The Bell Tree Fair 2024 Pop Quiz (Time's up, quizzes graded!)

Been having so much fun with the questions, still have a few to go; but it's been such a wonder to actually look back at TBT on a whole. Been so nice looking at everything, and makes me wanna explore more in my own time :D
I was six when this fourm first started, so I wouldn't have known about it, definitely since we never had a computer in the house.
I was 4, I don’t think we had a computer at the time either 😂 we didn’t even have internet for way longer. It makes me feel ancient to think what technology people are simply born into being around now lmao
I was 4, I don’t think we had a computer at the time either 😂 we didn’t even have internet for way longer. It makes me feel ancient to think what technology people are simply born into being around now lmao
I think it was eventually when I went to secondary school at 12 we got one XD Which was around the time I got my DS, my first introduction to Pokemon, and eventually Animal crossing Wild World~
The only I remember having was VHS/DVDs and my sister had a portable CD player, good times. I think theres way too much tech for younger kids to get their hands on nowadays.
I think it was eventually when I went to secondary school at 12 we got one XD Which was around the time I got my DS, my first introduction to Pokemon, and eventually Animal crossing Wild World~
The only I remember having was VHS/DVDs and my sister had a portable CD player, good times. I think theres way too much tech for younger kids to get their hands on nowadays.
I think my experience was pretty similar, albeit slightly younger. I distinctly remember playing games on my DS coming across wifi only features and wondering what they were all about 😂 nonetheless (without sounding like an old woman) I’m glad I could grow up like that
I think my experience was pretty similar, albeit slightly younger. I distinctly remember playing games on my DS coming across wifi only features and wondering what they were all about 😂 nonetheless (without sounding like an old woman) I’m glad I could grow up like that
Gawd, yeah I could never understand what my DS meant with wifi XD And the lil chatrooms aha
I was 8 when the site began. I was online here and there but pretty limited due to having to share the computer and having to deal with molasses speed dial up. Never really got into forums in general until I was 15. Joined TBT when I was 17. :)
I gotta say, it is fun and nostalgic looking back at old posts, sites etc learning about the forum’s history and past updates. It’s really cool stuff seeing how this site evolved and it reminds me that we all start somewhere. I love it and I’m glad the forums have been around this long. It’s also such a trip looking at my old posts to put it simply haha
It's a tough quiz, but I've had fun looking through the history of TBT! I will be happy even to get 1 ticket as at this stage every ticket counts! :D
Well I’ve come up with an answer on all but one of the questions, though a couple of my answers I’m not too confident on. I’m pretty happy with what I’ve got though so I’ll submit soon. :)
I’ve actually found quite a few! There’s no way I’ll find answers for all of them in time, but if I can get 4 tickets I’ll be able to grab an extra collectible, so here’s hoping.

Thanks for the quiz!
Are we allowed to leave questions blank if we just have no clue at all? My main goal only needs one ticket so I’m not too sad if I don’t get 100% lol
Submitted my answers~!!
I think I did alright, I am impressed with one question, that I found the answer and thought it was something else beforehand.
Be interesting to see what the actual answers will be for the ones I didn't really know.
Thank you for the quiz!!
Are we allowed to leave questions blank if we just have no clue at all? My main goal only needs one ticket so I’m not too sad if I don’t get 100% lol
Yes, it's perfectly fine to have no answer for some questions. It just means you for sure won't get any half tickets for them.

Just as a reminder to everybody, submissions close in under 12 hours at 11:59 PM EDT tonight! Make sure to get your answers into the The Bell Tree Fair 2024 Quiz Submissions board before then!
Just submitted as I know I won't have time tomorrow, that was fun! I feel like some of those answers are gonna annoy me when I find out though HAH
I think I maybee squeezed a few points but it was hard. Now I'm really happy that I've participated in all the events and should have enough points for the two collectibles I'm after without any extra tickets from the quiz.

And I very much agree with what has already been said: digging around after TBT's history was hella interesting. I've spent way too much time on this but no regrets!
well, I ended up submitting a form anyways, just to be able to claim full participation

no stress, since I already should be getting enough for all my reasonably obtainable goals, but I'm still decently confident in having gotten a solid amount of these questions