I feel like it was a bit weak too, the first hour was such a drag. But on the other hand, I'm glad it was somewhat of a "happy ending" for the group for once. I sure as hell hope Glenn isn't bit. :/
What do you guys think of the spin off show "Fear the Walking Dead" coming this summer???
Does anyone else read the comics?
I cant wait for ezekial and the rest of the kingdom
they are really cool characters. especially SHIVA THE FLESH TEARING< ZOMBIE EATING TIGRESS OF DOOM!
Reasons the finale was a let down:
1. No Beth Greene wtf???
2. What were we meant to bring tissues for?
3. Why isn't Gabriel dead yet wtf
4. The After Credits Scene was hyped as being 'something you won't expect'. The Wolves have been hinted at all season and they appeared throughout the episode
5. Michael Cudlitz was right - it did piss us off
I mean it's kinda sad that this is one of the 'better' episodes of Season 5, which, in my opinion, has just been poorly written
Ive read ahead in the comics. just telling yall now, prepare for some tragedy next season.
EDIT: On an article on Movie Pilot, Robert Kirkman has teased in either season 6 or early season 7, a tiger will be appearing in TWD TV show. Not just any tiger though. SHIVA THE ZOMBIE EATING TIGER.
oh, and her master Ezekial