The out of context quotes thread

Am I doomed to spend the rest of my life sweating like a pig?

Not to mention looking like a pig, eating like a pig…

Don’t forget the smell.

Will you get off my front lawn?

Why don’t you make me?

Why- oh, I give up.
I take it from that little impressed noise that you are interested in purchasing that matter transporter, sir.

Hmm… 2 bucks… and it only transports matter. Um… well… I’ll give you 35 cents.
I can’t bear this any longer, I’m leaving.

Yeah, not before me you ain’t.

Now, now, there’s plenty of exits for everyone!

Oh, that’s it. You’re dead, pal!

Hey, how, that’s uncalled for!

Shut your hole, Skinner!

*everyone starts fighting*
Lousy big shot. Thinks he’s so big ‘cause he’s got a lot of guns. If he didn’t have any guns, I’d show him a thing or two. What happens if he walks into my store? Then we’ll see who’s worried about five day waiting periods.

Dad, it’s 3:00 am. Can’t you mutter in your room?

Marge kicked me out.

*groans* All right. Go ahead.

Pushy kids think they can tell me what to do in my house. I tell you, parents these days, they don’t know how to rear children.
I’m sorry, Homer. No weapons.

A gun is not a weapon, Marge! It’s a tool, like a butcher knife or a harpoon or an… alligator. You just need more education on the subject.