• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Things that they should have in AC3DS

Oh! my bad! ^-^

Lol, I like you. You are so silly. ^_^

okay back to topic.
Recent ideas I had listed below.

Adding cellphones - this would replace the old friend roster and house more Friendcodes than the original ACCF roster.
Guest room - A room in the house that would cost 5,000 bells to add on + could be used to house an overnight guest(s)!
A wider house - It would have 4 rooms on the main floor, 3 on the 2nd floor, and a large basement to house whatever you want in.
Safe - A place in the basement for storing only Bell bags!
Lol, I like you. You are so silly. ^_^

okay back to topic.
Recent ideas I had listed below.

Adding cellphones - this would replace the old friend roster and house more Friendcodes than the original ACCF roster.
Guest room - A room in the house that would cost 5,000 bells to add on + could be used to house an overnight guest(s)!
A wider house - It would have 4 rooms on the main floor, 3 on the 2nd floor, and a large basement to house whatever you want in.
Safe - A place in the basement for storing only Bell bags!

Don't like the Cellphone idea.
Nor do I like the guest room
I like the house
And the safe is pointless as we have the ABD or whatever they're gonna put in the 3DS version.. And if we had the safe it wouldn't be connected to the town hall, since it's in the basement, and you wouldn't get interest each month
@Bidoof: I meant the safe to be a place for saving just mortgage money or money that the ADB couldn't store.
Though if the ADB holds limitless cashflow than I guess the safe would be useless.

The cellphone was an idea that I wasn't sure about at all. So no big deal that you don't like it.
Same with the guest room.

I'm glad you like my Wider house idea though. I was really happy when I thought about it. I have more ideas to go with it like having different styles of houses (somewhat confirmed for AC3DS). Only thing is my ideas were for like Actually house designs. Castles, mansions, japanese styled huts, etc.
@Bidoof: I meant the safe to be a place for saving just mortgage money or money that the ADB couldn't store.
Though if the ADB holds limitless cashflow than I guess the safe would be useless.

The cellphone was an idea that I wasn't sure about at all. So no big deal that you don't like it.
Same with the guest room.

I'm glad you like my Wider house idea though. I was really happy when I thought about it. I have more ideas to go with it like having different styles of houses (somewhat confirmed for AC3DS). Only thing is my ideas were for like Actually house designs. Castles, mansions, japanese styled huts, etc.


anyway, not fussed about house designs.
MDofDarkheart, I love the idea of the house designs :)

I've always been shocked that there has never been an option to change the style of the house exterior.
Lol, I like you. You are so silly. ^_^

okay back to topic.
Recent ideas I had listed below.

Adding cellphones - this would replace the old friend roster and house more Friendcodes than the original ACCF roster.
Guest room - A room in the house that would cost 5,000 bells to add on + could be used to house an overnight guest(s)!
A wider house - It would have 4 rooms on the main floor, 3 on the 2nd floor, and a large basement to house whatever you want in.
Safe - A place in the basement for storing only Bell bags!

D'aw thank you ^-^ also i Love these ideas!

I have more ideas to go with it like having different styles of houses (somewhat confirmed for AC3DS). Only thing is my ideas were for like Actually house designs. Castles, mansions, japanese styled huts, etc.

If they added this i would squeal!!
@Wolfenstien and Kip: Thank you both for your support of my house ideas.
Though some exterior changes are confirmed for AC3DS.
They didn't have actually house designs listed/confirmed.
Though I like my wider house idea the most right now.
Mostly because it would mean that we could use more of the furniture from the game. ^_^

Ok more ideas below

New Tool Upgrades!
1. Fishing rod - Either a rainbow or platinum one will be delivered by Chip. (limit 1 per player)
2. Watering can - Either a rainbow or platinum one will be delivered by Tom Nook. (limit 1 per player)
3. Shovel - Rainbow or platinum version will be delivered by Celeste. (limit 1 per player)
4. Slingshot - A rainbow or platinum one will float by carryed on the wind by multicolored balloons after you shot down 30 present balloons. (limit 1 per player)
5. Axe - Rainbow or platinum one becomes available at the shopping mall after playing the game for 2 months. (limit 1 per player)

I may have I missed a few tools. I can't remember them all off the top of my head.

