Moron/Epona, why are you two jumping on Crystal just because they brought up lynch for Aerious/Moron? I feel like you two are just making them as a target to get eyes off you two.
Especially since Murray mentions you two (+some others) in their post (here)of shameless bandwagonning.
And it's not like others haven't brought up you up for being suspicious Moron.
(omg, I feel bad writing your username because it makes it seem like I'm calling you a Moron...but I'm not and yeah. LOL)
Oh and Tina, Pom's link doesn't work on front page!
My best reply to you is to say that I'm going to keep my suspicions on those four I mentioned, at least for today. And that if you think I'm maf and people bandwagon the idea that I'm making the scenario shinkuzame brought up, and that I get lynched, it will make it a little more clear who mafia might be.