Mafia TBT Mafia II: Mafia Strike Back [Game Over/Mafia Win]

I only read about the first twenty or so pages to catch up. But I'm back.

and really guys, don't base your votes off of the last game. Good player or not, you don't know who is what.
but that shouldnt be your only reason. if hes mafia this game, what are you gonna do?

another promising mayor! good luck

question (well to anyone really) - do you have any strategies yet? what if you run into no leads?

My strategy if I don't win is to simply observe other people's opinions and help contribute to the town. Another strategy is asking questions and suggesting a solution to the Mayor. For your second point, there's no such thing as no leads. There's only finding leads. Probably my slogan.
but that shouldnt be your only reason. if hes mafia this game, what are you gonna do?

another promising mayor! good luck

question (well to anyone really) - do you have any strategies yet? what if you run into no leads?

I do have some strategies in the back of my head, and I'm currently thinking them through and looking for flaws. I am not going to share my complete strategy at the moment, because I feel like other people will use my strategy to their advantage.
My main strategy WILL revolve around talking to a lot of people in private. I will really have no set attitude when I'm messaging people. If I know you're the mafia, I might even pretend I don't and completely try to throw you off.
My strategy is a lot more complex then that, but that's the gist of it. I really doubt not running into any leads. As a mayor, I will probably be one of the most observant and attention giving person in the game. If anyone is to find leads, it will be me. If I don't find leads, I doubt anyone else will find valid leads either. If this was the case, I'm not sure what I'd do yet. I would definitely work it out for the better of everyone. Of 35 people, it will be easy to see who does and doesn't want certain people dead through their votes and posts.
With a player like Beary509 though, she did post before the game started that she didn't know what she was getting into or how to play. I don't think any player with experience in the Mafia game would consider yelling out that they ware bandwagoning for the sake of it. This would lead to massive suspicion (as it already has with her), so I'm sure the last thing experienced players want to do is shout out that they are bandwagoning.This leads me to believe she's just playing poorly due to being a new player to the game of Mafia. Although I'm glad that people are taking notice to it nonetheless, and I hope she does remain on peoples' suspicion list. Bandwagoners are dangerous, whether it's bad gameplay due to being new or not.

While I'd love to leave some of the fresh blood (lol I'm freshblood) hang around, you should know what you're getting into by now. We've had what, four or five days to prep and learn? Logs and helpful hints to look over, you ought to have some idea to go with besides "Jubs because admin yolo".
It's good to see we have someone with a complex strategy. I won't be on long, but I'll stick around to see how this plays out.
While I'd love to leave some of the fresh blood (lol I'm freshblood) hang around, you should know what you're getting into by now. We've had what, four or five days to prep and learn? Logs and helpful hints to look over, you ought to have some idea to go with besides "Jubs because admin yolo".

Honestly, I hope she stays on everyone's suspicion list. Like I said bandwagoners are dangerous whether it's due to being new, or not. Regardless of her motives, I hope people keep the fact that she is a bandwagoner in mind (as she can contribute to bad lynches if she is being manipulated). I just think this was more of a classic newbie mistake as opposed to something more, but obviously her name will not be forgotten.

Point is: bandwagoners are dangerous. Beary509 confirmed for future bandwagons (due to newbie or not though?). If she randomly changes her gameplay, that would be the biggest red flag I've seen thus far.
Before I head to bed, I would like to explain my process of how I decided who to vote for.

I have talked to a few of the other candidates. iLoveYou's vote is lining up with what she told me. VillageDweller did raise some good points at times, mostly framing her. Why would she want the mayor to be someone who thinks she's mafia? Here are a few reasons she could be voting for VillageDweller (note:these theories have no evidence; I'm just trying to explain my skepticism):
1) iLoveYou wants to buy more trust of everyone through voting for an underdog.
2) iLoveYou is a mafia and VillageDweller is also mafia. iLoveYou voted for VillageDweller as he is one of the only other running mafia players.

Next up, BlueLeaf. In my opinion, BlueLeaf has not actually brought up any of his own good points. He is agreeing and sounding seemingly intelligent, but in reality, everything he has been saying is either obvious or easily done or is just agreeing with another candidates post. He is not, in my opinion, a good suit for a mayor.

Finally, Jubs. He made a few simple but good points earlier. The votes for him are primarily just a bandwagon.

After going through these notable people, I have decided to vote for myself. I may sound self-centered and way too anxious or "in need" of becoming mayor, but I assure you, this is not the case. I believe that I can bring the good mayor that everyone wants to this game.
keep in mind that private messaging can often lead to trouble. You will have extra protection as mayor but you leave an open window for mafia to fly under the radar and drop unhelpful and misleading information that you in turn give to the town. I'm willing to vote kayla at the moment considering all the candidates are a big gamble yet she seems to have the best pay off and dedication out of the other favourites.
Beary DID state she was indeed new to the Mafia as I am, so it will likely happen again unless she changes it. If her gameplay completely changes from newbie to veteran player, something's wrong there.
Next up, BlueLeaf. In my opinion, BlueLeaf has not actually brought up any of his own good points. He is agreeing and sounding seemingly intelligent, but in reality, everything he has been saying is either obvious or easily done or is just agreeing with another candidates post. He is not, in my opinion, a good suit for a mayor.

After going through these notable people, I have decided to vote for myself. I may sound self-centered and way too anxious or "in need" of becoming mayor, but I assure you, this is not the case. I believe that I can bring the good mayor that everyone wants to this game.

