Mafia TBT Mafia II: Mafia Strike Back [Game Over/Mafia Win]

saying that isnt gonna help you
if youre gonna vote for someone just because everyone else is and you dont really have an opinion of them yourself then i dont know what to say to you

This is true. Beary, you're just saying you'll go along with everyone else and join the bandwagon. Take time and really decide who deserves the position (not saying Justin doesn't). It will benefit us in the long run.
I decided to change my vote to SP. While I thought iLoveYou made great points, Superpenguin had the sharp outlook on details and I think that's most important in mayor. SPalso went into depth of working with the town rather than just deciding everything for themself so I think I'll change it :)
Beary, explicitly saying that you are bandwagoning isn't good. Have some logic to your votes, and if you are bandwagoning, at least acknowledge that you know why people are being voted for.
Is this supposed to be a Mayor question? If so, I don't really have any strong suspects right now. I did notice Oath's vote for BlueLeaf to be a bit odd and out of place considering BlueLeaf hasn't really been mentioned as a Mayor candidate but that's about it.

I wanna bring this back up, because I grew suspicious of this as well. Just wasn't sure whether or not to say it now or later. We're even now, Justin. : P

Oath's random vote for BlueLeaf instantly rose red flags for me.

The first part of his reason for voting:
I think I've made up my mind on who I'm voting for. BlueLeaf, you have my vote. I would like to see someone new to the game have the role, and from what I can see, you are the most invested new player thus far. You seem like a reasonable person, you seem clear-headed.

So the big reason you're voting for BL is because they are a new player. When I first saw this post, it made me think isntantly both Oath and BL were mafia and this was some planned scheme to try to get a mafia member in the running since no mafia member is being represented.

Oath also decided he would vote for BL directly after he saw what their speech and confession of willingness to become the mayor.

This was BL's post about declaring they wanted to be in the running, coming moments after both Kayla and I declared we wanted to be in the running and actually roleclaimed aligned to town. Why didn't BL follow suit and roleclaim as well? Are they hiding something?

If no other players speak up, I'd like to run for sheriff. I would listen to what detectives have to say and incarcerate anyone fishy. I would hear everyone's opinions and make a solution that helps everybody. I think I should become sheriff because I really want to try out this role and help people take down the mafia. Of course, there are better players out there, but either they're being modest or not posting a lot.

What's making this hard is the modest people and lack of posts. I believe about 8 people do need to post before a definite decision. I still don't understand the quick, random votes. I believe that me as a sheriff will stop bandwagons, working alongside our mayor.

Yes, this may be a dead end, but I don't want this activity to follow under a pile of dust as it does seem suspicious.
Sorry I'm at work for another four hours. I did just skim through all the pages since I last posted. I'm kind of confused/concerned how Kippla is stating things. I'm having a hard time understanding how you're tryin.g to get your points across. The way you're throwing around calling people "suspicious" followed by doing the same thing. For example when you called Kayla out for role claiming, then you suddenly gave your vote to her still calling out your suspicions. Then you role claimed. I would quote it but my phone isn't letting me. But you said you werent mafia and youre a townie. What are you reasons for role claiming? Kayla role claimed because she's running for Mayor. She needs to convince the town. There was no reason for you too because there was absolutely no suspicions gearing towards you. It's way too early in the game to role claim, it can make it easier for mafia members to pick out their targets that way and keep track of who may have important roles. Or another reason someone may role claim is to draw attention to themselves to draw attention away from someone else. I don't want it to seem like I'm attacking you, I'm just trying to understand what you're trying to accomplish by doing it? That way I can disregard any negative thoughts/opinions aboutyou.
Late getting into the game, but I've had a busy week.

