Top suspicions as of now:
PurplPanda: He was town in Pleasure Island and Person of Interest and were very vocal. In Person of Interest there were many newbies playing and he posted a lot offering advice/help on the first day. In this current game he's not really offering anything for first day discussion as much as he did in Person of Interest. (Yes, I understand we all have coaches - but because you're the "veteran" player out of all of us... I just expect more from you to help us townies) He could be trying to slide his way through this game, so I think we should keep an eye out for Purpl.
Jennwa, Qwerty111 and Beardo: They have only posted once or twice to say they were "here" and apologizing for being inactive. Please post your suspicions when you read this

[I'm not really stressed about these 3 right now, I'm just throwing this out there]
Currently I will vote for Stat, unless others post better reasons for Kyuby/Purpl.
I wish to hear everyone else's suspicions + a reasoning, since we are down to the 20 hours~