Mafia TBT Mafia II: Mafia Strike Back [Game Over/Mafia Win]

I'm actually still considering voting for Justin, but honestly the silent bandwagon is throwing me off big time. My second choices are definitely BlueLeaf, VD or Superpenguin.

It used to be AndyB or Gallows but I don't think AndyB has experessed interest in being elected & as we all know Gallows isn't back yet to post. =P
Yeah. This game is basically 7 Up or Rock-Paper-Scissors. You don't know what the opponent will do until they do it.
Yes, I admit that I have been watching but not active. I am a first time player and I'm getting a feel for this first before picking up the amount of posts to add. Others may not operate this way, but that is just me.

As a town, we have to remember to keep calm and think before we vote. Anyone could be Mafia, voting is be a risk no matter what. That being said, I am choosing to cast my vote based on what I am seeing.
I will be there, because I am very active in the game of Mafia. Knowing that my votes weigh more, I am open to listening to people and I will not start a bandwagon (unless people blindly follow me, which I can not prevent) without backing myself up with enough reason. I am willing to put in the time that is needed to analyze previous posts, to attempt to get our lynches right.
This is just a few selected parts of one her posts, but I am leaning towards ILoveyou. I like what I am seeing from her. It seems she will take the time and energy and take her role seriously. We need a mayor who will think, and not just do.
This MAY be incorrect:
Gallows: 2
iLoveYou: 5
Justin: 7
BlueLeaf: 1
Superpenguin: 1
Good for myself. If the Mafia knows the people in Town, then we need to watch closely. Who do they go for? Who teams up to go after someone? I know these are obvious, but they do help.

Well, they will probably go after you now. You basically just revealed you have a blue role, now you're a target.

I believe these people need to post(ever since Day 1):

Prof Gallows(excused)
3DSFan314(I think)

Bluegoat is looking at the thread, but not posting. Seems shady.

3dsfan has posted. Goat is probably reading and catching up. There's been a lot said.
Gallows actually has one vote, give thanks to Karla for correcting me in the voting thread x3

- - - Post Merge - - -

Justin also actually has 5, sorry XI
Well, they will probably go after you now. You basically just revealed you have a blue role, now you're a target.

3dsfan has posted. Goat is probably reading and catching up. There's been a lot said.
I haven't said I'm a blue role. I only said I belong in the Town. I'm either a blue or green role. Regardless, all Town people are a target.
I haven't said I'm a blue role. I only said I belong in the Town. I'm either a blue or green role. Regardless, all Town people are a target.

You said you weren't in the mafia, but you were a part of town. That's a blue role. As if you're willing to admit you're a part of town, and youre an ordinary townie, makes the most sense to just go ahead and say you're a townie.
After reading iLoveYou's posts, I have decided to switch my vote to her since she she seems very active in this game, and seems like a good leader for the town.
It's a 6-6 tie. Hm...I think I'm going with Jubs. May be a good idea, maybe a bad one, but ILoveYou seems a bit sketchy with her earlygame roleclaim.
It's a 6-6 tie. Hm...I think I'm going with Jubs. May be a good idea, maybe a bad one, but ILoveYou seems a bit sketchy with her earlygame roleclaim.

No reason not to go all out in campaigning. It's not like she said exactly what she was, though.
It's a 6-6 tie. Hm...I think I'm going with Jubs. May be a good idea, maybe a bad one, but ILoveYou seems a bit sketchy with her earlygame roleclaim.

If I recall, iLoveYou has 6 votes as of now. Justin HAD 5, but as of now Hikari changed it so Justin has 4. You voted for *Jubs* so Justin now has 5.
Wow all this voting is pretty jumpy o.o I'm not ENTIRELY sure that as of now it's a 6-5 split.
the fact that people are still voting for justin is kinda worrying
he hasnt said much at all. are you going to vote for him just because he was one of the big players?
if he said something, that would be a different story.

also there are some players who have only posted once and have been very quiet but i mostly think theyre just busy/offline
He's an admin, Justin doesn't have a ton of time to post here. But Kayla is active, which is a plus for her.
Okay I just scanned through the last 20 pages as best as I could. First, Jubs = me. :p Anyway, with what I did read, Superpenguin is starting to look like a pretty good mayor candidate. Or Kayla. It's really hard to decide. To be quite frank, I'm not sure why I'm getting so many votes, I haven't been able to post in here much at all.
Okay I just scanned through the last 20 pages as best as I could. First, Jubs = me. :p Anyway, with what I did read, Superpenguin is starting to look like a pretty good mayor candidate. Or Kayla. It's really hard to decide. To be quite frank, I'm not sure why I'm getting so many votes, I haven't been able to post in here much at all.

Jubs, will you be able to keep posting if you are mayor/sheriff? You've got plenty of votes, so there's a good chance you'll be sheriff or,mayor.