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Mafia The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Mafia: Endgame MAFIA WINS

I don't think I'll be active near EoN because I start work experience tomorrow so I'll just provide some sort of rushed reads before I head off to bed just in case. I think the people that really need to be watched bc they seem to be slipping by quite easily are Fleshy and Glow mainly

Biancasbotique- All her posts so far have just been filler fmpov, she isn't really providing opinions and some of her posts feel sort of awkward and out of place, not sure if that's something reflecting her scum behaviour or whatnot, I don't think I've played with her before so.

Dolby- I already explained this twice I'm pretty sure, but in short his current posts are reflective of his past town games (not afraid to sus people and sort of just posts his own opinions) whereas when he's scum he sort of questions people to provoke answers out of them, idk too tired to explain but I legitimately think he's town, period.

Fleshy- I've played with Fleshy a few times and honestly I don't think I can ever read him, none of his posts right now really scream towny nor scummy, so I'm probably null on him, but I definitely wanna keep an eye on him as it seems he's slipping into people's town lists pretty easily and I honestly don't see why.

Zendel- Again, already explained this but his weak reasoning and overall attitude just seems so out of character for Zendel, having no reaction at all and blatantly dodging suspicions because they're not justified enough apparently. Meh, still think he's probably scum tbh.

Jacob- Very null, made one post with actual content and that was townreading Glow and I, don't really see a reason to townread either of us honestly though, my early game play was a bit ********.

Chick- I'm gonna go all out and say she's a blatantly obvious new town, not much to say.

Ness- The general consensus is that he's town so I'm kind of flowing with that, him talking about the PM viewing thing and asking Toads about it just seems to much of an effort if he was actually scum, to bother moving a lynch on Evan. Unless Aron is mafia, then that might be a different story, but I think that's stretching.

xCleb- Hasn't done much, sussed Zendel so I'm okay with him I guess :)

Kit- Coasting scum..? probably

Aronthaer- idk I keep flip flopping my read on him, that blue role talk was weird but hhhhhhhh idk honestly idk idk idk

Kermittea- I high sus her for her last minute pocketing of evan but didn't do anything, also her attempt to mimic townplay as Dolby said is a high possibility, not sure will have to think on it

Damniel/Bowie- null

oath2order- Literally done nothing, blamed me for evan lynch so like, ya, there might be a chance he's scum, the only times I've played with oath was in binding of isaac and smash bros mafia 1 and he was sort of town leader, and playstyles change and all but I'm surprised he's just not doing much at all

Dad- town probably

glow- scum team prediction of me/dolby/chick/fleshy seemed very weak imo, and I townread Dolby which is why I'm swaying sus towards glow

okbye, might be on for a little more if I can't sleep
Zendel susses me for tunnelling him and townreading Aron, his suggestion for Aron/Dad scum team had 0 backing, won't answer to 'invalidated' suspicions felt off, and Cleb had an interesting point about how he basically just OMGUS'd us.

1. Yes I do scum read you for tunnelling me, I would also scum read you if you were tunnelling anyone else.

2. Nope, I scum read you from moving Aron to a town read so you could put more focus on me and seeing as Aron was a lynch candidate at that point it's interesting that you backed off from him.

3. I already said that was a crappy point myself, I'm not going to explain it again.

4. Yes because there wastes of time that damage my motivation to play. I've already explained that.

5. It's funny that Cleb says that because he did the exact same thing to my in another game because I literally asked him two questions because he contributed for little.

People who don't have much of an excuse but decided to lay back in this:

Zendel, Kit, bianca, and Aron

Just...noting all this idk

I was asleep.

- Why did we have to lose a blue? :( I understand the circumstances though and I feel as though Ness is town now after how adamant he was and the points he made were valid. R.I.P Evan.

- I feel even worse about Dolby, moving him to slight scum lean.

- I don't understand the Aron situation, is he clear or not?

- A lot of people think I'm giving up on this game or something, that isn't true but given how I feel right now I might have to replace out because I'm literally dying. help So I'm sorry if I do.

Apart from that my reads remain the same.

I'm going offline now, I still don't feel great and I don't want to spend my time on a computer when I could be having a nice cup of tea and a rest.

