Mafia TBT Mafia II: Mafia Strike Back [Game Over/Mafia Win]

I think Trundle would get much more votes than ONE if he was part of the mafia since, assuming he is mafioso, his partners would most likely vote for him.
Unless they want a town player (most likely) to pick on the weaker ones.
Just to throw my fish into the fray, I wouldn't really say many players, it's more just Kayla and BlueLeaf from what I can tell. And he does have some decent points for each of them.

Nothing damning enough to convince me that either is scum yet though.
Okay, I guess debating is pretty normal for a game like this, but the thing that bothers me is that he's pointing fingers at many players.

I'm not pointing fingers AT anyone. I'm pointing fingers at the posts they are making.

If someone says, "I'll be the best mayor and I'll bring the town together and talk to everyone." That's all fine and dandy. But when you're making paragraphs in multiple posts to make sure you get the position, that looks way too suspicious to me. So naturally I'm going to call it out.
I'm not pointing fingers AT anyone. I'm pointing fingers at the posts they are making.

If someone says, "I'll be the best mayor and I'll bring the town together and talk to everyone." That's all fine and dandy. But when you're making paragraphs in multiple posts to make sure you get the position, that looks way too suspicious to me. So naturally I'm going to call it out.
I thought iLoveYou would be a great mayor but it was strange how all her long posts combined about being mayor were like a college entrance essay. I voted for her anyway since she made really great reasons but I felt like there were people who were more suitable (actually proved many points) for the job.
The only thing I really suspected about her is long paragraphs.
You're doing a very bad job at showing it, then.

I'd also like to point out that again, iLoveYou is saying she's going to be this great, awesome leader that will work with the town. Essentially, she's campaigning herself and trying to get everyone to vote for her. I don't really see anyone else trying to do that, so that says a lot of things to me.

It could say that she's in fact mafia, and that her other mafia members are voting for her and staying quiet.

It could say that she's just really wanting the mayor role, but really I don't see why because this early in the game she can't honestly expect to be able to talk to the town as a whole and not expect the mafia to mess around with her plans.

Her whole shtick about everyone working together and not mentioning any of the drawbacks may be convincing some people that she's a cause for good, but all I see is a bunch of hollow words and nothing to support them with.

Regardless, discussion is going to happen during the day. Mafia will read it, and it's impossible to avoid it. It's not like we can all go to PMs and get this thing sorted.

Mafia is going to try to frame me whether I get elected or not, since I am standing out so much. It's common sense that they would use peoples' doubts to ensure a delay of their lynching, since everyone is publicly voicing their doubts about me.

Whether I get elected is in the hands of the voters. I'm sure it's not helping that Town (considering you are aligned with the Town & not Mafia) is attacking & tearing apart other Town members. This encourages the Mafia to sit back & watch since this will delay them from finding & lynching Mafia successfully.

Anyone from Observer Chat can vouch for me when I post paragraphs. This is nothing new. Superpenguin & Tsundere especially know this as they were super active there. Also please keep in mind that I got killed off early last game. Not to mention my only posts were the #Yolo ones (which too were posts of big paragraphs).

- - - Post Merge - - -

In fact here you go:

In that quote you'll be able to see some of my posts made in Observer Chat. I know a lot of players would prefer not to be influenced by outside mediums, but this is one of the few ways I can think of to show that my paragraphs are nothing new at all. Heck even Thunder can vouch for my big posts in Observer Chat.
Regardless, discussion is going to happen during the day. Mafia will read it, and it's impossible to avoid it. It's not like we can all go to PMs and get this thing sorted.

Mafia is going to try to frame me whether I get elected or not, since I am standing out so much. It's common sense that they would use peoples' doubts to ensure a delay of their lynching, since everyone is publicly voicing their doubts about me.

Whether I get elected is in the hands of the voters. I'm sure it's not helping that Town (considering you are aligned with the Town & not Mafia) is attacking & tearing apart other Town members. This encourages the Mafia to sit back & watch since this will delay them from finding & lynching Mafia successfully.

Anyone from Observer Chat can vouch for me when I post paragraphs. This is nothing new. Superpenguin & Tsundere especially know this as they were super active there. Also please keep in mind that I got killed off early last game. Not to mention my only posts were the #Yolo ones (which too were posts of big paragraphs).

I'm well aware that the mafia(if they're capable) are going to attempt to disrupt any sort of gathering of the town and planning. That's unavoidable, as you've said. But my point here is that you're trying way too hard.

