It'sI have a noob question How do you post a video from youtube onto here? what prefix is used?
[video]url here[/video]
HTML:[video]url here[/video]
Are usernames case-sensitive? And by that I mean, if I were to change my name to one that somebody else has, but their's is entirely lowercase, and instead use a capital letter, would I be able to do that?
(i.e. they have "pokemanz" but I would want "Pokemanz")
How do you make a poll?
When you're done typing your thread, scroll down. You should see a "Post a Poll" option. Check the box, and choose how much choices there will be. Then, submit the thread. You will be able to write out all the choices from there.
My collectible correction didn't go through?
My collectible correction didn't go through?
Did you click configure on it?
How do I do strike-through in a post?