The out of context quotes thread

Okay, once more, where are we going?

Capitol City.

And why are you and the old lady in the car?

We’re gonna talk Armin Tamzarian into coming back.

And why is Marge here?

I came up with the idea.

And why am I here?

Because the streets of Capitol City are no place for three unescorted ladies.

And why are the kids here?

Because we couldn’t find Grampa to sit for them.

And why is Grampa here?

Because Jasper didn’t want to come by himself.

Fair enough.
I’m sorry, little girl. We don’t just put people on TV. Unless, of course, they’re replying to an editorial.

Uh, I am. I’m strongly opposed to Proposition… 305.

You’re against discount bus fares for war widows?

You bet I am.
What is she doing out there? I’ll cut off her mike.

No, no, no. Let her speak. I’m trying to get fired.
*Woman from the legs down baby talking to Garfield*
“Aww look at the wittle Kitty Witty! You’re so cute I just wanna pick you up and squeeze you!”
*Garfield turns and walks away*
“Where are you going?”
“Kitty Witty is going to go pukey Wukey in the grassy wassy now.”
I don’t know much about this network, but I can recite every line of the cutscenes in Sonic Adventure 2 if you asked me.
Is he badly hurt, Dr. Zoidberg?

I… I don’t quite know how to say this. Fry is dead!


Wait, not dead, the other thing.
I’m back, baby!

Bender! I thought the Robot Mafia killed you!

Nah, they just shot us and buried us a few times as a warning.