So peace out cool katz. I spelt it with a k and a z instead of a c and a s because I'm cool. I'm so weird

- - - Post Merge - - -

I don't think I'll be active near EoN because I start work experience tomorrow so I'll just provide some sort of rushed reads before I head off to bed just in case. I think the people that really need to be watched bc they seem to be slipping by quite easily are Fleshy and Glow mainly

Biancasbotique- All her posts so far have just been filler fmpov, she isn't really providing opinions and some of her posts feel sort of awkward and out of place, not sure if that's something reflecting her scum behaviour or whatnot, I don't think I've played with her before so.

Dolby- I already explained this twice I'm pretty sure, but in short his current posts are reflective of his past town games (not afraid to sus people and sort of just posts his own opinions) whereas when he's scum he sort of questions people to provoke answers out of them, idk too tired to explain but I legitimately think he's town, period.

Fleshy- I've played with Fleshy a few times and honestly I don't think I can ever read him, none of his posts right now really scream towny nor scummy, so I'm probably null on him, but I definitely wanna keep an eye on him as it seems he's slipping into people's town lists pretty easily and I honestly don't see why.

Zendel- Again, already explained this but his weak reasoning and overall attitude just seems so out of character for Zendel, having no reaction at all and blatantly dodging suspicions because they're not justified enough apparently. Meh, still think he's probably scum tbh.

Jacob- Very null, made one post with actual content and that was townreading Glow and I, don't really see a reason to townread either of us honestly though, my early game play was a bit ********.

Chick- I'm gonna go all out and say she's a blatantly obvious new town, not much to say.

Ness- The general consensus is that he's town so I'm kind of flowing with that, him talking about the PM viewing thing and asking Toads about it just seems to much of an effort if he was actually scum, to bother moving a lynch on Evan. Unless Aron is mafia, then that might be a different story, but I think that's stretching.

xCleb- Hasn't done much, sussed Zendel so I'm okay with him I guess :)

Kit- Coasting scum..? probably

Aronthaer- idk I keep flip flopping my read on him, that blue role talk was weird but hhhhhhhh idk honestly idk idk idk

Kermittea- I high sus her for her last minute pocketing of evan but didn't do anything, also her attempt to mimic townplay as Dolby said is a high possibility, not sure will have to think on it

Damniel/Bowie- null

oath2order- Literally done nothing, blamed me for evan lynch so like, ya, there might be a chance he's scum, the only times I've played with oath was in binding of isaac and smash bros mafia 1 and he was sort of town leader, and playstyles change and all but I'm surprised he's just not doing much at all

Dad- town probably

glow- scum team prediction of me/dolby/chick/fleshy seemed very weak imo, and I townread Dolby which is why I'm swaying sus towards glow

okbye, might be on for a little more if I can't sleep

And I get called out for OMGUS?

Okay, this reads list sucks butt which is weird because your criticizing my reads for weak reasoning when your reads are even worse, lmao. Please stop.

I'm so glad I caught this, toodles!
omgus= i sus you, and you sus me for it
you sus me because i'm tunnelling and actually trying to get somewhere asdfghjkl

and you move dolby up to scumlean, which only reassures me that zendel/glow team is very possible tbh

also i said they were rushed sorry ?\_(ツ)_/?
Back after some well needed sleep, just reading over what I've missed. I find it weird how some people seemed to just disappear during the heat at EoD, then pop back straight after.

glow definitely makes some good points in that case against Dolby, Dolby/Aron makes some sense too, I've been pretty all over the place on both of them, and admittedly I can't read Dolby well, I'd really like for him to reply to your post in depth if he can when he comes back.

In the heat of EoD, I completely failed to notice that Aron clearly stated he wasn't blue, before then going on to say he'd flip blue. To say "I'm not blue, just regular townie", you must have some knowledge of the colours, so then how can you go on to think being a regular townie means you flip blue, after you show you clearly know you're not blue. I don't know, I might just be harping in on a genuine mistake / lack of knowledge on the specifics, but it seems off. My thoughts on Aron aren't too hot overall.

I definitely townread Ness after I've calmed down over last night, I really don't think scum would push a lynch on townie with that level of conviction, if so, that would be one very, very bold mafia, which is unlikely. I do still find the way he interacted with Chick at one point odd though, I've not seen either of them interact that way with anyone else, but that's probably just an irrelevant observation.
In the heat of EoD, I completely failed to notice that Aron clearly stated he wasn't blue, before then going on to say he'd flip blue. To say "I'm not blue, just regular townie", you must have some knowledge of the colours, so then how can you go on to think being a regular townie means you flip blue, after you show you clearly know you're not blue. I don't know, I might just be harping in on a genuine mistake / lack of knowledge on the specifics, but it seems off. My thoughts on Aron aren't too hot overall.

one post before I head off to church. when did I say I wasn't blue? I said I would "blue flip" and that I was a regular townie because I wasn't aware that only special roles are considered blue. as I said, all town roles are blue in Werewolf and that's the variation I'm familiar with.
omgus= i sus you, and you sus me for it
you sus me because i'm tunnelling and actually trying to get somewhere asdfghjkl

and you move dolby up to scumlean, which only reassures me that zendel/glow team is very possible tbh

also i said they were rushed sorry ?\_(ツ)_/?

