Mafia TBT Mafia II: Mafia Strike Back [Game Over/Mafia Win]

Well, they did sign up and were aware of the game starting today. If they knew they'd be busy, they should've told Karla. No point in having them considering they're just trying to stay away from being lynched.

Exactly. So are they busy or are they Mafia trying not to let anything slip through their posts? That is what it comes down to and will surely play a part on Day One lynching. I think that's also why most candidates wanted to take down the lurkers / in-actives.

By the way, I almost forgot tomorrow was Thanksgiving for the US. Oops. x3
Like i said, Kayla, they might also be Town people but since they used to be Mafia, no one would trust them. This is a game of trust, and former Mafia may still be Mafia.
1) How will you decide the lynching? Will you ask every player first or will you go with your gut?

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Like i said, Kayla, they might also be Town people but since they used to be Mafia, no one would trust them. This is a game of trust, and former Mafia may still be Mafia.

Like EVERYONE said, it may not be the best idea to rely on the previous game.
That makes hardly any sense, Kippla, new game - clean slates.

BBG, please explain your vote. You seemed pretty set on voting for me, what changed?
1) How will you decide the lynching? Will you ask every player first or will you go with your gut?

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Like EVERYONE said, it may not be the best idea to rely on the previous game.

I'll ask on this thread, wait a until a bit before the time limit is up, and make the decision. I people are unable to convince me, I'm lynching a lurker.
That makes hardly any sense, Kippla, new game - clean slates.

BBG, please explain your vote. You seemed pretty set on voting for me, what changed?

Throughout today, I feel like iLoveYou made a lot of good points and she actually put effort (not to say you didn't) into them. I would have voted for you but I felt that she has more tricks up her sleeve.
Although I would have voted for you since you're one of the newer players, it's just so hard to decide XI
Yes, I know that this is a clean slate. But the fact does stand that they haven't posted and are possibly Mafia, watching us fight ourselves. I'm more concerned about that since they haven't posted and they didn't say they'd be busy. If that's what is happening, then we really need to work this out when Day 1 begins.
Also, I suppose it depends on who the detectives are, but as a general statement, regardless of who becomes Mayor whether it be myself or someone else... If the elected Mayor is considered trusted, perhaps the Detectives should privately inform the Mayor of their inspection results. Like use the Mayor as a sort of middleman, so that the inspections can be called out, but without giving away who the Detectives are. If that makes sense.
thats a good idea! but how will you know if they're really a detective?
i guess if you had like 3 of them PM you and lets say you think there are only 2 in the game. how can you tell which one is saying the truth? you could match up their results and find out the liar but idk ah?

but then again if someone gets framed and the detective inspects them that night and goes "jeez theyre guilty!" and send the mayor the results, i dunno what would happen. if a mayor does do this i would wait a night and see because maybe they were framed or theyre a miller y'know
Yes, I know that this is a clean slate. But the fact does stand that they haven't posted and are possibly Mafia, watching us fight ourselves. I'm more concerned about that since they haven't posted and they didn't say they'd be busy. If that's what is happening, then we really need to work this out when Day 1 begins.

It didn't begin? I looked at the main post and it says it is Day 1.
thats a good idea! but how will you know if they're really a detective?
i guess if you had like 3 of them PM you and lets say you think there are only 2 in the game. how can you tell which one is saying the truth? you could match up their results and find out the liar but idk ah?

but then again if someone gets framed and the detective inspects them that night and goes "jeez theyre guilty!" and send the mayor the results, i dunno what would happen. if a mayor does do this i would wait a night and see because maybe they were framed or theyre a miller y'know
I guess the mayor would determine that by looking at the posts and using strategies to find out Mafia. Then, the mayor could decide who is a Detective.

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It didn't begin? I looked at the main post and it says it is Day 1.

Oh. Considering this is mainly voting for the mayor, I didn't know. I mean when Day 2 begins.
I think I'm going to place my vote for VillageDweller, even though he did attack me. So I will be voter number two for VD.

The reason being is that he has a good grasp of post analyzation. He is going to be very useful for the Town side & imagine if he is secured as Mayor or Sheriff? We need to secure someone who will lead us and give us something to talk about, like him.

It honestly came down to (for me): Superpenguin, BlueLeaf & VillageDweller. This was after watching the silent voters make their move. You all know who my first choice was. =P
I think I'm going to place my vote for VillageDweller, even though he did attack me. So I will be voter number two for VD.

The reason being is that he has a good grasp of post analyzation. He is going to be very useful for the Town side & imagine if he is secured as Mayor or Sheriff? We need to secure someone who will lead us and give us something to talk about, like him.

It honestly came down to (for me): Superpenguin, BlueLeaf & VillageDweller. This was after watching the silent voters make their move. You all know who my first choice was. =P

Go VD! My choices were: Kayla, Superpenguin, and VD. In a conversation we had, VD had made very good points on mayoral tactics and made predictions if certain people became the mayor. It was hard to decide, but our conversation won me over.
Go VD! My choices were: Kayla, Superpenguin, and VD. In a conversation we had, VD had made very good points on mayoral tactics and made predictions if certain people became the mayor. It was hard to decide, but our conversation won me over.
observers chat <3
they were great in the observers chat! lots of good stuff posted by them. they analyzed people a lot in there and they were open to peoples theories. they didn't ignore other peoples guesses either

but yeah im with you two for VD. VD deserves it, and so does SP. tho i dont know if SP/VD will even have a chance
It all comes down to who will analyze the posts and votes to determine the Mafia members. That's what being Mayor is all about. Helping the Town find the mafiaso and using your powers to lynch them.
I voted SP, soley because they were the only candidate that posted often and knew they wanted the role. A second would be iLoveYou. I do agree though, SP and VD are both deserving roles and probably not going to get the role.
There's always a next time, Cake.

I voted for Kayla because she will take time to analyze, predict and then share the prediction. It'll be time consuming, but not bad. Town members can handle fine while the mayor and sheriff do their work.
##vote Justin
(Just because everyone else is XD)

saying that isnt gonna help you
if youre gonna vote for someone just because everyone else is and you dont really have an opinion of them yourself then i dont know what to say to you