• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Mafia TBT Mafia XV: The Siren's Call (Game Over/Mafia & Third Party Win!)

If I die tonight, I will assume that was intentional! Nice photo shop skills, in any case.
Now I shall respect Tina's wishes and remain silent until the day post is up!
Oh, and I would like to dedicate my previously linked song to Tsundere.

Paint. It's Paint.


okay i'll stop.
Crystal, the way you're playing is starting to bother me. It's like you're in your own little world, oblivious to the fact that many people have called you out and you haven't responded to them at all. Why aren't you defending yourself, hm?

Why should we assume that just because role names are similar to the last game, that the alignments are going to be completely the same. Tina obviously has some tricks up her sleeve.

Crystal is a bit suspicious I agree. Someone to build a case on maybe?

As for the names, unless we start seeing more people die with names similar to previous roles I would hold off on lynching x because x was y.


I've been attempting to respond to anyone that was willing to respond to me because I was trying to create some Day One discussion. I have been reading the thread, but I do work 8 hours a day Mon - Fri and pack when I get home (the day/night ends at 8am my time, so I miss participating in the bulk of discussion and wake up to ~15 pages). I'm honestly not try to stand in the shadows and condense everything in one BIG post due to time constraints. I obviously don't want to publicly claim because I've been dying N1 all the time now. If a DT would like to inspect me, that would be perfectly fine.

Now onto business in case I die.

I personally believe at LEAST 1 mafia member lies on this list due to there being 5:


Now Cariad (aka MissNoodle aka MissNiamh) doesn't sit right with me. I've played with her in many games so far.

She was a blue in XCOM mafia and her posts were more coherent and well thought out (although she only posted twice). Just the overall tone of them comes off differently from her playstyle this game:

It could just be me being nitpicky, but I noticed a difference in Cariad's typing from looking at her past games. She seems to be less careful as townie and mafia. In most of her townie games, the bulk of her posts consisted of talking about timezones and being inactive. Some of Cariad's posts that stuck out to me in this game:

We prodded and prodded for people to post suspicions and all Cariad came up with was the same thing regurgitated about Sataric that like 5 others said before her. To me it seems like backpacking on other player's suspicion so you LOOK like you're doing something when you're not, which is what she has done pretty much all game.

Again, we know that Dad is heavily into reaction testing. He has done it in every single game he has played, which is why I'm surprised at how she automatically attempted to get us to infer that he was scum. This is pretty much the kind of thing he was testing for. :rolleyes:

Cariad jumps on SP after everyone has, repeating what they have all said as her reasons. SP is known for doing stupid stuff in games and lynching Yui because of a name was definitely one of them. I just find it interesting how easily Cariad has trailed after the suspicions of other people and basically said "OH YES THIS I AGREE ME TOO". I've put the random one-liners in a spoiler if anyone is interested, I don't have much to say about them other than how vastly the sentence structure and grammar contrasts with her blue posts above.


I feel the same way about Jellofish that I do about Cariad. We have been on Jello's case for posting a lot, so they've had to actually try. Usually they sit in the shadows and barely skirt by getting modkilled.

Jellofish repeats everyone else's suspicion on Crystal, but does it in a wishy washy you're-scummy-but-you're-not-because-I-don't-want-attention way. Pointing out that they're worried about drawing suspicion for bandwagoning is also weird. I usually just post my thoughts on people, if they've already been said or not. Everyone analyzes posts differently, so my thoughts could sound different then say Dad's thoughts.

Cites Crystal getting mad as a reason why she's suspicious, then quickly rebuts Crystal getting mad in the next post? Jellofish only posted Crystal as sus as a retaliation for being called inactive with Ryan. Jello hasn't contributed an original thought to the game so far, which is why I feel like I can't trust them.

C r y s t a l

Crystal has actually been posting, which contrasts with the two above. A lot of her posts have been responding to or asking questions and repeating people (does everyone see a pattern here? Scum hide in common opinions.)

While I agree that there should have not been a no lynch, why did Crystal jump straight away on these two? We have found that lynching the "easy lynches" straight out of the gate has only got us dead townies. I don't agree that Ryan88 should be a default lynch anymore. Yes he is terrible and roleclaims day one, but he is usually almost always town and provides a truthful roleclaim.

Again with Ryan88.

Backpacking on Oath's suspicion on Alise without providing any real reasoning why. Still going for easy targets.

