✞ Pastel Goth and K-pop ✞
My sister wants to get an account on the Belltree for herself, but we are in the same house and as such have the same IP- adress (different computers). Is she allowed to make herself an account ?
My sister wants to get an account on the Belltree for herself, but we are in the same house and as such have the same IP- adress (different computers). Is she allowed to make herself an account ?
Do threads ever get full so that you can't post in them anymore? That is to say, is there a post limit that can get maxed out for an individual thread? I tried looking in the FAQ but I didn't see anything about it there, though maybe I just looked for the wrong terminology.
Quick question: if someone left positive feedback for me on accident, do I need to do anything about it?
I would like to post a thread asking for recommandations of places to shop in London (specifically book stores, video games stores) for a trip I'm going on tomorrow, but I don't know where I should post it? Brewster's maybe? (just thought I'd ask before posting in case this isn't allowed.)
Do hard-working forum staff get a box of Quality Streets at Christmas?
help i cant scroll with my mouse scroll wheel on this site anymore. scrolling by clicking the middle mouse button works, as does page up/down etc..
I have two questions, again.
1. What's the main reason why the amiibo card trading post has an eight-hour bump rule while the rest has four?
2. I know blogs don't get much attention as you can write almost anything on your blog, but what are some stuff you're not allowed to write on your blog? I know that you shouldn't be insulting other members on your blog or even complaining about them in general, but what else shouldn't you do when blogging?
2. All forum rules apply to the blog tree as well.The Bell Tree Rules and Guidelines said:
- Thread Bumping
Bumping is posting in a thread when it falls down the board index to purposely return it to the top for increased visibility. To avoid excessive and unnecessary posting on the forum, threads should not be bumped until the thread is inactive for at least four hours. Due to the slower rate of posting in the Animal Crossing amiibo Card Post Office board, threads may only be bumped after eight hours of inactivity. If you continually exceed either of these bump limits, you may receive a warning, infraction, or suspension. Please report instances where a user is consistently exceeding this limit.
I've actually been having this issue with TBT too. There isn't an actual fix yet, but I've found for me that closing and reopening the tab seems to fix it temporarily, until it happens again at least.
If you want to advertise your discord, please do not do it in your thread. Instead, either do so in the following thread, or your signature.After a bunch of us in Australia, New Zealand, and South East Asia posted in this thread't+people+like+to+use+the+train+station? of the general ACNL board, a thread was made for us to connect here! in the Train Station board.
During the discussion in the latter thread some of us decided having a discord channel would be good to have to supplement the thread. A channel has been made, and we just have some (hopefully simple) questions :
- are we allowed to post a thread about this channel? I know there are rules about this but I'm not having any luck searching for an answer to this scenerio.
- if we are, is there anything we should avoid specifically saying in the thread so that we're not 'promoting' a discord channel?
- and which board would this thread belong in, general ACNL or the Train Station?
Thanks for any help!