yeosin fan club member id 69420
Your list is missing a fair amount of inactives. Why do you leave the other players out..?
I'll just run through some of my thoughts before I sleep on things that have been discussed. I won't support a lynch on Alice or Sataric, I feel that the information they have both been able to provide has cleared both of their names. I think anyone that is still going to try and push a lynch on them is going to come off as scummy or not fully understanding what a Miller is in this game.
I am sure Jellofish will clear anything up from his posts earlier (timezones and such), but the word shoot to me implies Vigilante instead of Mafia based on language used in other games. Don't really feel that that is solid evidence to lynch anyone yet, there's still a fair bit of time left in the day and plenty more people need to contribute.
In every Mafia game, there has only been one Miller present. The fact that Alice cleared up what the specific title (Junior Plastic) is made it clear that she's actually inno. Sataric I'm not too sure about. Honestly sounded like he just hopped on the bandwagon and made a bunch of garbage up to prove his innocence.