
I have an overbite which makes me self conscious about the side of my face because my jaw looks especially weird from the side. I have to get braces but my parents probably aren't paying for that anytime soon because it's so expensive.
I like my teeth, they're part of me and my story. I don't even dislike the chip I got on my front tooth when I tried to open something with it like a little animal, haha.
I actually had really beautiful teeth until about the age of 26. Only had ever had two cavities my entire life (11 yrs old). Then I got a job that had me working a lot. At one point 30 days straight from 4am until 4pm and then I came home to mom duties with a toddler. I drank nothing but monster energy drinks. I noticed cavities developing very quickly. I just thought it was from lack of dental care through multiple pregnancies and had no insurance so let it go. A few months later on mothers day no less, my first tooth broke off pretty much half way (eating a BBQ potato chip hahaha). Visible when smiling so fun stuff. Had to have it pulled but I'm terrified of the dentist so I put it off until there was barely anything left to pull.

Fast forward and they continued to rot. I had the top 4 front repaired the best way they could using my insurance then had to have surgery a year later. Bit down on the breathing tube or something and lost half of my front tooth and they refuse to repair it. I can't afford all the crowns I need at $1,500 a tooth so I am having 11 teeth pulled, 12 teeth filled and partials made for top and bottom at the ripe age of 35. I'm excited to be able to smile again. I am trying to take advantage of mandatory masks so I don't have to miss work walking around with no front teeth on the top (I work directly with clients). I'm a little destroyed that I won't have teeth at my age. The idea of seeing myself in the mirror is scary. I'm disappointed in myself for not putting two and two together and for putting off dental care for fear of them telling me they were taking all my teeth. Which they actually refuse to do. I have only the inner half of my bottom teeth in the backs. It's really bad.

Little known fact. Energy drinks destroy your teeth at a rapid rate. Drinking one quickly is one thing. Sipping them all day long well say bye bye to your pearly whites no matter how much you brush and floss. I put this off for a very long time and dealt with the pain and still am putting it off. I'm supposed to schedule an appointment to have all 11 removed before April and I haven't even tried. I need to stop being a baby about it. But hey! I have great motivation for my kids to take care of their teeth.
My teeth are pretty straight without needing braces as a teen which I'm grateful for. I have chipped my front teeth quite a few times though and had to get them filled. My teeth are also pretty yellow and not just your regular average yellow either. It's from smoking cigerettes as a teen and that fact that I drink coffee everyday. My dentist wants to whitten them but I'm afraid of increased sensitivity which can be a side effect.
My teeth are fine. I drink way too much coffee and alcohol, so they aren't exactly "pearly whites"...but, they aren't a gross shade of yellow either. They're just...average, I guess. Lol. I brush my teeth twice a day, have no major spacing issues or anomalies. My smile is actually pretty straight and even. I never had my wisdom teeth pulled, which made this bone spur type thing grow under my gums on the one side...but, it doesn't really seem to be a problem. It's not noticeable to anyone other than me. Overall...I'm like 8/10 happy with my teeth. Hahaha
My teeth are perfect. I spent three years with braces. I’ve worn my retainers ever since. I’ve never had a cavity.
I think a lot of people in general are self-conscious about their teeth. I want to know, how do you feel about your teeth?

My teeth ended up becoming bad, mostly on the top half. Being bullied at school when I was younger made me unmotivated and I found it difficult to take care of my teeth when I was expecting to be bullied regardless. I’ve become more confident in myself since graduating and I wanted to leave all the memories behind, and the last part was to literally get new teeth.

I’m actually in the process of getting implants at only 23. I had the panoramic x-ray done, as I cannot stand having anything in my mouth. I have a gag reflex so it was easier. I’m waiting on the mold and the fake teeth to be made which takes a bit, but it’s a process. I’m actually excited for this.

Is anyone fortunate enough to have perfect teeth? 😅 (I know anyone can have good teeth if they take care of them, it’s just a joke) Or is anyone getting or thinking about getting implants? :) How do you feel about your teeth?

Teeth health is certainly important. My teeth degraded not through hygiene but health and bad habits. Now they are fine, and i'm getting them whitened further.
I am fine with how my teeth look and always been fine about my teeth before braces. Mine were super crooked before my mom made me get braces. I regret not fighting her on it. She would say I have snaggle tooth and it looks ugly. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
So my teeth are straight now. What I am not fine about with my teeth is that they often hurt all the time now ever since the braces from years ago.
My teeth aren't white due to all the antibiotics I was on as a kid with a bad infection. They had a hard time finding one that worked and I wasn't allergic too. It ended up staining my teeth that were developing as a result. However I like green tea, and that adds to it as well. I wouldn't call my teeth yellow but they aren't white either. They have also thinned out over the years too. I guess I have an extra enzyme in my spit that does that according to the dentist. My dad is the same way. I don't have any cavities/fillings/root canals either which I am really happy about. I do have a couple of teeth that have a pit in the side of them though like past family members eventually developed. I will have to keep an eye on that because that is how cavities start.
My mouth is a train wreck. Even my baby teeth grew in messed up, not just my adult teeth.