I actually did make my own points. Like I said to Justin earlier, you had so much to read through you probably skipped through my points.

Here you go voters:

BlueLeaf -> Post 1 || Post 2
SuperPenguin -> Post 1 || Post 2
Trundle -> Post 1 || Post 2
Justin -> Post 1
iLoveYou -> Post 1

Click on the posts to view all of their posts where they talk about wanting to be Mayor / Sheriff.

Here's a list of links Kayla put down.
So the votes right now are aimed at Justin and Kayla.

Justin is a pretty good choice for mayor I think, considering he's pretty good at this game and knows what he is doing. But it's just as likely he's mafia and you're all basing your votes on how well he played the last game. Seems that way, from what I've seen of why people voted for him.

I'm going to vote for him this round because there really isn't much point in not, because I doubt the majority vote is going to change in seven hours, and because I think at this point in time the safest bet is with a smart player. Just need to hope the chances of him being mafia are low.
I'll stick to my vote. After we have decided the mayor and sheriff, the Detectives should immediately ask them about their former role. It should help in the long run, considering the Mafia knows who is in the Town.
Not sure if anyone has really pointed it out yet or not, but in the post where iLoveYou mentioned she wanted to be mayor/sheriff, she asked the detectives to inspect her.

I personally would like to step up as Mayor or Sheriff, too. Who doesn't?

As a member of Town, if I do get elected I ENCOURAGE any detectives to inspect me right away. I am not afraid from inspection because I am a member of Town, so I know I will not be of harm to the Town players.

This could just be a play on trying to get everyone to vote for her. She could easily be the godfather, knowing that even if people inspect her that she will show up as townie. Or any other role she wanted, but as she's claimed townie already, I doubt she'd change it if this were the case.
This is also a pretty smart tactic, as multiple detectives are going to inspect her all at once if they follow what she said. So that's wasting inspections on one person.

I think that if anyone is saying they WANT to be the mayor or the sheriff, that they shouldn't be considered.
I only think the people who are emphasizing the "inspect me" idea too much are pushing it a bit.
I have talked to a few of the other candidates. iLoveYou's vote is lining up with what she told me. VillageDweller did raise some good points at times, mostly framing her. Why would she want the mayor to be someone who thinks she's mafia? Here are a few reasons she could be voting for VillageDweller (note:these theories have no evidence; I'm just trying to explain my skepticism):
1) iLoveYou wants to buy more trust of everyone through voting for an underdog.
2) iLoveYou is a mafia and VillageDweller is also mafia. iLoveYou voted for VillageDweller as he is one of the only other running mafia players.

I hardly consider VillageDweller an underdog. We have Observer Chat to go off of (for those players who do not just want to rely on this game). Not to mention his one post where he attacked me. He provided what he thought to be evidence at the time as well as examples. Why would he bother trying to take me down if we were both mafia? That's bringing a lot of unnecessary attention. That post is obviously putting doubt in peoples' minds, which is ultimately going to affect my gameplay. If he is that willing to weed out mafia beforehand, then I'm sure he'll be a bigger asset to Town once we progress into the game.

I was not the first person to vote VillageDweller, neither was I a voter who encouraged other people to vote for him. I was just voting for who I thought would be best to help Town. Just like people are voting for BlueLeaf, Justin & Superpenguin based on who they think will provide Town with the most help.

If you are that worried about Mayor getting into the hands of wrong players, then why would you waste your vote on yourself? Wouldn't you encourage someone like Justin who is currently second, or like SuperPenguin who is everyone's next leading candidate after Justin? Unless you think every candidate is mafia except yourself?
Prof G: Another possibility is that she wants to prove her innocence and get it over with. The best time to prove you're innocent is in the beginning, where you just want to get it over with. I don't think your scenario is likely since why would she waste her godfather skill to be a vanilla townie? If anything, I would have chose a veteran (two night lives, deluxe version of a townie). Of course, your scenario could be true. I just can't picture anyone using an awesome role and end up as an even worse role.
Not sure if anyone has really pointed it out yet or not, but in the post where iLoveYou mentioned she wanted to be mayor/sheriff, she asked the detectives to inspect her.

This could just be a play on trying to get everyone to vote for her. She could easily be the godfather, knowing that even if people inspect her that she will show up as townie. Or any other role she wanted, but as she's claimed townie already, I doubt she'd change it if this were the case.
This is also a pretty smart tactic, as multiple detectives are going to inspect her all at once if they follow what she said. So that's wasting inspections on one person.

I think that if anyone is saying they WANT to be the mayor or the sheriff, that they shouldn't be considered.

I never role-claimed to Townie though. I am literally saying that I am aligned with Town ( as in Town versus Mafia ).

The reason why I asked the detectives to inspect me so much is because of the next post where I brought up Mafia Framers. Those exist in this game & we do have to keep in mind that they will be looking at who gets Mayor / Sheriff and potentially frame them. We also have to keep in mind that Mafia Framers can not individually frame the same player two nights in a row. So it would benefit the detectives to keep a persistent inspection. Knowing that I would be considered as Mayor / Sheriff, it was brought up that Mafia could be waiting to frame those exact roles (Mayor + Sheriff) on Night 1, as it was being suggested that the detectives inspect them on Night 1. I just wanted to remind the detectives that there are framers this game too.