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Mafia TBT Mafia: Renaissance - Game Thread [ENDGAME - Town Wins]

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that q is so annoying tho, u choose no one and ppl sus u over it, u can't win lol
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in sayi
currently reading up on the thread, the game started late for me so i was asleep for the good majority of the game so far 👌
will comment on things after i finish reading
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I find Trundle's read list strange. . Just placing Mog as random scum is really weird, especially because it was specifically stated that there isn't much to go off of. Now, since this is D1 there is a good chance that it's simply gut feeling.

For a couple seconds, Punchy's posts seemed strange in how they were formatted. To me, they almost read like a stanza in a poem. After looking at all the other posts of Punchy's, I don't think it's important.

I'm not quite familiar with everyone's play styles cause it's been so long since I've played, but those two things are the only things that really stick out in my mind after going through the thread.
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Didn't Trundle also Town someone completely?

he said it was for a reaction then admitted soon after he wasn't qualified to make the reaction so who rly knows, also i'm not sure why it's helpful if one of us dies, this interaction rly means nothing unless i'm dumb
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that q is so annoying tho, u choose no one and ppl sus u over it, u can't win lol
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in sayi

he said it was for a reaction then admitted soon after he wasn't qualified to make the reaction so who rly knows, also i'm not sure why it's helpful if one of us dies, this interaction rly means nothing unless i'm dumb
I'm not sure how it will be useful yet, but the more crazy stuff that goes on D1 the better it is for the rest of the game. More posts forces the mafia to leave behind more evidence of their WRONGDOING.
Actually, I think I'm wrong about more information = better results. I've been thinking about it and I revoke my previous statement. Also, this is just a Post Merge, not an edit.
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Apparently it wasn't even a post merge.
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I think information overload is a thing and it can impair people's judgment when making decisions in mafia. I will try from now on to only contribute information that I think is useful for finding mafia here and now.
Ok I think it’s a little soon to be making hard reads but here are some of my general observations of the players at the moment. This came from me quickly skimming the whole game up until this post.

1. Damniel – Emolga did note that he seems to be taking a very town leader-esque role early on, and I generally agree with that. However I don’t find any of his pushes or questions to be particularly suspect atm and he is actually generating good content and trying to pin people in corners. I think a lot of his activity will be helpful in coming days so for now I’m willing to trust him.

2. Trundle – I always have a hard time reading Trundle. He did seem overly fixated on minor points early on and has been forced to backpedal/explain away a lot of what he’s been saying in light of withering criticism from Geoni. However if I had to say what the Geoni and Trundle interaction is at the moment, I would say it’s way more likely to be town v town then anything else. It’s almost certainly not maf v maf attempting distancing in the first hours of day 1, in my opinion. Either they’re both town or one is maf in my view. I did find his phraseology in reference to me interesting – “inquisitive as always” or something like that – which could be interpreted as him keeping track of the townies that could potentially give him trouble. His “reaction test” of mog was weird too, especially at this early point in the game. He picked someone who wasn’t incredibly active or prominent to reaction test. Why does he keep calling players “interesting” – it’s a noncommittal bull**** weasel word that I think makes him look like he’s giving meaningful commentary on players when he really isn’t. Sometimes his comments read like a neutral observer of the game and not even an active participant. He also flip flopped on what should be a relatively uncontroversial statement – more information/posts = better for town – within an hour, in what came off to me as a pretty stilted way. Slight scumlean.

3. Jacob – a lot of people seem to suspect him, I find his initial statement of trundle v Dan being town v town a little strange. Strange for a maf!Jacob to just outright state (if either one or none of his teammates are in that mix) or strange for a town!Jacob to state either (I would not have strong townread either at that point in time). Rn I am not exactly comfortable with the amount of pressure he’s facing – it feels a little orchestrated. His post on mog seems really interesting if the two were a team: “i don't think META reading someone as introspective as mog is a good d1 tactic. She leaves and enters every game thinking about her emotional responses and wording and everything, so she easily can be masking or intentionally rewording things to confuse ppl reading her meta” It displays an uncomfortable level of knowledge of her thought processes which is either (a) because they’re good friends and know each other well or (b) they’ve been talking a lot about things…in another chat…

4. Emolga59 – I think it’s bold of them to give analysis on Daniel potentially being scum at this point. I can’t envision a maf team that thinks it’s a good idea to cast shade on a prominent town leader rn. I’m definitely willing to consider the possibility of scum Daniel even though it disagrees with my view atm. Emolga strikes me as genuinely trying to help and forge their own way in their couple of posts so a slight townlean for now.

