The out of context quotes thread

“I’m going to have to search you, ma’am.”
*Winona Ryder puppet gets very upset and starts jumping up and down as random things fall out from beneath her*
“What?! This is a violation of my rights! Do you know who I am?! You can’t do this to me!”
*A very large pile of unpaid for merchandise is now forming a mountain of stuff. Winona looks around nervously*
“Uh heh heh. How did all that stuff get in there?”
“Freeze, has been!”
“Has been? Don’t you guys get TV Land?”
“You have the right to remain silent!”
*Cockatoo on Puppet Robert Blake’s shoulders starts squawking and flapping its wings*
“Yeah! I got this great alibi! You see I forgot my heater and it must have been-”
“The hit man you hired!”
“The hit man I- HEY YOU DIRTY BIRD!”
You know what you could do, Apu.

Yeah, shut up.

You could fake your own death.

Oh, would you shut up?

All you need is a car bomb and-

I can’t believe you don’t shut up!
*Black Adam rushes in and takes out a bunch of enemies, and then stands up proud to the onlooker*

"Hi, it's me, Black Adam..."

"Oh, you're not the only Adam."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

*All of a sudden another Adam appears, except he's more nerdy and white*

"H-heya guys, it's me. White Adam."


"Woah, look over there! It's Purple Adam!"

*The man points to another guy on the ground that's turned purple and looks like he's about to die from choking on food*

"Help me..."

*All of a sudden another muscular guy with colorful sunglasses on, a party hat, and riding a unicorn flies in*

"AWW yeah guys, it's me... Rainbow Adam."
