Senior Member
Are Jacks abilities only 1-shot?
why have you not read your "own teams'" roles?
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oh ashton wasn't with trundle
but hes not lying about being afk
Are Jacks abilities only 1-shot?
If anyone is a veteran and took a hit last night, please speak up
is this such a good idea though?
i mean if they do, then i highly doubt we have two vets, two vigs, and a JoAT.
And seriously, you guys had no foundation to assume that Ashtot was scum. He was following town meta, and entropy's changing meta arguement could apply to literally anyone
is this such a good idea though?
i mean if they do, then i highly doubt we have two vets, two vigs, and a JoAT.
Also interesting that trundle had nothing to say when he checked in.
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I never said if I was hit or not.
I town read ashton
tae didn't die though... ? this post literally makes 0 senseI think Ashtot protected him self so it would take 2hits to kill him so I think scum killed Ashtot and tae. I hit Cad so someone got hit because we are missing a kill.
Ok so Trundle told doc to cover entropy, he probably used his docsave which may explain the missing deaths. Also that would mean we have an extra shot
Actually, we HAVE to assume that the Tae's vig shot on Ashtot and the mafia's kp overlapped in order for the KP to make sense. Scum had two KP last night, completely sure of this, neither of the two claimed to shot Crys, and there were two deaths. Unless both are lying, tae's shot had to have crossed with a mafia kill
This is void if someone was saved by a doc or a veteran
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At this point, only Cad, Kevinnn, Wild, and shiida have to confirm that they weren't hit
I guess Trundle could've used his save too to save x member there too, so that may open extra possibilities on how there's less kills. In theory if there is a mafia doc there were 3 heals that could've been used last night.