Trying to get somewhere? What have you done to really enhance your points against me though? It's a passing thing that nobody really pays attention to because the points you have made aren't really good at all, which is nothing like how you played in the Mystic Messenger game because a lot of the points you made were valid and I, like many others, actually listened to you.

You sus Glow because she put you on the scum and you think Oath2Order is "probably mafia" because he blamed you for Evan's lynch, how is that not OMGUS? You add the little points that you town read Dolby so you sus Glow, even though Dolby is flopping around like a fish out of water.

It doesn't matter if the reads were rushed or not, you would've still made those same points but rambled on and on about them. That would likely be the only difference, lmao.
A few of my thoughts have changed since this time yesterday.

X - Null, Slight Town, Strong Town, Sus, Scum Lean, Strong Scum

biancasbotique - Weird how she was only away during the intense part of EoD, returned pretty much right after. However was explained to be hosting a party, so it makes sense. Don't see anything scummy going on here.

Dolby - I really don't know where to start or how to organise my thought process here. Everything I said in my last reads post still stands. Flip-flopping, defensive, a lot of empty posts during the fall out, a lot of nonsensical or irrelevant posts during the fallout, attempts to derail conversations (?), 50% of the time speaking with conviction "Vig, shoot Kermit tonight", other 50% talking down on his own points and being over all unsure "He just slipped I think, Toad uses Vet's I'm pretty sure" half of it's just been weak and wishy-washy, no conviction, which isn't what I know of Dolby, in my experience I see him as more of a town leader of sorts. I'd like to see him reply to glow's post to hear some things from his PoV.

Zendel - Still unsure here but overall nothing stands out to me as scummy. Questioning enough, contributing just enough, making reads, general worn-out town demeanor being given off throughout.

Heyden - Probably one of my weakest town reads as of right now, but I think his play has really picked up and he seems to be branching out from his regular thoughts and really making some original reads of his own, as of this morning only though. Feeling odd about his lack of posts EoD, with just popping back as soon as everything's over (this was explained though), unsure overall, but beginning to get town vibes from his recent posts.

Chick - Something still just doesn't sit right with me. Her play really does seem town-ish, but she is taking a massive step forward since the last game, almost as if she has power now (Telling people what to do?). Questioning everything, talking with conviction, way less emotions, odd interactions with Ness, happy to lynch Evan for a slip yet critisises glow for her post on Dolby, calls all of Dolby's scummy (imo) behavior a "mistake" yet wouldn't see Evan's mistake as a mistake, and instead a slip. Repetitively not mentioning when people sus/scumread her, despite stating that, when she's town, she gets defensive about that, literally just not mentioning it unless the fact she hasn't mentioned it is mentioned. Seems to be completely steering away from conversation involving herself.

Ness - Not 100% as some things are still off to me, put pretty sure scum!Ness wouldn't push a lynch on a townie like that.

Aronthaer - Really unsure here. Steered away from talking about anything important / his reads come EoD, minus a few light posts, instead a lot seem to be jokes, very unrelated posts about BOTW in general. Why couldn't you comment more on what was going on, instead of posts such as "...Link is still a silent protagonist like he should be.", "There was an overwatch mafia? dammit I want in on that", "uh oh ness we posted the same thing at a similar time so we're scum together :p" He seemed to be trying really hard to stay out of what was going down EoD, not taking it seriously at all. Huge question marks around the mess surrounding his claim, his blue role / flip blue fiasco. Makes no post of substance after his claim, despite being there and watching everything go down. Trying to keep a down-low so votes don't jump back from Evan to you?

Kermittea - Really unsure, going to throw a null here for now. Mix of odd reactions and weak reasoning have me questioning, I'm finding her posts very hard to make sense of, I can't understand her line of thought, a lot doesn't sit well with me.

Damniel/ Bowie - Was townreading Daniel but a lot went down, null just now as I wait for Bowie's take on everything.

