The METAL thread! \m/

This randomly showed up on my YT front page:
Kid must be a savant or something....VERY impressive!!
That's honestly amazing. From what my brother has told me, learning to play the guitar is pretty hard. This kid makes it look easy though. I also remember seeing a blind guy at my school play piano incredibly well. Makes me wonder, wtf is MY excuse? People can do anything they set their minds to.
This Metal website has a fun feature: Clans! Members are allowed to select three of them upon first joining (with the biggest contributors then being granted a fourth option). If you were to sign up for that place, which three clans would you choose?

I think I'd go with...




Coincidentally, these are the first three clans that appear.
Social Distortion is a heavier band that I think goes under the radar sometimes.

My older brother likes them so I heard this song a lot as a child. Granted, many of the songs fall under Punk Rock. I always remembered this one for being slightly stronger on the instruments.
