Mafia TBT Mafia II: Mafia Strike Back [Game Over/Mafia Win]

@Prof Gallows I'm really hoping you're not calling bullcrap on my vote and seeing me as suspicious. I've been thinking about who to vote for all morning.

Similarities. I'd say that Kayla was a lot more aggressive with wanting to be mayor.

Superpenguin, as far as I can tell, really hasn't done much out of those two posts. But I'm automatically going to suspect people who are asking to be mayor. Especially on the first day. And I'm really going to suspect people who vote for someone all at the same time. Going and looking, you and VillageDweller voted for Superpenguin at exactly the same time. And then ITookYourWaffles did after, but he changed it after he read my post.

It's not a major suspicion, but it was pretty weird that you three all voted for him at the same time.
Similarities. I'd say that Kayla was a lot more aggressive with wanting to be mayor.

Superpenguin, as far as I can tell, really hasn't done much out of those two posts. But I'm automatically going to suspect people who are asking to be mayor. Especially on the first day. And I'm really going to suspect people who vote for someone all at the same time. Going and looking, you and VillageDweller voted for Superpenguin at exactly the same time. And then ITookYourWaffles did after, but he changed it after he read my post.

It's not a major suspicion, but it was pretty weird that you three all voted for him at the same time.

The whole same time thing, believe it or not, was an odd coincidence. Since I always have so many tabs open I didn't notice his vote before or after mine, lol. But I can definitely see how that can raise suspension. I'm really not sure what ITookYourWaffles is considering when it comes down to her vote. The only post I've seen in this thread from her was this one from earlier today:
I think I'm gonna vote for Kayla because she is honest or Blueleaf
((Still thinking who to vote)....
It's kind of odd that you put your vote in for SuperPenguin without giving any reason why.
I think I would still have to vote for iLoveYou despite all the arguments Gallows has thrown to her. A bandwagon started once the first vote of Justin came in, which made me really suspicious towards him and the first six or so voters, so sorry no vote for you here, Justin :( . Same could be said with Kayla, but she seems to me like a decent enough candidate due to her passion and willingness to play the game, plus her effort in her posts are phoenomanal, whereas all the votes on Justin were reasoned with 'oh he did good the first round' and the like. Justin seems to be 'humbly-desperate' for the role too, js.

That last post saying that 'superpenguin and iloveyou could easily be mafia' was to me based off hardly any evidence (kayla didnt even vote for SP). Even though they could be mafia based on your suspicions, we can always observe their suspicious acts (if they do end up being mayor / sheriff, and if they commit any suspicious acts) later on game and link possible evidence to them being mafia from Day 1 (today) or future days to come. Also, We can always publicly lynch them if necessary :p

And since I didnt post a lot, here are my opinions on the other candidates that were mentioned (sry if i messed up ur genders):

Superpenguin - I kinda like him. He seems to me to be someone who really wants activity in this game, and that makes me think he's a townie role because of his commitment and his desire for information. The one thing that makes me suspect him just a little bit is his idea to lynch lurkers. What if he does turn out to be mafia and will only announce townie lurkers for the lynch?

BlueRose - He's okay. Though, oath's ultra support for him kinda scares me in to voting for him. He wouldn't be a bad mayor though, but he might be mafia in my eyes.

VillageDweller - I dont think i have seen many shining moments for this guy, probably because i was rushing through the time he was posting. Not much to say from me, unfortunately.

Prof Gallows - Yeah, he would be a good mayor too. But I'm not really set on voting for him probably because of his high suspicions on possibly-essential town members.

Trundle - he seems okay but his desparation for the role is a bit overboard. but even then, at this time he probably cant get enough votes so if i did vote for him, it would be null :(

too lazy to post for other candidates, sorry. But i like to think that fireninja would be a good mayor as well because he seems to know the 'works' of the mafia, as he was one in the previous round.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Well.. going back and checking his posts, he's doing exactly the same thing Kayla is doing. :I

Seriously guys, what the heck is wrong with you? You're like a bunch of flipping sheep.
If I made a post about how I would be a good mayor would you all just instantly flip the switch and say, "Oh wow, Gallows would be a great mayor, he knows what he is doing and doesn't afraid of anything!"

He made two posts in particular about him wanting to be mayor, and saying that he was going to hold off on voting and to do this and that.

The problem I'm seeing here is that, other than the votes on Justin, the highest votes are for people who said they WANTED to be mayor. I think everyone should sit down and think about that. Out of all of the people on here, why would those two want to be mayor? More specifically, why would they be campaigning themselves? In a game where you're supposed to take down the mafia and make sure they don't get into a position of power, you guys sure are pretty trustworthy of any person who says they'll do a good job.

The three most recent votes were for Superpenguin, all at the same time. I'm calling bullcrap on this one, so those three votes are on my suspicion list, as well as Superpenguin. And Kayla, still. Until she can prove me otherwise

Directed at this. Took me 30 minutes to write omg
The whole same time thing, believe it or not, was an odd coincidence. Since I always have so many tabs open I didn't notice his vote before or after mine, lol. But I can definitely see how that can raise suspension.

It's kind of odd that you put your vote in for SuperPenguin without giving any reason why.