5. DinoTown
– asking a lot of questions, seems to be trying his best to navigate a lot of unfamiliar territory and terminology. I do find it interesting that Trundle chose him as a better newbie over Emolga, could be indicative of a mafia coaching relationship (ie Trundle coaching Dino to act clueless), but that’s too reachy a conclusion to come to atm. For now I will slight townlean him because he seems genuine, but do be aware of him as we keep going.

6. f11 – f11 is generally a rather hard one to read early on but becomes easier to whittle down as the game continues. I don’t really find much of what they’ve said to be that significant, quite frankly – until they started pressing Jacob. Their first post was a joke post about me vs. you and you’re the scum. Null. Worth looking into the people who have made a read on them based on the little they’ve said though, most notably Geoni. The Jacob pressure is good though and I’m willing to bet that f11 and Jacob are on different teams.

7. Locket – their entrance post is pretty decent and I will await further contributions to the thread to really have more of a say. I will note her pointing out Punchy’s stanza-like post is a bit weird and implies she could have knowledge of a power, that she could only likely have if she was maf on a team with Punchy. But that’s a rather far-fetched and reachy conclusion to reach just from that comment – it’s just something I wanted to put out there.

8. Oath2Order – I agree with Geoni that his D1 post style pisses me off. That being said, it’s not really AI. It could be purposefully bleak and vague to not be set up and used against him later on? Rn I don’t see him aligned with much of anyone and so he could be another TP candidate.

9. PunchyDaHufflepuff
– he seems to be pretty typical town punchy at the moment in my view, but I do find it weird how he is trying to pin a particular playstyle on mog this early on in the game. Very slight townlean but one to def keep an eye on. I don’t think scum punchy would be so quick to townlock somebody at this stage in the game. His TL in shawo is one of the weirdest bits of analysis I’ve seen in this game thus far though.

10. amazonevan19 – the biggest filthiest liar ever and you should scumlock him now.

11. Geoni – always a hard one to read too, like I said before he’s a very good player on either alignment. The biggest flaw with him when he’s scum is that he gets tripped up in some elaborate defense. His own highly analytical style often comes back to bite him in some form. I think that he’s been making good presses on people and doubt he’d have scum motivation behind them atm but do keep in mind what I say about how he plays scum. Probably my biggest problem with him atm is townleaning f11 when f11 had said practically nothing of value at that point.

12. Skarmoury
– I think they’re new? First two posts were pretty useless fluff about how “heated” things were (when they weren’t given TBT mafia standards) but that doesn’t really tell me much of anything, esp. if they aren’t used to the level of play on this site. Backed Heyden on his random scum list.

13. PandaDarling
– they posted? I saw a couple of references to her early on but I don’t recall her saying much of anything? Null

14. Sheabae – MIA I think

15. tae – seems very irritable and jumpy, to be frank. Def one to keep an eye on. Idk if this is typical of their scum playstyle or not and I am too pressed for time to look into it atm.

16. glow
– her first post jumped onto my line of questioning on Trundle and also commented on Jacob’s “interesting” line about Dan and Trundle being town v. town. Notably called out Geoni on his first post, which is odd because I didn’t necessarily think anything was wrong with it. I guess she was expecting more from him idk. So far I’m getting town vibes though.

17. Shawo – continues to ignore repeated requests and almost seems to be flaunting it at this point. Ihnc what they’re even doing in this game. If ever there was a candidate for a rogue/third party, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it was Shawo. Please step up with more substantive posts, a lot of what you are saying is just absolutely meaningless and useless fluff, and it pisses me off.

18. Mogyay – she usually plays the same way no matter what alignment she is and I do find it interesting how Punchy has been trying to nail down a particular playstyle on her. Idk what that says about Punchy or Mog. Her first post seemed all right but her interactions with Punchy are a little weird in my book. Null.