Cory has been stepping up his game significantly this game (I noticed that when I read back through his posts). He started out quite strong and although he sort of deteriorated at night started, I get town reads from him. The fact that Crystal defended lynching SP, yet finds Cory suspicious for voting for him makes me raise my eyebrow. Crystal didn't vote for SP, why? Because she knew he was town and she could get called out for bandwagoning?

This is all I have atm. Night ends incredibly soon, but I wanted to get that out before then.

1. I'm asking questions because when I come to post I have to catch up a few pages or so and I'm trying to see if I got all the facts correct. Sorry I'll just stop asking questions in mafia if it makes you seem "scummy"

2. It seems like your going after the easy lynches too. That post wasn't saying " YEAH GO GET THEM NOW LYNCH THEM IMMEDIANTLY" it was more of a suggestion. A lot of these most recent mafia games have ended in a no lynch. Tbh day 1 lynches aren't the easiest. To me its more of a hit or miss situation.

And someone can always provide a "truthful roleclaim" but they can just use it to manipulate people into thinking they're town.

3. Wow I never said I was suspicious of elise. I just said that I got a weird felling from that post and still want to know why she said it.

4. I think Cory's play style now and from bird mafia is a little different. I didn't vote Sp bc I honestly didn't have any suspicion on him. To me, something about Cory is just off.

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O shet oops added some wrong quotes. Was replying to Minties.

Kidd had spent the day worrying about what he had seen. Both last night and this morning he?d faced unnatural circumstances and he had no clue how to handle it. When the Captain found him he?d been sent to his bunk immediately. But he wasn?t sleeping - how could he? He?d watched Kayla be lured into the ocean by some naked, humanoid creature - then in a state of panic he physically pushed a mere powder boy overboard.

?Are you alright??

He hadn?t realised the mangled shape he?d coiled himself up into. His fingernails dig hard into his scalp and he grits his teeth so hard he feels they could fracture. His legs are bent up at the knee, not able to relax at all. He peeks open an eye to see the ship?s boatswain, Andrew, leaning over him.

?I?m fine,? Kidd says.

?Oh really?? Andrew raises an eyebrow. ?Get up. You need some fresh air.?

Anything beat lying alone in this bunk. He gets to his feet and follows Andrew up onto the deck. Although he can?t recall sleeping, he must have dozed off at some point. Once again the world around the ship is black, but he cannot see the stars.

?So, what?s happened?? Andrew asks. ?Josh?s disappearance shaken you up??

Kidd?s eyes flicker back and forth. The deck is mostly empty, a common occurrence of late.


?Yeah, he?s gone. Vanished. No one?s seen him since breakfast.?

Kidd shudders, then after scoping the deck turns his attention back on Andrew. He takes a deep breath before speaking.

?If I tell you this, you need to promise me that you will keep this to yourself.?

Andrew?s expression turns serious. ?You can trust me.?

?Last night I heard this amazing song, coming from somewhere beyond the ship. So I decided to investigate, and I saw this ma? wom? creature, riding on the back of a giant turtle.? Kidd pauses, taking in Andrew?s evident disbelief. ?It lured out this ghost, that Kayla girl in the legends, and pulled her overboard.?

Andrew holds up his hands. ?I?ve heard enough.?

?I?m not finished yet, this mor??

?I thought the fresh air would do you good, but clearly not. Go get something to eat. You?ll feel better then, I?m sure,? Andrew says.

Kidd opens his mouth to speak again, but then wisely shuts it. He nods and presses a hand to his own forehead. He?s warm. Too warm. Maybe he is getting sick. He mumbles a thank you to Andrew, before turning around and heading back inside. Maybe some food and some quality sleep was all he needed.

Andrew watches Kidd leave. Then, when the coast is clear, he scurries over to a lifeboat. He jumps in and unties it as fast as he can, lowering himself into the water. Was the cook going crazy? No wonder he was demoted from Captain. He wasn?t staying around to find out the result of Kidd?s ghost sightings.

The boat slips out into the fog. He cannot see where he is going; all he knows is that he wants to be anywhere but here. He grabs an oar and begins to row. Then it sounds - a beautiful song begins to fill the air. For a while he resists, wondering if it?s Kidd playing a prank on him. Then, he realises something: the Bellarbor is nowhere in view anymore.

He stops rowing. ?William, is that you??

What was once a solo becomes a chorus. The music becomes louder. He closes his eyes, and he can almost feel sharp claws dragging along his bare arms. But when he opens them again there is nothing there.

There?s a knock against the bottom of the boat. He grips the sides, and then a creature appears before him. He goes to open his mouth, then pauses.

?Don?t stop rowing.? What looks like a woman, with almost blue-toned skin, leans over the side of his boat.