Tina - Posts since this morning are very contributory, genuinely upset by the Evan lynch, providing original reads, I'm just waiting for her to finish reading and generate more content, everything seems very town-ish to date though, nothing to lead me to think otherwise.

Dad - Really contributed and tried during EoD, seemed to be in a similar boat to me, as in not really seeing Evan as scummy, but being swayed and confused by everything that went down. Still would really like to see more individual reads from him, that being said, there's nothing that's happened to lead me to believe he's not town, been helpful throughout.

glow - Overall very contributory, most points seem strong, well thought out, helpful. One thing though - was barely around for EoD (yet popped back right after?), yet still throws scumreads on people who were around, and were actually trying, yet were influenced by the outspoken. If you felt so strongly, why weren't you here, speaking out, when it really mattered? I replied to you saying you were voting Dolby as I was heading that way too, and asked for clarification, yet you didn't provide anything until day was over. Not trying to say you need to provide clarification / help, but it's kind of weak (imo) to not provide clarification, and also not be around, then come back acting authority fueled as you have come start of night.

Jacob, xCleb, Kit, Oath - Again, surely at least one scum is taking a back seat and hiding in here.

- - - Post Merge - - -

one post before I head off to church. when did I say I wasn't blue? I said I would "blue flip" and that I was a regular townie because I wasn't aware that only special roles are considered blue. as I said, all town roles are blue in Werewolf and that's the variation I'm familiar with.

10:10PM GMT - Here. Post clearly shows you understand what a blue role is, you then acknowledge that you're not one. Showing that you see the difference between blue and regular townie. This is definitely not a post from someone who thinks regular townies are blue, you're making a clear distinction.
I don't have a blue role. I'm a regular townie. I feel comfortable saying that for some unknown reason.

12:57AM GMT - Yet here, after showing you know the difference between blue and regular townie, you state you'd flip blue?
/snip/ ... seems like he's trying to cover for the aftermath of the blue flip.

If you know all town roles as "blue" surely you would have said "Yes I'm blue / I have a blue role" instead of "I don't have a blue role" as you think regular townies are blue?
Oath2order: you either committed to not giving a crap (this is admittedly likely) or are scum. Thinking the later is likely because you entered SOLELY to berate us over lynching a blue.

What part of "day 1 being based on meta reads based on recent games that I haven't played in" do you not seem to understand?

oath2order- Literally done nothing, blamed me for evan lynch so like, ya, there might be a chance he's scum, the only times I've played with oath was in binding of isaac and smash bros mafia 1 and he was sort of town leader, and playstyles change and all but I'm surprised he's just not doing much at all

BoI was a year and a half ago and Smash was nearly two years ago.

glow- scum team prediction of me/dolby/chick/fleshy seemed very weak imo, and I townread Dolby which is why I'm swaying sus towards glow

"glow thinks that me and dolby and some other people are scum so I think they're scum now"
Out of bed, let me address the factually horrendous case that Glow has made against me. Moreover, I defend that thinking that the use of "bulletproof" could be taken as a slip, and I'm just astounded not that Glow is using it (since it actually seems to be a pretty common trend in the thread) but that she's going after ONLY me for it when there are plenty of other experienced players who also said it a fair conclusion and followed that logic at the time.

post 0: this was at 3:15. dolby votes evan at 5:24. so what exactly happened in those two hrs between dolby and evan? literally nothing but evans blue claim. deadass srs let's look at down all his subsequent posts
First of all, I would like to point out that Evan did not claim blue until after my vote. His first post on the topic and I'm using this not because I felt it was a soft but because Glow did occurred at 6:03 PM, a good 40 minutes after my vote.
Just got back from dinner, and now family is pressuring me to watch a show with them, so I'm going to go through your case and give a defense and hope for the best. I'd rather not claim right now but I am willing to if a mass vote materializes. (RN I think I'm in the lead with 3 votes, nowhere near a level I should claim at)
Now, I will admit, this could be looked through the lenses of a blue soft, or the lenses of a scum member doing the background research in order to form a realistic claim.

post 1-2: this is irrelevant to evan, he's speaking to aronthaer's about his claim. aronthaer is one of dolby's "main scumreads", so why does he say he dislikes doing this? why would you dislike trying to figure out if there's ways that you can prove your scumread to be mafia?
I generally dislike using flavor meta because it is highly unreliable. Especially considering that this game is hosted by Toads (and let's keep in mind the last game that he hosted which you also played in). Glow is misinterpreting me here, though I'm not gonna hold that against her bc I'm pretty sure that a couple of other people thought something similar to that as well.