Yeah, once ITookYourWaffles changed his vote my suspicion went down a bit, since he was just following the popular vote at the time.
I'm not completely dropping any of my suspicions but the levels vary on how important I think they are to peruse. You and VD voting being the lowest on my list, under suspecting Superpenguin and Kayla.
Yeah, once ITookYourWaffles changed his vote my suspicion went down a bit, since he was just following the popular vote at the time.
I'm not completely dropping any of my suspicions but the levels vary on how important I think they are to peruse. You and VD voting being the lowest on my list, under suspecting Superpenguin and Kayla.
ITookYourWaffles has now voted for Justin which throws me off even more. I won't make a big deal over it, but I will be keeping her voting pattern in mind.
And feel free to have any suspicion on me now or in the future, I'll have nothing to hid.
Same could be said with Kayla, but she seems to me like a decent enough candidate due to her passion and willingness to play the game, plus her effort in her posts are phoenomanal, whereas all the votes on Justin were reasoned with 'oh he did good the first round' and the like. Justin seems to be 'humbly-desperate' for the role too, js.

If you could point me in the direction of those posts I'd greatly appreciate it. Because from what I've seen, it's all why she would be a good mayor, but nothing to back up how she was going to do any of it.

That last post saying that 'superpenguin and iloveyou could easily be mafia' was to me based off hardly any evidence (kayla didnt even vote for SP). Even though they could be mafia based on your suspicions, we can always observe their suspicious acts (if they do end up being mayor / sheriff, and if they commit any suspicious acts) later on game and link possible evidence to them being mafia from Day 1 (today) or future days to come. Also, We can always publicly lynch them if necessary :p

That seems like it's going to be wasting a lot of our time and probably a few of our fellow town members. I don't think it's the best idea to wait around for blatantly obvious evidence, that's a good way to get us all killed.
To be honest, I'm not too confident in most of the candidates, but since it's vote or die here, I'm liking what I see from Gallows.
That last post saying that 'superpenguin and iloveyou could easily be mafia' was to me based off hardly any evidence (kayla didnt even vote for SP). Even though they could be mafia based on your suspicions, we can always observe their suspicious acts (if they do end up being mayor / sheriff, and if they commit any suspicious acts) later on game and link possible evidence to them being mafia from Day 1 (today) or future days to come. Also, We can always publicly lynch them if necessary :p
Gallows has me back tracking and second guessing every thought I've had the past couple of days. I don't even know where I or anyone stands anymore. They can easily be working together (which wouldn't matter if Kayla voted for SP or not. If she did that would really raise some suspicion. One mafia member as mayor or sheriff is enough to cause trouble) . I didn't notice this in the beginning but within the first couple hours of the game even starting SP was very insistent the role of Mayor should go to Kayla (specifically this post: while shooting down other members on why they shouldn't be mayor such as AndyB and Justin.
If you could point me in the direction of those posts I'd greatly appreciate it. Because from what I've seen, it's all why she would be a good mayor, but nothing to back up how she was going to do any of it.
Frankly none of the potential mayors really have something to say back up if they are going to do their mayoral duties or not. It's too early to tell, really. I voted for iLoveYou because of the way she's going to lead the game, and if she fails to accomplish that properly, that's when suspicions on her would arise, and she has to talk under the pressure, which could cause contradictions.

That seems like it's going to be wasting a lot of our time and probably a few of our fellow town members. I don't think it's the best idea to wait around for blatantly obvious evidence, that's a good way to get us all killed.
Tell me what's "blatantly obvious" of iLoveyou's mafia links, cause i dont see anything suggesting that. She could be considered an expert and could hide her red-lining, but I don't think she's all too suspicious because, with the way she is leading the town, we could get information on each player and observe what they have to say, and find any contradictions in them. And if they do post one, they are most probably mafia, as lying scums don't benefit the town.
Gallows I'd almost say you've earned my vote just based on the scepticism you've had for the other big players and reluctance to have people vote for you.

First day feels like everyone suspecting everyone. Reason I say you is that with 2 hours to go, any townie with the mayor role is good. Then the suspicions rise again. Iloveyou, superpenguin and trundle all just seem to be a bit keen (probably gallows influence there).

So now I'm going to say villagedweller. Your general behaviour makes me say townie!
Frankly none of the potential mayors really have something to say back up if they are going to do their mayoral duties or not. It's too early to tell, really. I voted for iLoveYou because of the way she's going to lead the game, and if she fails to accomplish that properly, that's when suspicions on her would arise, and she has to talk under the pressure, which could cause contradictions.

Tell me what's "blatantly obvious" of iLoveyou's mafia links, cause i dont see anything suggesting that. She could be considered an expert and could hide her red-lining, but I don't think she's all too suspicious because, with the way she is leading the town, we could get information on each player and observe what they have to say, and find any contradictions in them. And if they do post one, they are most probably mafia, as lying scums don't benefit the town.

There isn't anything blatantly obvious about her posts. It's the lack of how she's going to do these things.
All of this "she's going to lead the game" and generally backing her up after all of the points I've given, without you having any real valid point against any single one of them, isn't really saying the best for you either.