Against advice, he remains frozen. ?Do I? know you??

?We can?t talk or else they?ll get you.?

?What will get me??

?The sirens.?

He picks up the oar, but before he can even begin moving six arms come up out of the water and wrap themselves around blue creature. She?s dragged under the water, and once again the boat begins to rock.

Andrew hesitates. ?Was that? no, she?s dead. Isn?t she??

The water bubbles black around his boat. He reaches for the oars and begins to move again, hurrying as fast as he can.

It?ll be several days before his boat turns up, empty, on an uncharted island.

(1) oath2order aka. Andrew the Boatswain (Detective) failed to escape his fate:

You?re a bit rough around the edges, but sometimes being a little harsh is necessary to get results. You?ve been on The Bellarbor since it?s first voyage, and you?re a well-trusted member of the crew. You have access to the ship?s records, and each night you can distract the Captain just long enough to cross-reference another person?s name.

Once per night you can PM the host to find out the role of another player.

Win Condition: Successfully eliminate all of the anti-town killing roles.

(2) Tina the Sea Witch failed to save a former comrade.

You have 47 hours to decide which of you will walk the plank.

Day 2 will end 11pm BST (6pm EDT) on Sunday 31st August.
It depends on the setup imo. No lynch is usually a good option when there's a jailer that's still alive and when there's a smaller amount of players (and thus a smaller amount of mafia KP). I think Oath's last game was an exception in that no lynch was actually a better idea than it would have been if you couldn't steal roles from other players. This game isn't one of those games at the moment so I am very much against a no lynch.

Anyways, I'm not going to make a list on everyone in this game, but I'm going to namedrop a few people starting with somebody who has most of my attention at the moment (I'll get to others later, but this post is going to be a little exhausting).


I'm going to start with the person I believe is coming off as the scummiest in this game (I use scummy and not 'odd', I ain't afraid!). And this is the person I'm considering voting for at the moment. Before I begin to make a case on him, let me point out that I am not wanting to suspect him simply over his being against Sataric's (and other's) theory about the arsonist role, but the way in which he is responding to me and other people and the overall content of his posts. The three things that I am considering in this case are the content of his posts, what he seems to be focused on in this game, and his reactions to my posts against him.

Content: First off, Oath's posts are doing either one of two things this game: questioning and keeping people in doubt about their own analysis of what is happening in this game, or trying to put town on the track of lynching an inactive (and thus probably mislynching). While both of these things could mean he's using this as his playstyle as town, I can see them being used by a member of the mafia. In a no PM game, mafia can't figure out who could be who through circles of PMs and try to throw people off with PMs as well, so one of the next best things to do is get mislynches on people and make sure that town can't come up with a strong case against anyone on the mafia team. Below in the spoilers are the posts I categorize according to what he's doing with them.

Here's the bit that leads to the biggest arguments I've had with Oath, and something that he focused on.

While some of his posts also have what you might call 'filler', I think they tend to fall into the category of him trying to question people rather than analyze people's posts.

What he seems to be focused on this game: I don't have too much to say here because it's explained in my analysis of the content of his posts, but as I mentioned there, Oath seems focused on generating doubt rather than analyzing anybody's posts, which I think he could be capable of if he wanted to actually be pro-town. Although he's doing this far less than being questioning, Oath is also interested in lynching an inactive, or at least somebody who might be easy to lynch. You can argue that he isn't (and I might even be partial to that), but I just get this feeling that he'll want to based on his one list of inactives and avoiding talking about something else (in reaction 5 down below, I'll explain it more there).

His reactions to my posts against him: Here's where things get interesting for me. If you haven't read into our previous interaction in this game so far, I can summarize it as being an argument about him calling Sataric odd for bringing up the arsonist role theory. As I said before, I am more interested in how he responds to me when asking him about these things than any kind of clarification he could have made for me, because despite his little quip about me not being able to read into the game, I understood from the get-go that what he was curious about why this was brought up in this game and not past games. But at the same time I didn't forget that he called Sataric odd for trying to figure out what happened today, which is one of the few things that we can do tbh. Anyways! His reactions, let me get around to pointing them out.

He seems harmless enough with this reaction: he's claiming that he wasn't trying to discredit the theory, even though from his strong focus on being Sataric's devil's advocate, I don't think this is true. He does seem to want to discredit this, or at least create some doubt about it. Don't get me wrong, I don't think that the arsonist theory is the best and most important one in this game, because the one death today is likely a result of a combination of things, but what I have a problem with is that in trying to discredit the arsonist theory, Oath is creating a distraction for town and drilling somebody on pro-town behavior: trying to figure out the death.

