tbt is an american puritan forum, therefore boobies are the most disgusting thing that should not be known to exist for any males under 32
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leave the obnoxious pettiness at the door, thanks
people ****posting cory in the house memes aren't going to get the thread locked, and if past anime threads are any indication, any off-topic discussion (which just about any notable brewsters thread will have some varying amount of) will be greatly overshadowed by any on-topic anime talk
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hell, in general, threads here don't get locked unless they serve absolutely no discussion purpose, blatantly break any rules, or are highly political (in which case is a time bomb of when it will go)
this thread really doesn't apply to any of these, so you should for all purposes be safe
I made it through eight episodes of Cowboy Bebop so far, and I have to say, it was done really, really well. Unfortunately I can only handle a couple episodes at a time due to all the violence, otherwise I may have a heart attack or get really depressed. I know some people probably watched it the whole way through without feeling anything, but I both think and feel. Can only handle a bit at a time before I go back to playing video games. Got to say episode eight, the one before Ed appears, is pretty depressing with what happened though.
heads up, some of the later eps can get a quite bit more intense
nothing of a huge huge leap, but still worth mentioning
heads up, some of the later eps can get a quite bit more intense
nothing of a huge huge leap, but still worth mentioning
Mushroom Samba is the pinnacle of anime violence.
Mushroom Samba is the pinnacle of anime violence.
today i finished Net-juu no susume and this anime is a wonderfully crafted romance. The series' ambitions are not immediately apparent, as the story opens with a very generic MMO-registration sequence. It would be easy to write Net-juu off as just another typical virtual/alternative reality anime that fails to establish a personality and a mission statement in the first crucial minutes. After the first episode you're most likely wondering which direction the story is heading, as there is nothing inherently interesting about the game world or its mechanics.
The real point of interest is, of course, the characters. The online guild friends our MC encounters are charming, as are their real world personas. Everything about the characters and their interactions is so pleasant and likable that you can't help falling in love with them. This wouldn't work if there were no struggles, of course. Net-juu tackles real, working world issues. The way humans use games to alleviate stress and escape human problems is a central motif.
Sounds interesting. I thank you for your well-thought-out posts on this thread and insight. I’ll be sure to add that Anime and the other one(s) you mentioned to my bucket list to watch.![]()
your welcome my friend,I'm glad you like it,my next anime is Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei(Genres: Action, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, Magic, Romance) and when i'm done, I’ll write another review for you and anybody like the anime![]()