The out of context quotes thread

"The Fleemco company presents, "Dick Daring on Inspiration"."

"I used to have a serious problem with inspiration whenever there was a heatwave."

"Look out below!"

"But then I switched to this, "Fleemco's extra fancy brand deodorant".

"Excuse me, Dick, "inspiration", means motivating others, I believe you're thinking of, "perspiration".

"Really? Oh, well, I...oh great, now you got me inspiring!"

"This has been Dick Daring on inspiration."
“Terry, what’s Greg’s favorite appetizer?”
*Greg and Terry are writing down their answers*
“Oh! That’s easy! It’s Potato Skins!”
*Terry reveals his answer to an annoyed Greg*
“No, it’s wasabi tuna in a radicchio sauce.”
*Terry looks at Greg in disbelief*
“Even I think that’s gay.”
"Well you see... They have tried numerous times to cast their Path to Exile, but there always seems to be a Counterspell or Negate available to respond and prolong his board state. Sure he may not have a true win con in place, but stalling is enough to force his opponents to rage uncontrollably."

"Are you telling me Biden plays a Blue deck? F*** me."

"Blue is kinda the Democrat's thing."

"Color pie wins again."

"Make America Goblin Again!"

"This implies that Republicans play Red and therefore play without thinking, which makes too much sense."
*Daisy is staring at Peach in shock after she gunned down a bunch of enemies*
“Where did you learn to do that?!”
“When you get kidnapped as much as me, you need to learn how to defend yourself.”
“Well excuse me for not being kidnapped every other day!”
“So what did you bring to fight Michael Jackson with?”
“A tennis racket from Mario Tennis.”
“Uhhhhhh yeah. Let’s go save our kids!”