You claim that you're going to be framed regardless, but I really beg to differ. I'm not going to explain why, as it would completely give away the whole point and the mafia could take advantage of it. But if you're not mafia and you're trying really hard to be mayor, they aren't going to want to waste a frame on you. They'd just wait until the next mayor gets voted and they'd kill you then.
Just saying, I don't think making long posts should be used against anyone as a reason to call someone out as Mafia. If we want to use that, I should have been evil scum last game. Plus Kayla has shown that she made some pretty in depth posts in observer land.
Just saying, I don't think making long posts should be used against anyone as a reason to call someone out as Mafia. If we want to use that, I should have been evil scum last game. Plus Kayla has shown that she made some pretty in depth posts in observer land.

I wasn't saying big posts in general. I'm saying big posts catering to how good of a mayor she would be.

If they were in depth posts on how she'd be able to pull off all of the stuff she's claimed she could, I'd change my mind. But so far all I've seen is a lot of "I'll be a good mayor" and not enough "here is how I'll do it".

Being in her position, I would have had one of the detectives contact me and start organizing a plan with them instead of telling them to inspect her. Already she is proving to be bad at being a mayor by wasting an inspection when it could be used for something worth it.
I wasn't saying big posts in general. I'm saying big posts catering to how good of a mayor she would be.

If they were in depth posts on how she'd be able to pull off all of the stuff she's claimed she could, I'd change my mind. But so far all I've seen is a lot of "I'll be a good mayor" and not enough "here is how I'll do it".

Just like real life!

Being in her position, I would have had one of the detectives contact me and start organizing a plan with them instead of telling them to inspect her. Already she is proving to be bad at being a mayor by wasting an inspection when it could be used for something worth it.

Agreed, though if she's not doing this, she's either mafia, or not a good mayoral prospect.
I wasn't saying big posts in general. I'm saying big posts catering to how good of a mayor she would be.

If they were in depth posts on how she'd be able to pull off all of the stuff she's claimed she could, I'd change my mind. But so far all I've seen is a lot of "I'll be a good mayor" and not enough "here is how I'll do it".

Being in her position, I would have had one of the detectives contact me and start organizing a plan with them instead of telling them to inspect her. Already she is proving to be bad at being a mayor by wasting an inspection when it could be used for something worth it.

Here are my in-depth posts on how I want to pull it all off:

1. My plan is to get the players actively involved. Call them out, ask them questions & put them in a position to have to give us information. Town players need information to survive in this game. We are the uninformed majority as stated in Post #1. My plan definitely involves everyone's participation.

2. It's really important to look at the big picture. For example, detectives could be trying to give us hints but we might consider them Mafia for trying to get specific players lynched. That's why they need to be gaining our trust. Especially with road blocks being in this game. You can't really be certain of anything until the lynches are over & done with. You can only hope to be right & use the results of lynches for the greater good of the Town players in the future. Conclusions will be made based on how the majority feels after our discussions.

1) Mistakes can bring light to information that can be used for Town players. Like I said before we need to get information out of people & any events such as lynching. We are the uninformed majority and we need to seek every possible way to get our hands on information that will lead us to Mafia members. Mistakes should not be ignored.

2) This, I can see happening on the Mayor's solo Lynch on Day One. If people aren't posting, then the mayor will have to somehow come to terms & think for themselves. Criticism is apart of the job, no doubt. If the Town can pull together & help the Mayor out, then hopefully we won't be turning against each other very early on.

There's a couple of things I personally want to look at:

- Bandwagoners. I feel like it's very weird that several people voted without even posting why? Guys this happened within minutes & it's a huge red flag at the moment. Mafia have the numbers to sway votes.

- We need to take into account who isn't posting. This is a very weak statement but .. Mafia members could likely be amongst the ones not posting in fear that they'll slip up. Of course, just as likely to be amongst the ones posting. This could play into the bandwagon thing & lead us to more leads?

- The people analyzing posts & asking questions. I think we need to keep them around longer (like VillageDweller). Even though his theories are off, he did have a valid post with good theories. If he can keep that up during the game, then people like him will be a really good asset for Town players. Also people like LaurinaMN who are invested in getting to know their potential Mayor / Sheriff. Asking the right questions.

I think the detectives are very hesitant to reveal themselves. Not only that, but doing so publicly might encourage mafia to contact me instead. There is no good way to go about asking the detectives to contact me without risking mafia interference. I would rather the detectives decide on who they trust more themselves & work with that person based on their own judgement. They have the tools to be able to make the right decision if they do not forget about the road blocks in this game.