It seems we may have some smart players actually thinking about game play this time around
Superpenguin(I'll avoid quoting since it's a large post): I'll go ahead and say right now. I just felt uncomfortable sharing my role right away because of the suspicion laid on Kayla. If anything, after Kayla's suspicion, I think most people wouldn't share their role. I will give some hint of my, even though it won't change about how I didn't follow suit. Assuming I'm not part of the Mafia, I'm not a role who can kill.
Sorry I'm at work for another four hours. I did just skim through all the pages since I last posted. I'm kind of confused/concerned how Kippla is stating things. I'm having a hard time understanding how you're tryin.g to get your points across. The way you're throwing around calling people "suspicious" followed by doing the same thing. For example when you called Kayla out for role claiming, then you suddenly gave your vote to her still calling out your suspicions. Then you role claimed. I would quote it but my phone isn't letting me. But you said you werent mafia and youre a townie. What are you reasons for role claiming? Kayla role claimed because she's running for Mayor. She needs to convince the town. There was no reason for you too because there was absolutely no suspicions gearing towards you.It's way too early in the game to role claim, it can make it easier for mafia members to pick out their targets that way and keep track of who may have important roles. Or another reason someone may role claim is to draw attention to themselves to draw attention away from someone else. I don't want it to seem like I'm attacking you, I'm just trying to understand what you're trying to accomplish by doing it? That way I can disregard any negative thoughts/opinions aboutyou.
This couldn't explain my suspicions any better.
I'm just confused as to why you roleclaimed so early on and yet no one was really suspecting you. Wouldn't it bring suspicions rather than blocking them?
Superpenguin(I'll avoid quoting since it's a large post): I'll go ahead and say right now. I just felt uncomfortable sharing my role right away because of the suspicion laid on Kayla. If anything, after Kayla's suspicion, I think most people wouldn't share their role. I will give some hint of my, even though it won't change about how I didn't follow suit. Assuming I'm not part of the Mafia, I'm not a role who can kill.

Oh, you didn't have to hint at anything right now. I was just wondering what the reasoning for it was, and you just gave perfectly acceptable reasoning. <3
Sorry about that. See, the fact that Kayla repeatedly stated she was for the Town was odd, as if she was trying to convince us and did it a bit too much. But I gave her my vote because according to her, she is willing to help and while she still could be mafiaso, trust is still needed to really get far. And I only roleclaimed for that reason, that I need to know if Kayla was trustworthy. But at this point, all that has been thrown back and we're more concentrated on any last minute vote changes. I didn't try to do all that, I just wanted to be sure my suspicions weren't true. I guess I wasn't really thinking when I said all that. But like I said, it's thrown back and not really in the light. I'm not doing it again, so you don't need to worry about it. I hope that sort of answers your questions, Laurina.
9 hours left! About 4-6 people need to vote. These people are the inactive ones or the ones who are still waiting to vote.

SP: Well, I gave a hint anyway. ;) Detectives, feel free to rolecheck me twice in a row and give the results to the mayor. I'm saying twice because it was mentioned before: A Framer could frame me as Mafia Goon.
I'm thinking of voting for VillageDweller, iLoveYou or SuperPenguin not sure right now which one but definitely one of the three right now..

They seem to be pretty focused and not acting to suspicious as of now.. They were all pretty great in heaven (observer's chat) and they always argued their opinions with lots of reasoning and backup! (IT WAS LIKE PARAGRAPHS)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it said earlier in the thread that any inspection of the Mayor or Sheriff would simply return as mayor/sheriff rather than show the players true allegiance? Makes me question anyone who brings up an inspection during their posts.

Either way I'm going to throw
In a late entry for a role as I'm not sure I can as of yet buy into the current favourites for mayor.

Kayla was very insistent on getting the detectives to inspect her role and fair enough seeing as she would make a great and active mayor. Only reason I doubt her is that she definitely has her own Idea of what she wants to do and may not always take into account the townies as a whole. Might just be letting vd's post get into my head as well but that's what I'm thinking.

Superpenguin was my other choice though he put me in doubt with his raised suspicions for oath. I feel that his post popped up as a bit of a red herring seeing as oath had his reasons (safe with a new player). Not necessarily bad but I just felt big posts like that on little evidence combined with the mayor powers will without doubt lead to the lynching of innocents.

Justin on the other hand will just be a little too dangerous in the mayor role with his experience(I know, completely ditching all that veteran stuff I said before).

Might just be that I'm not too sure of their allegiance so in putting myself out there for anyone in the same position. I know I'm with the town so just doing what I can to hopefully bring about another townie victory.

Also, the reason I didn't start earlier is that I'm out of town until Wednesday next week visiting family so the only chances I get is when my 3G is up. Will be more active in the next few days with no planes or long travel to get through.
I'm still mulling my vote over, though I'd had like six hours to think on it while driving to my grandparent's house. There are undoubtedly great candidates, but I want to be at least 80% confident in my choice when I vote. Granted, I am running out of time to decide but I am thinking on it.
Alright, everyone... Sorry I've been gone for the last 10 hours. (I had a lady friend over)

I feel like my lack of posting has steered people away from voting for me. I did notice someone said that I made some good points early on but have been quieter now. Please take time to read through what I have to say.
I just read through 20 pages so I'm quite up to date with everyone's standings. I noticed I didn't have the chance to reply earlier to some questions everyone else did at the time when some people were voting. Here were a few of the more popular questions.