19. Heyden – idk I’m a little uncomfortable with how he just point blank told me “Also that definitely wasn't a pocket lol” in reference to what shawo said about me, almost like he knew.

20. Harbour – seems genuine, null atm but could lean town if I read their posts sideways with one eye closed. I like her challenging Geoni on his f11 read because it mirrors my thought on the matter.

Rn I need to go back to work as this basically took all of my lunch break to write :p I would be a little bit leery of anyone who’s already townread me at this point in the game as maf could be just trying to follow general sentiment. Or maybe I am just good at looking town idk. I also haven’t really thought of who would be good on potential maf teams, and that’s usually the weakest part of my mafia analysis in any given game. But I could try and step back and discern potential patterns later
1. What's your experience? Played IRL once at a party
2. What's your preferred alignment? Town - I enjoy being a detective
3. Name 3 people for the scum team right now. no comment
4. Which player scares/concerns you the most?
no comment
5. How do you react to pressure? Very well
6. (Optional) What're your pronouns? him/he
He also flip flopped on what should be a relatively uncontroversial statement – more information/posts = better for town – within an hour, in what came off to me as a pretty stilted way. Slight scumlean.
I'm trying to re-learn how to play mafia since I have been playing really bad even as town lately. When I posted the post pro-more information that was my own opinion. After reading some articles I have changed my mind on it. Everything else is fair lol
I'm trying to re-learn how to play mafia since I have been playing really bad even as town lately. When I posted the post pro-more information that was my own opinion. After reading some articles I have changed my mind on it. Everything else is fair lol


trundle moment

Read this ****

I'm not sure how it will be useful yet, but the more crazy stuff that goes on D1 the better it is for the rest of the game. More posts forces the mafia to leave behind more evidence of their WRONGDOING.

Actually, I think I'm wrong about more information = better results. I've been thinking about it and I revoke my previous statement. Also, this is just a Post Merge, not an edit.
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Apparently it wasn't even a post merge.
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I think information overload is a thing and it can impair people's judgment when making decisions in mafia. I will try from now on to only contribute information that I think is useful for finding mafia here and now.

Post 1: The more stuff happens in d1 the better it is later on for town to be able to deduce things! (Reasonable opinion)

Post 2: lol just kidding, I think I was wrong on that. (uh ok lol what? Also a reasonable opinion but

What's funny is you just told me you read some articles about it, when in your post 2 you stated you reversed course because you were just thinking about it. What types of articles did you read that made you arrive at this conclusion, and most importantly, why the Kentucky fried **** are you looking up what sounds like psychology journals on information overload in a mafia game?? Are you trying to make yourself sound smarter than you really are for contribution's sake?

And what's with your agreement with my other critiques? Are you just going to take that sitting down and give up? Or do you plan to address my numerous concerns with you?

Sorry not sorry about sounding combative rn because I have major issues with what you're pulling rn
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* (uh ok lol what? Also a reasonable opinion but WAT)
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1. What's your experience? Played IRL once at a party
2. What's your preferred alignment? Town - I enjoy being a detective
3. Name 3 people for the scum team right now. no comment
4. Which player scares/concerns you the most?
no comment
5. How do you react to pressure? Very well
6. (Optional) What're your pronouns? him/he
welcome to TBT mafia Shaebae and thanks for answering the questions. Do you have any thoughts on what has gone on atm? You seem pretty lowkey and not very committal based on your answers

trundle moment

Read this ****

Post 1: The more stuff happens in d1 the better it is later on for town to be able to deduce things! (Reasonable opinion)

Post 2: lol just kidding, I think I was wrong on that. (uh ok lol what? Also a reasonable opinion but

What's funny is you just told me you read some articles about it, when in your post 2 you stated you reversed course because you were just thinking about it. What types of articles did you read that made you arrive at this conclusion, and most importantly, why the Kentucky fried **** are you looking up what sounds like psychology journals on information overload in a mafia game?? Are you trying to make yourself sound smarter than you really are for contribution's sake?

And what's with your agreement with my other critiques? Are you just going to take that sitting down and give up? Or do you plan to address my numerous concerns with you?

