The Bell Tree Fair 2024 Pop Quiz (Time's up, quizzes graded!)

Well I tried, I also spent hours on this but it was really hard!
For some questions I made a random guess because I could not find anything on it, I'm a bit sad.
I feel like I'm going crazy cuz I swear at some point in my looking through things for a different answer today, that I came across something that answers a different question, like I remember looking at it with my own eyes but it didn't mean much at the moment so I closed the tab, but now that I think it will answer this question, I cannot find it anywhere in my browser history. AH! I keep flopping back and forth between giving up and turning in what I have cuz I think I have enough to get the one ticket I need, but like. I swear I saw it with my own eyes and cannot for the life of me find it again. I have spent way more time on this than I originally thought I would lol
I have caved and submitted without finding the thing I swear I saw earlier. I'm gonna be so upset if I find it again lol
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I did not intend to spend nearly this much time on it, but now looking at my browser history again, I see that I have been at this for like 4 and a half hours. My god
I spent way too much time on this for the amount I'm actually going to get right 😭

Even some of the ones I think I got right, I'm unsure if I worded them the way they're looking for 😰

Also #6 and #12 are my archenemies!! I know I got other numbers wrong too, but those two were the most frustrating because the answers felt so close and yet so far 😵
Just submitted. I skipped a fourth of them because I don’t want to be here for the next hour. Hopefully the ones I did do I got right. I’m pretty sure I did good on this.
I wonder if any of them have multiple acceptable answers or multiple ways of wording that are fine, or if everything is like. 100% exactly a specific word or phrase
I spent way too much time on this for the amount I'm actually going to get right 😭

Even some of the ones I think I got right, I'm unsure if I worded them the way they're looking for 😰

Also #6 and #12 are my archenemies!! I know I got other numbers wrong too, but those two were the most frustrating because the answers felt so close and yet so far 😵
12 was mine as well. I ended up going with my 1st gut instinct after pouring over 8643 threads trying to validate my gut instinct 😂😂😂
And I submitted my quiz after changing of answers a few times.... I just hope the abandoned answers were all wrong. That was fun though.
It was fun going through a bunch of the old boards but it really makes me wish we could see the old event boards and stuff😔 I wanna see the olden days of TBT.
Oh, I forgot to submit my guesses here. That's okay, these were impossible for my brain to guess.