post 4: irrelevant (also dolby, yes they are)
Invective. I mind this particularly ironic given the general factual accuracies and the amount of "irrelevant" information included in this post.

post 3: irrelevant. also, Dolby's pocket ft. Ness exhibit A

post 4: irrelevant (also dolby, yes they are)

post 5: irrelevant - skim read, misunderstood

post 6: irrelevant

post 7: FINALLY at 4:44 dolby makes his first mention about sussing evan offhandedly in a response to daniel. approx one hour before voting him. the reason why? he doesn't say specifically, but obviously ness' case. remember dolby apparently trusts ness 100% now because of what ness said to aronthaer about his role desc and also a question he asked. (dolby's pocket of ness: a trilogy)

it's important to include the context of daniel's response to dolby to talk about post 8

to which dolby replies in post 8:

lmfao i'm sorry but this post is just utter nonsense. daniel is clearly speaking about ness' attitude, NOT play. it's very clear that ness and evan had some emotional points in their back-and-forthing. also, daniel seems like the person to post like what exactly? all daniel was doing was just making a comment about how they were getting too heated. "daniel's stance" had nothing to do with scummy/towny/etc.

what stance is there to even have of that? aggressiveness isn't alignment indicative, you can get mad as town or as mafia it means nothing. also, this post is basically irrelevant to evan, but it's just another one of those moments where dolby forces some lines but it doesn't feel like he's really even paying attention to what he's saying.
Both Evan and Daniel made posts FoSing Ness at exactly the same time
wait what? You literally just posted about how it's likely aron is NOT scum and now you're saying he is?? or are you talking about me and mixed up the names?
Apparently my supposed replacement is being weird about it so i gotta wait to see what the other replacements say first. So im chilling for now

I don't like Ness's attitude towards Evan, it's very aggressive and a tad bit rude
I would also like to point out that Dan not liking Ness's attitude implies that he does not think that he's town, therefore, connected to play. This also came out in defense of Evan, which Ness had wrote a good case for at the time, and I didn't see why a replacing out town member would go out of his way to defend another player, even that weakly.

I also like how you said that you included the context, when you only included one of the posts that connected the two of them, both of them needed to keep a player situationally aware.

post 9: it seems like we're finally arriving to the first time that dolby addresses evan as his scumread. [also, ness pocket pt. 4]

context time - lets look at the evan's post he refers to. this parts a bit confusing, but i'll try and make it short

here evan is confused at ness' post and asks for clarification. ness' post in question was in reply to fleshy, who states he does not scumread aron, and ness replies:

which implies that ness also scumreads aronthaer. HENCE evan's confusion, which as you can see is quite warranted since ness misspoke. [ness later corrects himself and says he meant to speak about evan.]

NOW FINALLY BACK TO DOLBYS POST 9: dolby literally takes evan's post out of it's context. evan was rightfully confused, and somehow evan questioning ness meant that evan scumread ness [and nobody is allowed to scumread ness because he's ~obv town~.......exhibit B: Dolbys' Pocket FT. Ness] and anyone that scumreads ness is MAFIA! AHA! now we finally know why this began. </thread>

jk this is another time where dolby either misreads, misinterprets, or just wildly takes something out of context and makes wrong conclusions. also we still have ~20 mins of his posts to go lmao.
Gee, this would be so useful if it was tied with the context of the Evan/Dan team. But no, it's not out of context, he wrote the post like he was FoSing him for it, BY HIS OWN ADMISSION. Glow is delibrately leaving out evidence here. Moreover, it was EXTREMELY obvious that Ness misspoke, and I delibrately pointed out the fact. But what caused me to bring up the prospect of a Evan/Dan team is how Dan jumped up a moment later

post 10-11: these posts are too high quality, i have no words
Tbf, the thread was glitched, and I really see no reason to bring those up when a. Kit was extremely scummy, and still is and b. Really, I non-rhetorically see no reason to bring that up, that was just trying to fix a really bad post glitch.

tbh i tried to understand the context of this [his post is in reply to ness] and i couldn't. lord help me. so evan was clear if he posted before 2:35? what. posted his claim? why would that matter
The issue here is that if Evan had posted that BEFORE Aron claimed, then it couldn't be considered to be a slip, and sus on Evan would be cleared.

post 13: "WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT" part 2. [WHAT THEORY? the DanielxEvan team??? you mean both of the people who you took out of context? how does that timing make DanxEvan more plausible?]
Already explained this earlier in the post. Seems like delibrate lengthening here

post 14: ok so my interpretation: dolby is saying that evan is clear if evan's claim was before aronthaers? which makes absolutely 0 sense. why would evan claim before aronthaer? suspicion wasn't brought down on him until ness. and aronthaer claimed before ness' post. evan wasn't even there around that time.

for clarity, aronthaer claimed at 2:35 pst, evan at 6:40 (after softing at 6:03). ness' case was posted at 05:17.