So far the majority of people that I've suspected you have had something good to say about them.
I think half of what I said about Superpenguin wasn't really "backing him up". :p

But yah I'll have to wait out what iLoveYou has to say about this first, because she needs to address the pool of suspicions you threw on her lol. But she seems to be winning the election, and if i do change my vote, it wouldn't be all to necessary because almost everyone has voted and are offline.
I got about an hour, give or take, left to vote and I'm still not too confident on any of the candidates. I know I'm not voting for Superpenguin or Kayla for the reasons Gallows gave. They both seem big on the talk, but that's about it. That leaves myself, Gallows, and VillageDweller remaining in the candidate pool in terms of players who have any amount of votes where they even have a chance. I think voting for myself would be a bit odd so that leaves my vote for either Gallows or VillageDweller I guess. Of the two, Gallows has been contributing the most, he's had arguments with something substantial to them.

So aboard the Gallows train it is. I guess. I'm not really confident in him either. Honestly I'd probably vote for nobody right now if I didn't know it would get me modkilled.
I think half of what I said about Superpenguin wasn't really "backing him up". :p

But yah I'll have to wait out what iLoveYou has to say about this first, because she needs to address the pool of suspicions you threw on her lol. But she seems to be winning the election, and if i do change my vote, it wouldn't be all to necessary because almost everyone has voted and are offline.

Actually, the votes are tied right now. 10 for Justin, 10 for iLoveYou.

It'll only take a few more votes either way to decide it. Your change of heart might have some impact after all, if you were actually going to consider it in the first place. =p

Also thank you Jubs, but I didn't really consider myself being mayor. Not really something I think I would be good at doing. I like not being important so I can be more vocal.
Then again, if I were mayor I could be vocal and not worry about being killed if my bodyguards were alive. But it's not very likely, as I've already made a lot of people angry at me. lol
That does it. It may be me being overly tired and over thinking things, but I'm changing my vote to Justin. The only reason I had my doubts early in the game was the votes that were pouring in for him before he even had a chance to post. Which made me feel like he didn't need to try so hard convincing people to vote for him like other members had to. Disregarding the bandwagon, the previous games, the other members campaigning, I think Justin's answers were simple and straight to the point. Not too weak, not too aggressive. Average. He just seems like the safe bet.

Gallows would make a great mayor, but he makes me the most nervous. He plays the game too well. The way he analyzes things, contradicts people, and his strategies would make it very easy for him to manipulate votes to his favor. I mean this all as a compliment.
That does it. It may be me being overly tired and over thinking things, but I'm changing my vote to Justin. The only reason I had my doubts early in the game was the votes that were pouring in for him before he even had a chance to post. Which made me feel like he didn't need to try so hard convincing people to vote for him like other members had to. Disregarding the bandwagon, the previous games, the other members campaigning, I think Justin's answers were simple and straight to the point. Not too weak, not too aggressive. Average. He just seems like the safe bet.

Gallows would make a great mayor, but he makes me the most nervous. He plays the game too well. The way he analyzes things, contradicts people, and his strategies would make it very easy for him to manipulate votes to his favor. I mean this all as a compliment.

Compliment accepted. :D

And that's very true, as that's what I did last game. Except this time I'm expendable, so I'm getting my voice out as much as possible and getting this ball rolling strong. I'll likely be killed off when the game shifts over to night, but hey, if any of what I said rings true later in the game, you have a lot to look back on.
I'm going Gallows. His playstyle differs from last game, so I think it's a safe choice.
Yeah, I noticed Trundle attempting earlier. And his voting for himself. lol

If he hadn't voted for himself I would have suspected him, but if one of the mafia are honestly going to vote for themselves in a desperate bid to get the position I really don't think it's worth my effort trying to convince anyone else, because they probably wouldn't know how to be a proper mafia anyway. =p

Still, I think the people who voted for iLoveYou should start questioning her why. Or anyone, really.
Because so far the only posts I've seen about her wanting the role are that she's going to do such a good job, and do this and do that.
She can't really promise any of that. And to be honest, if she really expects that she can make those promises without the mafia screwing it all up, I think she's a bad choice for mayor even if she isn't mafia.

I guess it was mostly the timing of everything happened that I ended up having to vote for myself. I do find the other members suspicious and I wasn't prepared to make my final decision. Simply put, I was rushed and didn't have much time to think.

Thunder: Oh yeah, I forgot. The wording in the role list didn't really make sense to me anyway. Specifically, "your ability to decide what role you will return as..." I thought this meant they would change into that role.
iLoveYou: I personally think Trundle is desperate. He's making people look bad to make him look better. That's probably me, but his "biography of my life" offended me quite a bit.

I don't see how I'm being desperate. I'm voting for myself, and I'm the only one voting for myself. I in no way need to be mayor or sheriff at all, but, in my opinion, it would be for the benefit of the town. I'm not trying to make people look bad; it's a game of mafia. I am suspicious of certain people and I don't find you suitable for the position. Also, this is just a game. Don't get offended by simple things like that. Acting defensive will be your downfall if you continue it this game.
Sincerely, GoingToBeLateForSchool