the other reasons I don't think Heyden is mafia. XD I also did ask her a question about whether or not she read enthropy's post about Tom vs Heyden, and she still thought Heyden was the more reliable choice despite enthropy giving some concrete read. Though by the time you read this, if I'm dead and Cad isn't, you guys should try searching into Cad.
Call Me Daniel - I have Daniel has null for now. If Tardis and/or Jacob does end up as mafia then I'll like to think Daniel is town. He hasn't raised any red flags for me yet.
Jacob - Slight suspicious, but not to the point where I think he's mafia. Jacob hasn't posted much for me to go off of, aside from his emotionless posts. Though he did state in page 2 that he was changing his meta, but at the same time, he could have posted that to use to protect himself. If Jacob does end up Mafia, I'll like to think Cad and Daniel would probably be leaning towards Town. Especially Cad since she was against Jacob since the start.
Entropy - I believe she's town because she was the one who was strongly against Tom and thanks to her, we were able to lynch a mafia member on D1. If it weren't for her, Trundle would most likely be dead now :') (Assuming he is what he claims to be.) Not only that, she was the first to vote for Tom to be lynched. :3
Bango/Crys - Crys is currently null for me. I haven't picked up anything suspicious from them yet.
Tardis2016 - I've always been slightly suspicious of Tardis since the beginning when Daniel called him out about this answer for the 5 questions where Tardis stated that he now preferred town, but Daniel asked him why since in one of the other games, he claimed to like Mafia more. Now, Bango pointed out "Tardis is also scum because he turned on invisible only for this game :/" which makes my suspicion of him slightly rise. xD I believe he also slipped when I asked him
"Bango made a really good point o: When was the last time you did trades? o: I went through your activity and it seemed like you haven't been posting in any posts that has anything to do with you trading/giving away ACNL items to people. o: I've mainly seen your activity happen in the Basement/Cellar from the 5/29th, I didn't bother searching anymore since it seemed like you've only been super active in the basement/cellar XD"
he then replied with:
"Someone Pm me if I had a item that they were looking for."
I then asked:
"When was the last time that happened? o: I'm curious as to why someone would PM a user who's mainly active in the Basement/Cellar about an in game item. o:"
His response just seemed suspicious to me. xD
Dolby - Currently I'm still leaning Dolby towards town because even though he was one of the main people who thought Trundle was mafia, he didn't have baseless evidence as to why Trundle wasn't Mafia. The posts he posted definitely proved to be plausible towards Trundle. He had also voted for Tom for lynch.
Heyden - I'm town leaning Heyden because in the beginning Tom was trying to lynch Heyden, because of that, I want to believe Heyden isn't a part of mafia. I'll also like to trust entropy's judgement on Heyden saying entropy is saying that Heyden is town.
taesaek - I'm completely unsure about tae. Right now I'm slightly suspicious of tae only because of tae's answer to the 5 questions where tae said they were never pressured before. Right now I don't think tae is suspicious enough to where I would lean them towards mafia.
Bingo/Trundle - I'll like to believe he's town for now. I'm still slightly suspicious (just slightly, like an inch LOL), but I'll believe his claim. Entropy also seems to believe he's town, so once again, I'll trust entropy's judgement. c:
Ashtot - As of now he's null. I don't know what to think of Ashtot yet since he hasn't posted enough for me to go off by. ; c ;
Sataric - As I mentioned in my previous read, I'm town leaning Sataric because of his helpful posts. He always has evidence to back up his posts, as thus, I like to believe he's taking the time to help find out who the mafia are. Same as dolby, despite the fact that he was one of the main people who helped pushed Trundle for the lynch, he had valid reasons to do so. c:
Ayaya - currently null for me, not enough information for me to go off of. :')
Tom - deceased
Kevinnn - Slightly suspicious of. He hasn't been active enough for me to completely read him. Also the fact that he didn't switch his vote to Tom after Trundle had announced he was Eren makes me more suspicious of him.
Arstotzkan - I'll like to think he's leaning towards town for me because he believed entropy's judgement on Tom before Trundle had announced he was Eren. Aside from that, nothing else.
Wild Blue Yonder - I'll like to town lean Blue Yonder as well because he was also one of the first few who had suspicions on Tom.
Shiida - Slight suspicions at the beginning with their answer to the 5 question post about how they might "slip", but after a while, I decided to put them on null."