You accuse me of making nonsense when you make nonsense of your own. Fine, let me clarify, again. If Evan's slip was make before Aron's claim, then it wasn't actually a slip because he'd have no way of knowing that Aron was a townie specifically. Clear was a poor choice of words, but a meant clear from suspicion, not confirmed

post 15: .... a fun reiteration of "evan and dan are both obviously scum because reasons, just look at their interactions guys!" with a splash of "i know my read is weak, but we've only had 400 posts..... on d1.... ONLY! i'm doing my best here guys!" ironically enough, this post is at 5:17, just seconds before ness' case.
Gee, you're saying that the same normal thing is scummy for the fourth time in this post. It's almost like you have no substance

Now, the issue with Daniel was that Evan listed suspicious behaviors, but had nothing to say why they were suspicious, almost like a list of perfectly normal things he's done. He appends their lack of significance for lack of a better term by adding at the end, like it's more important, "I don't get the fleshy thing though?". Now let's be clear, I'm going to divide clause A into 2 parts. A.1 and A.2. Clause B was 100% true, you have, in no way, demonstrated that it came from a scum perspective (we know that it isn't true now because Evan was town).

A.1 is thus: Evan manipulated the language to make the suspicious things Dan's done look townie
A.2: There are to many people townleaning Kermit

Now there is no world in which A.2 was a legitimate concern, I believe for a good portion of the day Kermit was actually a lynch target

I will concede that I was wrong on A.1, but you're delibrately making a mountain out a molehill.

Sidenote: Evan connecting Karen and Daniel didn't happen. He noted that they were actually starting to try, which in no way linked them

Glow said:
how did dolby think that using bulletproof instead of veteran is a slip and ignore the fact that aronthaer mentioned being blue as a claimed townie when all PMs are color coordinated

I'd ask you the same question

Fleshy said:
Dolby - I really don't know where to start or how to organise my thought process here. Everything I said in my last reads post still stands. Flip-flopping, defensive, a lot of empty posts during the fall out, a lot of nonsensical or irrelevant posts during the fallout, attempts to derail conversations (?), 50% of the time speaking with conviction "Vig, shoot Kermit tonight", other 50% talking down on his own points and being over all unsure "He just slipped I think, Toad uses Vet's I'm pretty sure" half of it's just been weak and wishy-washy, no conviction, which isn't what I know of Dolby, in my experience I see him as more of a town leader of sorts. I'd like to see him reply to glow's post to hear some things from his PoV.
At said point in time, I was 100% convinced that Evan was scum due to the "bulletproof" and saw no reason to defend him. At the time that I was noting the slip, I was looking back into all of Toads past games because I wanted to be 100% sure that I was right on that and that he hadn't used bulletproof in a past game (where I wasn't conhosting)

Also would like to point out I've asked Glow maybe half a dozen questions at various points and she's ignored all of them
So about what I said, as I'm being called out for it: "I don't have a blue role. I'm a regular townie. I feel comfortable saying that for some unknown reason". It was a bit of a grammatical sentence structure error. Try to read it like this: "I don't have a blue role. I'm a regular townie." I was trying to communicate that I didn't have a specific role but rather that I was vanilla. regardless I don't really think it matters all that much.

Once again you said that I was struggling to contribute EoD and that's true. my girlfriend is going through some pretty rough times and I'm trying to help her through them so I kinda put the game on hold for a bit. I was mostly ****posting with my thoughts thrown in every once in a while because I didn't have too much time to contribute anything of worth. I'm honestly very confused right now and really need to take some time to read into a few players (Dolby in particular has caught my eye) and when I've done that I'll be posting my findings.
Aronthaer - Really unsure here. Steered away from talking about anything important / his reads come EoD, minus a few light posts, instead a lot seem to be jokes, very unrelated posts about BOTW in general. Why couldn't you comment more on what was going on, instead of posts such as "...Link is still a silent protagonist like he should be.", "There was an overwatch mafia? dammit I want in on that", "uh oh ness we posted the same thing at a similar time so we're scum together :p" He seemed to be trying really hard to stay out of what was going down EoD, not taking it seriously at all. Huge question marks around the mess surrounding his claim, his blue role / flip blue fiasco. Makes no post of substance after his claim, despite being there and watching everything go down. Trying to keep a down-low so votes don't jump back from Evan to you?

