Mafia TBT Mafia II: Mafia Strike Back [Game Over/Mafia Win]

And before I withdraw my vote and change it, I wanted to explain why again so I'm not accused of anything.

Gallows is doing quite well for being gone for the majority of yesterday. He's doing great, actually. Analyzing well, drawing points together well, etc. He is also playing a bit different than last game. Although I doubt that my vote for him will really affect anything at this point, I don't want to waste my vote on myself. (I only voted for myself last night due to lack of time to figure what I needed to in order to make a fully educated vote.)
Just it in in time. Stick with what I said before - everyone's suspecting everyone while we are probably safe with justin or kayla. I can't sway the masses at this stage but still got my vote for vd
So how about that vote from Lynn?

Got anything to say about it?

I voted for her because I think she would be a good mayor. Last time in the observer's chat she was really good and had lots of skills, for some reason Justin doesn't seem like a good choice of mayor for some reason idk (Not persuading?)If I voted for someone else it wouldn't help anyone really since right now it's kind of a debate between those two.
I feel tempted to vote for Gallows, but my vote probably won't count. I think most of Justin's voters are based off the previous game, so I'm not too up for him as well. But if more votes for Gallows show up, then yeah sure go Gallows! I'll wait for the last 5 minutes and decide whether my vote would come in or not.
I voted for her because I think she would be a good mayor. Last time in the observer's chat she was really good and had lots of skills, for some reason Justin doesn't seem like a good choice of mayor for some reason idk (Not persuading?)If I voted for someone else it wouldn't help anyone really since right now it's kind of a debate between those two.

I think a lot of people are getting a little confused as to what they are deciding. I read the observer's chat too, and I completely agree that Kayla was making very great posts in there.
That's a double edge sword.
She can be an awesome player, but if she's mafia, then that works out in her advantage. People are going to look at the observer chat and say, "Oh she made some good points" but a lot of instant votes to her isn't smart as you don't know what her role is.

And as I said earlier, anybody who is asking for mayor on the first day is suspicious.
I think a lot of people are getting a little confused as to what they are deciding. I read the observer's chat too, and I completely agree that Kayla was making very great posts in there.
That's a double edge sword.
She can be an awesome player, but if she's mafia, then that works out in her advantage. People are going to look at the observer chat and say, "Oh she made some good points" but a lot of instant votes to her isn't smart as you don't know what her role is.

And as I said earlier, anybody who is asking for mayor on the first day is suspicious.

Yeah, but in this point of game there's not really any telling of who might be mafia or not.. I may change my vote but I don't really know who I would change it to D:
Rolechecks of the Mayor/Sheriff will return both their starting role and the role of Mayor or Sheriff.

Yeah don't know why I thought otherwise... Must be the Adelaide water.

Lead us well kayla and Justin. We'll be watching ;)
Justin has been elected Mayor

iLoveYou has been elected Sheriff

Please check that the vote count was done correctly. Meanwhile, I now await the decision from the new Mayor of who to lynch.
Aw, you didn't have one of those short stories along with it :(

I was thinking the same thing until I realized it was because day one isn't over yet! Justin still needs to vote for the first lynch. Not completely sure how he's going to go about doing so.
I know the vote is over and I lost. Congrats to Justin and Kayla, btw. But I feel inclined to prove my innocence.

The three most recent votes were for Superpenguin, all at the same time. I'm calling bullcrap on this one, so those three votes are on my suspicion list, as well as Superpenguin. And Kayla, still. Until she can prove me otherwise.

I have all ready revealed I am aligned to town. Take of that as you will, but I am being totally honest. Something you may want to look at is activity. There is still a mafia chat in this round, and players are going to be using their time up chatting about current happenings in there as well. I've been active in this thread whenever I've been able to, just as active as I was in the Observer Chat.

I didn't notice this in the beginning but within the first couple hours of the game even starting SP was very insistent the role of Mayor should go to Kayla (specifically this post: while shooting down other members on why they shouldn't be mayor such as AndyB and Justin.

When Kayla started getting votes, I knew that would end up coming around back at me, especially if Kayla ever flips red. :/ Going off of Kayla's great activity and her old posts in the Obs Cat, I felt she would be a good mayor. But she was also the candidate I believed with most confidence was town(This post was before her roleclaim keep in mind). Like I said before, she has proved continuously active here just like she had done in the Obs Chat(Even more active) I feel if she was mafia, she'd be trying to lead the mafia in the Mafia Chat while posting a lot less here.

That seems like it's going to be wasting a lot of our time and probably a few of our fellow town members. I don't think it's the best idea to wait around for blatantly obvious evidence, that's a good way to get us all killed.

I guess this contributed to my loss of the election since I wasn't on here to clear things up on my views.

I wasn't looking for "Blatantly obvious evidence", I was just looking for strong enough evidence. Also, I don't find this game to be very easy on the town with lurkers in the game. Lurkers don't benefit the town even if they are aligned to town, thus I made the point if there's no solid evidence, we target lurkers.

Seriously, what would happen when we get to the end, the mafia picked off the top contributors with the only top contributors remaining being mafia members, and then there are several lurkers from the beginning of the game that just flew under the radar. Are those lurkers going to go read through some posts and make decisions for themselves? No, they'll follow the top contributors which are possibly be mafia.
Okay so uh looks like I have the dreadful responsibility of deciding the lynch today...

Just FYI guys, I won't be able to post much in here until later today so expect a little bit of silence. In the meantime, I ask anyone who has any lynch proposals to step forward, speak, and get some discussion going. I'll read through the thread when I get back later and see what everyone has to say. Personally though, I think probably one of the lurkers if nothing else comes up.

I would also like to hear from Oath regarding that strange BlueLeaf vote that was discussed briefly earlier by Super Penguin and myself.
Not really sure what you're trying to get at there Superpenguin, but that last quote from me had absolutely nothing to do with you. =p
Not really sure what you're trying to get at there Superpenguin, but that last quote from me had absolutely nothing to do with you. =p

Oh, okay I thought it was. Just went back and saw otherwise, okay. Either way, the way I responded to the quote is still what I'd honestly do if I had been mayor.

Unless some suspicions pop up, I always felt inclined to get rid of one of these three:

Oath2Order His post and vote for BlueLeaf seemed far too suspicious to me and still does. I'd like to hear from him as well. Speak up!

Dolby Right out of the gate, they casted their vote...and it was for Gallows, a candidate that wouldn't even post until about a day later. Dolby is either uninterested in investing time into this game, or they have some other reason.

And I was going to say Reizo-Trepe because they seemed completely clueless as to what is going on...but apparently they aren't even playing?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Dolby also never explained their vote, nor did they bother to post after voting.
Dolby Right out of the gate, they casted their vote...and it was for Gallows, a candidate that wouldn't even post until about a day later. Dolby is either uninterested in investing time into this game, or they have some other reason.

I was a little confused by this as well. lol

I came home and read through like 50 pages, then went to the voting thread and the first fuppin' vote was for me. I wasn't even here.
Wait! Let me rephrase the whole Dolby thing! It was FoxWolf who voted first out of the gate for Gallows, my mind trailed off to Dolby, sorry. :/ Well, Dolby felt that she started a bandwagon for Justin, and that's all she had to say for the day.

Guys, i'm really sorry if Justin is part of the mafia(I started a bandwagon)

Then she randomly switched to Gallows without explanation before Gallows even began to post in this thread. I want to hear some explanations from Dolby.