i love my zebras
.... well i have no idea how to changed my username
does someone knows?
does someone knows?
.... well i have no idea how to changed my username
does someone knows?
Buy a username change m898
Did you include the #?
yeah, I did but it just didn't work for some reason?
did you check the "active" box in your inventory for it??
i did but still have npo idea how to chaged it
but i did buy it its just i have it hidden
i did but still have npo idea how to chaged it
but i did buy it its just i have it hidden
You have to click "Configure" in your inventory next to the Username change
thanksnow i know for another time if it ever happens
hello there ZebraQueen! <:
I made a shop put it was under construction and the title said UNDER CONSTRUCTION DO NOT ENTER OR POST and someone posted in there on purpose and was like "opps i posted I'm a horrible person" (this was their unedited post btw) Should I give them a negitive Wifi-reating?
It's called locking the thread.I made a shop put it was under construction and the title said UNDER CONSTRUCTION DO NOT ENTER OR POST and someone posted in there on purpose and was like "opps i posted I'm a horrible person" (this was their unedited post btw) Should I give them a negitive Wifi-reating?
It's called locking the thread.
How am i supposed to work on it fi i lock it?