I kinda wanna comment on this blue flip thing even though its been talked about a lot (And I'm replying to you in particular fleshy, just wanted to reply to this point as a subject starter)

The way I'm understanding this is he's claiming to be not blue, but referring to his green claim as a blue flip which sounds like it could be valid. Like what we would consider a mislynch reveal could be referred to as a blue flip for him usually, no matter if its a power role or not a power role. I don't really know if role names are colored specifically from where he's used to?

I take this (as most day 1 claims) a 100% town lock from aron so I think its kinda pointless sussing him over it or asking a vig to kill him
I kinda wanna comment on this blue flip thing even though its been talked about a lot (And I'm replying to you in particular fleshy, just wanted to reply to this point as a subject starter)

The way I'm understanding this is he's claiming to be not blue, but referring to his green claim as a blue flip which sounds like it could be valid. Like what we would consider a mislynch reveal could be referred to as a blue flip for him usually, no matter if its a power role or not a power role. I don't really know if role names are colored specifically from where he's used to?

I take this (as most day 1 claims) a 100% town lock from aron so I think its kinda pointless sussing him over it or asking a vig to kill him

I think that in particular was mainly a misunderstanding on my part, his post below pretty much clears it up for me:

So about what I said, as I'm being called out for it: "I don't have a blue role. I'm a regular townie. I feel comfortable saying that for some unknown reason". It was a bit of a grammatical sentence structure error. Try to read it like this: "I don't have a blue role. I'm a regular townie." I was trying to communicate that I didn't have a specific role but rather that I was vanilla. regardless I don't really think it matters all that much.

I thought he was claiming not to know the difference between a blue role and a VT, although that wasn't the case, as he does know the difference, but he though all town roles were referred to as "blue", not just PR's. I do think the blue role thin is now redundant and it's not worth dragging out, but I do still sus him for the other reasons I mentioned.
Reads as of right now are pretty much the same as last night.
@Fleshy, are there any particular reasons that you scumread, besides those dictated in your reads post?
Reads as of right now are pretty much the same as last night.
@Fleshy, are there any particular reasons that you scumread, besides those dictated in your reads post?

You or Aron?

I scumread you for the reasons mentioned in my reads post. For a little more clarification; I feel like you didn't contribute as much substance at EoD as I'd expect, on a few occasions it seemed as if you were only attempting to derail the conversation going on (shining a light on Bowie, even though he had not long joined, and likely hadn't had enough time to read the thread, let alone articulate opinions). I understand that you were 100% set on Evan being scum, which is why you were acting how you were acting, but like I said, a lot doesn't sit well with me. You were flip-flopping dramatically, I fail to understand your line of thought in a lot of posts, overall you're not coming across town to me.

Last night you were very set that Kirby needs to die, what are your thoughts on her right now?
You or Aron?

I scumread you for the reasons mentioned in my reads post. For a little more clarification; I feel like you didn't contribute as much substance at EoD as I'd expect, on a few occasions it seemed as if you were only attempting to derail the conversation going on (shining a light on Bowie, even though he had not long joined, and likely hadn't had enough time to read the thread, let alone articulate opinions). I understand that you were 100% set on Evan being scum, which is why you were acting how you were acting, but like I said, a lot doesn't sit well with me. You were flip-flopping dramatically, I fail to understand your line of thought in a lot of posts, overall you're not coming across town to me.

Last night you were very set that Kirby needs to die, what are your thoughts on her right now?

