The Person Below Me...

not really. Mario kart is pretty fun though.

The person below me is happy that it’s 2024.
Yes. 2023 wasn't bad but I am ready for this new year to start.

The person below me is about to go to sleep within the next hour.
No. I don't.

The person below me has gone out to eat at a restaurant in the past week.
I haven’t, though I’ve gotten carryout a few times. I’m currently a bit limited in what I can eat until I receive my post-op oral procedure.

The person below me has once sold a console they had owned before.
I have. It hurts inside knowing I did since those consoles would be worth so much more had I kept them.

The person below me is currently listening to music.
I’m not.

The person below me has heard of the laughably bad video game Smarties: Meltdown.
I haven't.

The person below me likes pancakes and thinks that they are the superior breakfast choice.
I do like pancakes but I like waffles more.

The person below me finished binging an entire series.
I cut it very close. I almost didn't but luckily I ended up with enough time to do it.

The person below me has a PC.
Yep. Self-built $1,500 desktop from 2018 well spent. Still runs quite a bit of games extremely well.

The person below me once played a certain video game as a kid, and later realized that said game was terrible.
I can’t think of one.

The person below me has seen a movie at the theater recently!
Nope, I haven't been to a theater in over a year LOL

The person below me ate some kind of sweets today
Used to, but I’ve fully switched to Apple Music as my library is huge and apparently I can save up to 100,000 songs there. Not that it’ll ever get there at any rate (I’m at around 15,000 not including uploaded unavailable songs). Spotify is WAY better with shared user playlists - by a country mile even, but I discover “forgotten” music using unconventional methods.

The person below me is able to drive a car.
I cannot drive. I do not have a license.

The person below me enjoys watching game shows such as Family Feud.