I think they should inspect all positions thoroughly and from there reveal themselves slowly if they so wish to. They should focus on leaving trails of information for us all rather than proving themselves directly by PM'ing me. They could be great assets to the town hidden as well as visible. I haven't even won the election & SO many people haven't voted. Why would they risk giving up their roles that quickly to me, even if I were to ask?
Do you have to be a member of the mafia to vote? I don't see anything about it in the voting rules, so I'm going to assume you don't have to be.
If they are smart they won't.

That was the whole point of me saying that was a bad move from your end at the start, when you told them to inspect you.

I read your posts and you make a lot of good points, but at the end you could just as easily be saying all of that to get votes for you, which is my suspicion. A lot of pretty words are a good way to cover yourself, even if you are in fact helping the town by telling them what they should be doing(like I did last game), you could still be mafia by playing the part well.

It's gonna take a lot more to convince me.
Do you have to be a member of the mafia to vote? I don't see anything about it in the voting rules, so I'm going to assume you don't have to be.

Please fully read the first post if you're gonna sign up for this kind of game:

Each player (including Mafia) get one vote, and players must figure out who the Mafia are, and convince others that they are correct.

It also says you're voting to get mafia. It would be rather odd if mafia were the only ones able to vote in that case.
my above post was aimed at iLoveYou
I assumed as much. Didn't mean to sneak that little post before yours. But quotes save lives, Gallows.

Please fully read the first post if you're gonna sign up for this kind of game. It also says you're voting to get mafia. It would be rather odd if mafia were the only ones able to vote in that case.
Sorry, I was still really confused. I didn't bother reading the entire first post at first since the Playerlist is already full.
I just noticed that Gallows has been pointing fingers at everyone all of a sudden. This seems kinda suspisous to me, since he trying to put attention on people who may or may not be mafia.

I'm actually really glad Gallows decided to weigh in on his opinions. It's definitely helped me look beyond what candidates are promising. I don't see him pointing fingers, he's just reading between the lines and analyzing what a lot of us may have missed since we were so caught up in the excitement. I was all for Kayla since we kind of pushed her to step up and give us reasons why she should be mayor since not very many people were at the moment. A few members did point out the eagerness and the whole pushing the inspection part on Kayla's speech. I'm hoping we get a solid answer on Gandalf's question if the detective role checks a mayor if we'd get their mayor role, before role, or both roles.
I might have to go with my choice of Superpenguin. If not mayor, he'd make a deserving sheriff.
Voted Superpenguin. He seems to be on the ball and providing good points without getting too involved? Just seems a-okay to me.
Voted Superpenguin. He seems to be on the ball and providing good points without getting too involved? Just seems a-okay to me.

Well.. going back and checking his posts, he's doing exactly the same thing Kayla is doing. :I

Seriously guys, what the heck is wrong with you? You're like a bunch of flipping sheep.
If I made a post about how I would be a good mayor would you all just instantly flip the switch and say, "Oh wow, Gallows would be a great mayor, he knows what he is doing and doesn't afraid of anything!"

He made two posts in particular about him wanting to be mayor, and saying that he was going to hold off on voting and to do this and that.

The problem I'm seeing here is that, other than the votes on Justin, the highest votes are for people who said they WANTED to be mayor. I think everyone should sit down and think about that. Out of all of the people on here, why would those two want to be mayor? More specifically, why would they be campaigning themselves? In a game where you're supposed to take down the mafia and make sure they don't get into a position of power, you guys sure are pretty trustworthy of any person who says they'll do a good job.

The three most recent votes were for Superpenguin, all at the same time. I'm calling bullcrap on this one, so those three votes are on my suspicion list, as well as Superpenguin. And Kayla, still. Until she can prove me otherwise.
Also, it could be that maybe iLoveYou and Superpenguin are both mafia, and they're trying to get the mayor and sheriff roles together.
@Prof Gallows I'm really hoping you're not calling bullcrap on my vote and seeing me as suspicious. I've been thinking about who to vote for all morning.

I posted these around noon
For all we know more than one of the Mafia members have spoken and given their reasons, and they could be working together to rank up some votes (starting a hype) guaranteeing a Mafia member to become Mayor or Sheriff

But Kayla, you're on the top of my list. Superpenguin, you're not too far behind.
SuperPenguin has had my support throughout most of this. If you want to blame anyone for the whole campaigning themselves, blame me. I needed something solid to go off of and hearing why they wanted to be mayor was me trying to fill my unanswered questions. Your posts (Gallows) has raised my suspicions on Kayla, but maybe it's because I skimmed most of Superpenguin's posts while I was at work and may have missed something because before he seemed to be interested in the role, but not so much as to pushing himself onto everyone.