I still feel like Kermit not voting was a cheap attempt to get towncred(Kirby isn't in the game btw). I was set on the terminology being a slip, and I really don't understand why that line of logic(in the causes of the mislynch) is being only applied to me. Kermit, again, was vet in past games, as an example, so I really don't see why she wouldn't view it as a terminology slip
I still feel like Kermit not voting was a cheap attempt to get towncred(Kirby isn't in the game btw). I was set on the terminology being a slip, and I really don't understand why that line of logic(in the causes of the mislynch) is being only applied to me. Kermit, again, was vet in past games, as an example, so I really don't see why she wouldn't view it as a terminology slip

Whoops, I did mean Kermit, not sure why I put Kirby. I personally am not applying it to you solely, I'm null on Kermit as of right now. I'm not actually focused on the terminology part of it, because I can see how that could be read as a slip, I didn't have a strong opinion on it because I'm not familiar enough with Toad's games / other games, to know which terminology is usually used.
I now understand aron's explanation about the blue thing, and it is fine, everybody seems to accept it. But these arehe same sef circumstances that gets blue or townies lynched. if this was brought up during the last hour of eod, you all know aron would have been lynched.

- - - Post Merge - - -

cmon night people ..send in your actions already!

I can't believe I'm saying this, because they were one of my scumleans day one, but Heydenn's reads are both inspiring some of my newer ones today and lining up with some I already have. I'm starting to feel kinda iffy on glow at this point, because they haven't provided many reads outside of Dolby and maybe one or two other people? They're worth an iso but given that I'm taking a more alignment based approach to re-evaluating my reads, I wouldn't mind if somebody else ISO'd them for their alignments so far. As for them seeming to be hell-bent on Dolby, I don't know if that kind of thing is usual for their behavior (yeah, that's right, I'm bringing meta up slightly as much as I don't like it) or if they're capable of changing up their usual town and mafia meta behaviors. Plus, going after Dolby when nobody else was could have been a means of not taking part in the Evan lynch, and they even chastised us for taking part in it instead of voting to lynch Dolby while those votes were starting to pile up on Evan so it feels kinda icky in retrospect.


Needs to post. A lot of people are starting to scumlean Kit. And I'll repeat, the two small reads (one on a blueflipped Evan that remains unexplained and the other on me) are all they've provided and yet there was evidence of them being active after making those reads.


I slightly townread him earlier on but his absence during the EoD and more recent response to our criticism of his EoD absence is an irl excuse and his response to other reads against him are pretty defensive, and although that lines up with me just reading them as emotional, it's all he's done is defend today rather than offer fresh reads. Looking back into his big reads list is worth a shot but I gotta dig it up.

As for Oath, not much has changed when it comes to my opinion of him but this seemed...eh:



How is Aron completely clear in any way? The only thing that truly made me back off them was the townie roleclaim and the host warning them not to give away flavor text, which makes me think host was concerned they actually would because they haven't seen this player before or in a long time and knows they're new to forum mafia. Seems to be acting very levelheaded and inquisitive, and as a result some people are reading them as behaving like town and they could be running with it. They deserve to remain null for the moment in my eyes and I encourage others not to just townread them so easily.


Don't like how Dan just randomly dropped the game, maybe he wasn't feeling up to the responsibility that comes with being mafia-aligned, because you can't just coast though a game and play lazily when mafia-aligned as opposed to town-aligned. And while he was slightly inquisitive and called people out, he wasn't taking too many strong stances or giving any complex reads. The series of posts and decisions he made during his time in the game could have been a combination of distancing, coasting, and perhaps nervousness in the decision to quit. Being replaced by Bowie, who hasn't said much, could be overwhelmed and doesn't know where to pick up.

Jacob could be coasting but idk.

Bianca is still being protected by a lot of people and too easily townread for my tastes, so I'm not going to excuse the people who are doing so when there's little reason to. She hasn't been taking too many real stances but she was similar as town because she's not got a ton of experience so she remains annoyingly null for me.

Dolby and Kermit remain a mixed bag for me. I feel like if I tried to analyze them too much I'd be wasting time I could dedicate into some of the people I listed above who have bigger paragraphs than this one.

Tina hasn't given a ton of fresh reads despite a townread last night and agreeably not shying away from looking into Evan bandwagon like many are. Waiting for a larger collection of reads from her since she was drunk at the time.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Somebody ISO glow and Zendel for me in a spoiler I'm too tired right now. Might do it later before night ends if I have to but I got things to do irl.
@zendel, well, when all he's done is complain, blame someone when he did nothing, and only pop up so say something I don't think those are very good reasons to townread someone

as for, glow, something's just off, I can understand going after dolby/me maybe fleshy, but chick as well combined with the rest just seems like such a weak prediction. she immediately blames people on the wagon, which makes me believe that town led it and scum sat back.

Also do you have any reads at all oath, or do I have to keep poking you with a stick