Sorry not sorry about sounding combative rn because I have major issues with what you're pulling rn
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* (uh ok lol what? Also a reasonable opinion but WAT)

LOL it's okay you don't sound that combative to me. Right after I posted I was like "Do I actually agree with what I just posted?" and I went to Mafia Universe's subforum for learning to see if they had any good content. I found this thread instantly and agreed that I was probably wrong in my post so I decided to backtrack it. https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/692-1-Information-Overload-(by-soah)
LOL it's okay you don't sound that combative to me. Right after I posted I was like "Do I actually agree with what I just posted?" and I went to Mafia Universe's subforum for learning to see if they had any good content. I found this thread instantly and agreed that I was probably wrong in my post so I decided to backtrack it. https://www.mafiauniverse.com/forums/threads/692-1-Information-Overload-(by-soah)
haha aight I'm glad we're good. I tend to be a pretty blunt person so I don't want to do anything that would upset people

That's fair and I haven't really gone over the article yet, but I still think this whole scenario doesn't sit very well with me. You seem way too concerned with how people view you rn. What is also giving me pause is how forthright you are about all of it and so I will honestly peg you as another fool/third party candidate since you might be trying to get lynched with how you are playing rn.

Now I really need to focus on my work but that's what this all strikes me as atm. You also are still not answering my other critiques or offering a timeframe as to when you will address them...though you did say my other critiques were "fair" so idk I guess you're just rolling over on those and that's your answer?
Most of your posts I'm not really sure how to address. For the things you find minor points, the only reason I might be fixating on stuff like that is because there was literally nothing else to fixate on. It's D1. There is nothing going on.
I called you inquisitive as always because I always appreciate someone who is good at questioning people in a mafia game. You could theorize I'm trying to keep tabs on townies because I'm mafia, but realistically I'm just trying to figure out who is playing like their normal town self.
Why did I reaction test mog? I don't know, I haven't played mafia in a very long time and I haven't played seriously in even longer so I'm just trying things as they come to my head.
Calling players interesting - I genuinely enjoy a player who is good at organizing their thoughts into posts that are readable and effective at illustrating their points. You are a good example of that.
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haha aight I'm glad we're good. I tend to be a pretty blunt person so I don't want to do anything that would upset people

That's fair and I haven't really gone over the article yet, but I still think this whole scenario doesn't sit very well with me. You seem way too concerned with how people view you rn. What is also giving me pause is how forthright you are about all of it and so I will honestly peg you as another fool/third party candidate since you might be trying to get lynched with how you are playing rn.

Now I really need to focus on my work but that's what this all strikes me as atm. You also are still not answering my other critiques or offering a timeframe as to when you will address them...though you did say my other critiques were "fair" so idk I guess you're just rolling over on those and that's your answer?
I was typing it as you said that. I'm honestly just a very bad mafia player nowadays so if anyone has any suggestions how to play without being a huge distraction just let me know :lemon:
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I guess the reason I'm concerned with how people view me is that for the last 4-5 games I've played mafia Daniel just hunts me down and scum leans me every single D1 no matter what alignment I am, so it's hard for me to not think I'm doing something wrong.
5. DinoTown – asking a lot of questions, seems to be trying his best to navigate a lot of unfamiliar territory and terminology. I do find it interesting that Trundle chose him as a better newbie over Emolga, could be indicative of a mafia coaching relationship (ie Trundle coaching Dino to act clueless), but that’s too reachy a conclusion to come to atm. For now I will slight townlean him because he seems genuine, but do be aware of him as we keep going.
be aware of *her ;)
Hiya ! happy to see we got a large game together.... I was at a family dinner last night and I'm reading through the thread right now, wanted to get these RQ's out there and ill be making further contributions as I catch up with the thread.