How will you handle criticism?
I will answer this question in two different ways. If you're talking about how I will handle it (as in how it will affect me), it won't have a big affect or influence on who I vote for. I will see it as another post; another piece of evidence. Every post and every vote give further evidence to who is what. Hopefully I will be able to build support with the town so it will be easier to gather who is the mafia based on who accuses me. Second, how I will reply to criticism: This is a bit tough to answer, because it's a very situation-oriented problem. It could range from a complete ignoring of the person to an accusation/criticism back towards the original quarrel starter. I'm hoping to be able to ask questions, and a lot of them; this will help me see people's attitudes towards me, their suspicions, and who they trust and have connections to. This is a great thing to be able to use.

What will you do when you make a mistake?
I don't really see anything as a mistake. Every death, whether the vote was influenced by me or not, will help narrow down who is who. This is also where reading votes for lynches comes in handy, and comparing what people said to what they actually were. Clearly, I will just be able to easily move on from the "mistake". What happened will have happened, and if someone criticizes me because of it, just refer to the answer to the first question.

What things will you do to prove your points?
I'm a very logical thinker, and I will definitely be using logic and thinking outside the box in order to conclude. My whole thought process is easy to explain, and I will also take other's ways of thinking into account if they were to share with me. Clearly, my words will be one thing that I will need to use persuasively, wisely, and delicately in order to get people to understand what I'm trying to prove.

How will you decide who to lynch on the first lynching day?
This will definitely be something that I will have some trouble with. I won't be strained to make a final decision, but which member to make the decision for will be difficult. Deciding who to lynch will make or break my reputation as a mayor, so I think messaging people and getting out and being returned information is a good way to start it off. I will also have to watch for attitude changes after certain deaths, and as always, watch people's votes.

Any other questions? Thanks for reading. I'll be on for another 14 minutes and then I'll head to bed.
With a player like Beary509 though, she did post before the game started that she didn't know what she was getting into or how to play. I don't think any player with experience in the Mafia game would consider yelling out that they ware bandwagoning for the sake of it. This would lead to massive suspicion (as it already has with her), so I'm sure the last thing experienced players want to do is shout out that they are bandwagoning.This leads me to believe she's just playing poorly due to being a new player to the game of Mafia. Although I'm glad that people are taking notice to it nonetheless, and I hope she does remain on peoples' suspicion list. Bandwagoners are dangerous, whether it's bad gameplay due to being new or not.
With a player like Beary509 though, she did post before the game started that she didn't know what she was getting into or how to play. I don't think any player with experience in the Mafia game would consider yelling out that they ware bandwagoning for the sake of it. This would lead to massive suspicion (as it already has with her), so I'm sure the last thing experienced players want to do is shout out that they are bandwagoning.This leads me to believe she's just playing poorly due to being a new player to the game of Mafia. Although I'm glad that people are taking notice to it nonetheless, and I hope she does remain on peoples' suspicion list. Bandwagoners are dangerous, whether it's bad gameplay due to being new or not.

I think bandwagons are something that are sometimes started by one or two people, but are unfortunately a great place for the mafia to take cover in. I've noticed that sometimes the mafia act oblivious to what's really happening; therefore, appearing stupid and people don't bother with them. Fortunately, there are some people who point out these people who vote without giving any proper reason.
With a player like Beary509 though, she did post before the game started that she didn't know what she was getting into or how to play. I don't think any player with experience in the Mafia game would consider yelling out that they ware bandwagoning for the sake of it. This would lead to massive suspicion (as it already has with her), so I'm sure the last thing experienced players want to do is shout out that they are bandwagoning.This leads me to believe she's just playing poorly due to being a new player to the game of Mafia. Although I'm glad that people are taking notice to it nonetheless, and I hope she does remain on peoples' suspicion list. Bandwagoners are dangerous, whether it's bad gameplay due to being new or not.

Agreed, all the way. That's why we need someone like Kayla, SP, and/or VD as mayor or sheriff. They make good observations and all did well in the observer chat. Not sure why people are voting for Justin. He doesn't post often(probably busy). Even so, people should stop connecting last game to this game. The three people I mentioned were either killed early or didn't play last game. I recommend for people to change their vote before time's up to the three people mentioned, unless you truly think Justin makes a good mayor (not saying that he wouldn't). I won't try and change your opinion. It's up to you to vote for whoever can do a good job as mayor, even if they're not active.