The out of context quotes thread

Why is it still blurry?

That’s all the resolution we have. Making it bigger doesn’t make it clearer.

It does on CSI: Miami.
Does anyone else feel aroused and jealous and worried?

I haven’t felt much of anything since my guinea pig died.
What a thoughtful and considerate thing to say. What the hell’s wrong with you?

I’m not quite sure.
Why isn’t Leela back yet? You think she’s okay?

How should I know? And how come you never ask if I’m okay? I’m feeling a little neglected here.

Oh, sorry. Are you okay, Bender?

Shut up!
“How about you drive, dear?”
*Pickles lights a lighter and blows on the flame which suddenly bursts outward into an even larger flame*
“I’m good for wielding but driving is totally out of the question.”
Wait, I thought we were buying our eyePhones online.

We are on line.

*reveals that they’re standing in line*

But I thought the Mom Store was across town.

It is across town.

*the camera pans to show how long the line is*

But I thought-

Stop thinking, Fry!
Dear Lord, please let Mr. Jefferson get hit on the head so he forgets about the money I owe him. And please let me get past the third level of Twisted Wizard without having to use any of my bonus health packs. Amen, and thank you in advance.
I wish I knew how long we’ve been waiting.

The eyePhone has an app for that!

Is there an app for kissing my shiny, metal ass?