I can't afford braces or even regular times to see a dentist atm so I guess I'll just have to wait out on getting 'perfect' teeth.
I honestly hate my teeth. When I was child they were in bad condition due to rare syndrome I have and medicines I ate because of that . In my country dentist don't really care about that much how they look and it's just I feels like they do what is necessary. When I was a kid I had bike accident by my own stupidity my one front teeth cracked and dentist fixed it but it wasn't even. It took years to one dentist notice it and that dentist fixed it.

I am trying to not to think about them that much, but I hope I will be one day that rich I can do a make over on them and get teeth implants or lamination.
i currently have braces and they make me feel much better about my future teeth because i can see the differences the braces make. my teeth were super crooked and i could literally not touch my bottom and upper front teeth together before i got braces, now i can easily do it! so that's nice.

i don't usually smile with my teeth because i have always been self conscious and haven't gotten out of the habit yet but some day i hope to be able to smile with my teeth without thinking twice about it.
My teeth are fairly okay, if I may say so myself. I may occasionally do things with them that are not recommended in daily life (such as biting my fingernails or using them as 'thread clippers'), yet they're still not damaged.

Crooked teeth run in my family since my mother used to have them as well without having sucked a dummy or thumb as a child at all, and I think that if I, myself, didn't have a dummy as a child (I've had them for about four years due to being mandatory to often seek comfort in something (in this case, those dummies) because of fairly high-functioning autism, and as an 'experience expert' in that, I'm not bothered by children who still have a dummy at/around that age at all... parents should do whatever the heck they wish, it's their own child after all!), my teeth would still be crooked and mandatory to have some braces slapped on them.
I've had two sets of braces in my life (one in my palate that did not even help at all, and the well-known brackets), yet one incisor and one canine tooth in the upper half of my mouth are still somewhat crooked (but that may also be because my permanent retainer was apparently loose for quite some months and I noticed that way too late), as well as two molars in the back of the same upper half of my mouth, which are not my wisdom teeth since I don't have those yet despite currently being 21.

I especially don't smile with my teeth shown because the same crooked incisor has receding gums for some reason (which started when I was about 16), and that's so creepy and embarrassing since I don't think there's any cure for it so far... but also because I think it looks weird for me to do it.
I also have a weird brown cavity-like spot that's not actually a cavity on the back of one of my lower incisors, about which I asked the dentist last November, but they couldn't do anything about it so far, and regarding that, I'm only glad that it's on the back of that tooth, rather than the front, because man, that would be embarrassing as heck!

Furthermore, I'm only glad that I'm rid of all of my baby teeth for almost 9 years now, because due to my SPD, I absolutely couldn't stand those wobbly teeth, and I was even less pleased that they never fell out automatically (which stereotypically happens) and I often had to pull them by myself very reluctantly if that was even possible... eventually, four of them (again, in the upper half of my mouth) had to be pulled by the dentist due to still being there while the permanent teeth also broke through at the same time, which also looked horrid and embarrassing as ever (especially when smiling with the teeth shown) since it involved both my upper canines as well!
So my appointment finally got scheduled for May 20th, to remove the remaining teeth and put in the implants. I’m honestly very excited and I’m not sure what to expect. I’m just excited I’ll be able to smile again.
my teeth are ok but it has been a journey. A period of bad mental health took a toll on all personal care but that was a while ago, and i'm in a lot better (and healthier) place now.

My teeth still crooked af, but tbh that doesn't upset me too much. I think my teeth are all just good friends and are comfortable stepping into each others personal space.

other than that they clean n healthy
I've taken really good care of my teeth; never had a cavity or anything like that. Had my wisdom teeth removed a couple years ago, thankfully I only had two with one very tiny one.

Unfortunately we don't have control over everything; I needed some major realignment with braces. Now I've got the retainer I need to wear each night, which isn't bad. Certainly not as annoying as braces.
I had braces a few years back but still hate my teeth. I fell out of bed face first as a child which destroyed my adult tooth (my baby tooth went up into my gum) so I’ve had a fake tooth on the front for as long as I remember. Only thing is it’s very noticeable because of the colour and it means I can’t whiten my teeth without getting a new tooth! I also have overcrowded teeth and an asymmetrical smile which I’m quite self conscious about. I would love to win the lottery so I could have a confident smile haha
So, I finally had that dentist appointment back on April 7th. As some of you may have read, it was originally supposed to be on February 18th but it got postponed due to being snowed in. However, it got delayed a lot more than we had wished due to COVID. I had to get X-rays done (which getting dental X-rays sucks, BTW) and it turns out I have two cavities. .-. My dad and my grandma were really upset with me... .--.

I am going in to another dentist building (since one of the main dentists that specializes in filling cavities at the one I usually went to retired). My introductory appointment is on May 3rd. But from what my dad said, I will probably get them filled at the appointment after.
Pretty self-conscious about my teeth. I had to wear braces as a teenager and never wore my retainer so the bottom ones became a bit crooked again. I've had cavities a lot, probably have some now. I'm trying to take better care of them though!
I really like my teeth. My dentist always says I have great teeth and it makes me happy to brush and floss twice a day and mouthwash. I don’t really think about if my teeth are showing if I smile because it’s one of the few things I am not too self-conscious about. If only I felt that way about other aspects of myself.
I'm very self conscious about my teeth. I didn't take good care of them growing up and sometimes still struggle with it if I'm going through a depressive episode. I feel bad about it too because I had braces when I was growing up. All that work, time, and money for me to just not take care of them right, I feel ashamed. I'm working on taking better care of them now though