Here it's pretty clear what I was grilling him on: him calling Sataric odd. But his reaction is questioning what I was even talking about when he clearly knew what I was talking about in following posts: he thinks Sataric had been behaving 'oddly'. But here he's just repeating what he said earlier because he thought I didn't get it. But the point wasn't about me getting what he was talking about, it was about his calling Sataric odd. Which I keep focusing on in this next exchange.

Again he seems to still want to argue that the only thing he's pointing out regarding Sataric's arsonist theory is that he was simply curious as to what has changed between games. But what I wanted to know is why he called Sataric odd, and as I specified, using it as a synonym for scummy. Of course, there was more to why he was calling Sataric odd than just the arsonist theory, which I'll finally bring up in my Reaction 4 spoiler.

Here is where some flags were really raised for me. While I didn't fully agree with what Dolby had to add, the fact that Oath's only reaction to Dolby here is that he turns it around and just points a finger back, claiming that he's bandwagoning and is behaving oddly seems like something a member of the mafia would do: trying to spin gold from straw, suspecting somebody over something as simple as 'bandwagoning' when it's clear that they didn't just jump onto the bandwagon and read into what was being said between us. Mafia like to do this because it causes mislynches when town is too weak to read into things themselves and are the true bandwagoners.

In the first part of this spoiler is the quote of a post when I finally bring up that Oath is saying Sataric is suspicious here because he's 'avoiding talking about mafia'. Again this just seems like another case of him trying to spin gold out of straw, because even the least analytical people in this game could probably tell that it wasn't Sataric's intention to avoid talking about mafia. But Oath was still trying to point sus at him for that anyways, and I pointed this out to Oath himself in this exchange. In doing that, I hope he would have caught onto the fact that I'm accusing him of 'spinning gold out of straw' as I'm calling it here, something mafia does to get mislynches on little things that people have done or said. He then goes on to say that he doesn't think it's reason to lynch Sataric over by itself, which makes me think that he actually did catch on to me thinking he's trying to drive mislynches and backs down about it. I mean, why would you bring these things up in the first place if you didn't want to collect a body of evidence to use later as a reason to lynch somebody? That, or you're just posting to seem like you're acting pro-town and in a sense fillering. In this final reaction, there's more avoidance.

In my first sentence I was accusing him of lying about his statement on Sataric avoiding talking about mafia being definitive, to which he replies that he wasn't 100% sure that this was Sataric's intention. If he was, it'd be pretty hard to run with, so it makes sense not to consider it definitive. In my second sentence what I'm actually saying to Oath there is that I think that he wants to use little pieces of evidence and 'weird' behavior to lynch somebody since there aren't that many inactive people in this game. Instead of actually addressing this (here's the avoidance), he goes on to list a couple of people that he considers inactive. A list which aside from elise and Alice wasn't very accurate.

For all of these things put together, I am voting to lynch Oath2Order.

Dad: Pro scum hunter 2k14.

Why the hell did they kill me; like, I'm sus as hell.

Shame I got blocked. Could've had elise's role.

To quote Jubs

gg team you ****in' lost
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Tom & Sataric: I know you've asked me to drop the subject but the kallie thing is worth thinking about when it comes to me reading into the both of you, because hiding something that town might not figure out until after the game isn't helpful at all, unless Sataric is who I think he is. Nevertheless, I feel like Sataric isn't a threat to town at the moment and is one of the more pro-town players in this game. Tom on the other hand, I'm having trouble reading into. His behavior doesn't exactly reflect what it was in Sunleth, but his whole 'SP annoys me' and 'I'm not contributing much because town annoys me' is somewhat similar to how he acted in Sunleth, although there are a lot of different factors in this game, one of which is people (thank god) not claiming all over the place in this game. I don't think these two are a mason pair or lovers because Tom was initially confused about Sataric's cryptic kallie riddle. He wouldn't have been if they were already able to speak in private (without cheating).

Wanted to quickly tell Dad that me and Tom are not linked in any way. We're not Masons, there is obviously no cheating, and I don't even know if Tom is innocent or scum. He is not one of the people that I've gotten the strongest town-oriented reads on. I feel that something is a tiny bit off about his playstyle this game compared to other games where he has been town. He could flip either way, I feel. So please do not pair us up.

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Aww ****.. RIP Oath..
Whelp RIP Oath. :( I wonder if he left an alignment hint for someone in a previous post?

But to echo Sat, we're not linked. No out of thread coms.