1. What's your experience? (How long have you played mafia/town of Salem/anything similar)
I started playing Mafia here on TBT about 6-7 years ago, tho haven't played in quite some time.
2. What's your preferred alignment? Why?
Town, its what I have most experience with.
3. Name 3 people for the scum team right now.
Harbour, Emolga, DinoTown.
4. Which player scares/concerns you the most?
Geoni (Dad) I never know how to read him and can be a huge threat to town if he's mafia.
5. How do you react to pressure?
Pretty well.... unless its from pineapple head Ness, then it just becomes a screaming match.
6. (Optional) What're your pronouns?
Her/She/ Your Majesty.
might look into trundle later

something about his posts ping me tbh

have 102 fever and i cant think straight
evans reads post is pretty strong and i largely agree with it so i’m town leaning for that

trundle, you keep saying “idk i haven’t played mafia in a while i don’t know why im doing stuff” and to me it’s a poor excuse. you’re not even really owning up to anything and just blaming it on your rustiness

anyways if you haven’t guessed i’m for a trundle lynch
Emolga: you don't have to choose 3 people for a scum team. you could've answered (or not answered at all) the questions in any way you would've liked. I think it's somewhat interesting to see how people may subconsciously choose names (especially if they flip scum later).

For your 3 scum team. Are you saying that Trundle, Jacob and I are on the same maf team? And for your for read on me, do you think im maf because my reads have been inconsistent?


No, it's not because your reads have been inconsistent. My first impression of you based on what I had from your first few posts was that you're probably really smart (unlike someone, spoilers: me.) So it would make sense and would be a good idea for a mafia if you'd take the leadership role and make an rqs to make others assume that you're not maf

Do you usually take leadership roles or are willing to take them? I'd really appreciate it if you'd answer :). Also, Answering this question would definitely help me make up my mind to whether you're the mafia or not.

No, it's not because your reads have been inconsistent. My first impression of you based on what I had from your first few posts was that you're probably really smart (unlike someone, spoilers: me.) So it would make sense and would be a good idea for a mafia if you'd take the leadership role and make an rqs to make others assume that you're not maf

Do you usually take leadership roles or are willing to take them? I'd really appreciate it if you'd answer :). Also, Answering this question would definitely help me make up my mind to whether you're the mafia or not.

oo boy my last game as maf (Geoni’s game) was utter trash lol. i’m not actively looking to lead but i’m pretty sus of trundle and want to make sure everyone’s seeing what i’m seeing
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I honestly think you're being a bit pushy for D1. Give people time to get into the zone or you're just going to make them wanna sit the entirety of D1 out. There are a lot of people and it can be hard to find a spot to jump in.
honestly i disagree. i wasn’t being too pushy with tae and i haven’t pushed any new players that hard. but of course you’d say that since i’m still on your tail :kracko:
oo boy my last game as maf (Geoni’s game) was utter trash lol. I’m not actively looking to lead but I’m pretty sus of trundle and want to make sure everyone’s seeing what I’m seeing

Okie Ty! Just out of curiosity what exactly did you find suspicious of Trundle?

Sorry for asking so many questions but I want to get as much info as possible before Night 1 begins
Okie Ty! Just out of curiosity what exactly did you find suspicious of Trundle?

Sorry for asking so many questions but I want to get as much info as possible before Night 1 begins

the very first interaction i had with trundle was about his confidence that there’s no TP based off of reading his role. i get when he said that he didn’t read his wincon, but for him to make such a bold statement that there’s no TP i think he should’ve double checked his role. though this is my weakest sus for him since i somewhat get it

in general, he keeps saying he wants to make sure players don’t perceive him as not generating content or backtracking, which as town you don’t really need to think about- you just contribute instead of over explaining.

his whole reads list gives off very forced vibes and seems he was largely following geoni

his “reaction test” to mog is really off for basically the same reason evan said, and his response to mog and him saying he’s not qualified to reaction test is super off. it makes it really clear he keeps thinking about how he will be perceived when a town shouldn’t be concerned about that as much as he’s being
I ignored it because I assumed you just couldn’t read lol, it’s in the OP
“The Town's win condition is achieved through killing all the mafia through voting during the day.”
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Oh I just realized that is just information about how to play the game to newbies lol. My role PM says all threats lmao

I’m fairly new to all this so apologies in advance for Noobie mistakes lol but something about you talking about your PM role makes me wanna lean towards town but still so so early
evans reads post is pretty strong and i largely agree with it so i’m town leaning for that

trundle, you keep saying “idk i haven’t played mafia in a while i don’t know why im doing stuff” and to me it’s a poor excuse. you’re not even really owning up to anything and just blaming it on your rustiness

anyways if you haven’t guessed i’m for a trundle lynch
Could you elaborate on what you mean by “not owning up to anything”?
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