New Furniture Ideas!
1. Party - Screamers, Banners, Cakes, Etc. This is more a theme than a series of furniture pieces though.
2. Harvest Moon - Furniture with images of harvest moon characters and animals on them. (Not everyone will like this Idea, I know that.)
3. Artistic - A furniture series based off the paintings in the game! (Mona lisa pillows, etc)
4. Musical - Music notes on pillows, cushions, table cloths, etc.
@Wolfenstien and Kip: Thank you both for your support of my house ideas.

4. Musical - Music notes on pillows, cushions, table cloths, etc.

I love this one. I am in a very musical family, so it would fit me to a T. I wish they would hurry up and release this game already (I am already purchasing 2 copies, one for me and one for my 10 yo)
There's an insane amount of good ideas, and some bad ideas here!

So heres mine:

Outdoor Features:

Garden - Place furniture outside as if you were inside, except the other villagers can see you and interact with you as they usually do. (Somewhat gonna be there as part of being mayor)
More areas to explore - Like a desert, a jungle, or just a small (Wild) world in general.


Mini-mall - Should be available when all shops in the village have been fully upgraded.
Arcade - Unlocks when the mini-mall is unlocked, perhaps some kind of objectives need to be completed before it opens?
Coffee Joint - Brewster moved to his own little place, where K.K. Slider plays his songs as usual, could very well be placed in the mini-mall.

Don't really have any ideas for inside your house since i actually didn't spend that much time indoors in ACWW (The one i played the most)

Oh, and bring back the NES games you could get in the original AC!
Ok, so I was thinking this evening that it would be nice to be able to move the camera around a bit. It may be a stupid idea, not sure.
@MDofDarkheart: Wider houses would be better, since the basement, + main room + upstairs + cellar is tall enough : "Furniture with images of harvest moon characters and animals on them" ; "Music notes on pillows, cushions, table cloths, etc" from the trailer you can see the heart cushions on the couch, so you could probably do this with this new feature. And as previously said, don't like the rainbow/platinum ideas, I think Normal > Silver > Gold is enough, just Silver needs to be harder to be obtained, and you should have to have the silver item before you can get the gold.

@Drakeon: The garden can just be made as a character being next to your house, since you can place objects (benches, lights, clocks) around town, so just place a bench and plant some flowers (and use bushes depending on whether you can plant/move them) and I do like the exploring idea, hoping they make use of a cave.
I'm pretty sure your "Coffee Joint" idea will just be the cafe and I kinda think Brewster will own the Cafe and The Roost will be gone, so K.K. should perform here, too.

@RisingSun: as in camera as you take photos with (like pressing 1 or 2 (whatever one it was) in CF) or being able to rotate the camera angle in the game. Because I'm pretty sure 360 degree camera angle is confirmed (or close to)

that's about all.
@Drakeon: One of the things I am most surprised at not appearing in any of the previous games are Gardens...
I would love a garden to be an upgrade... perhaps quite a late upgrade. There are so many outside related furnature and decorative items that it's kind of crazy how it's all confined to inside the house :S I mean I would always find myself devoting at least one room of my home to the Garden theme... white fence wallpaper, the grass carpet... which is so silly, but with little choice what can you do?

Bidoof... your garden substitute idea doesn't really cut it. I'm looking for more than just "Putting a Bench" next to my house... like I said before, placable items... flower beds? Nice pond with whatever fresh water fish you can catch? You could even keep the bugs you catch in the garden? Sure they will be displayed at the Museum but still... or the Garden could even be a unique area to find certain rare bugs... Interactive items... like bringing back the random Balls that used to be in the Gamecube version... but of course you could have it as an item and it be in the Garden... BBQ parties... there are tons of tiny to huge ideas that could be implemented... I really hope they consider it in the future!

It's a bloody good idea, and one I am sure will NOT be in this game, but oh well... Nintendo probably thinks that the town is one big garden anyway :p but still... we can dream and hope and whatever...
@Bidoof: I will defend your right to have an opinion on ideas and I am grateful for your insight on certain matters. Thank you.

@RisingSun: I think this idea is confirmed to be in the game. Though not 100% sure.

@Drakeon: By gardens I assume you mean trees, flowers, and bushes with like a table and chairs in the middle or something like that.
Pretty sure you can get by with the confirmed outdoor items for your garden idea.
I like the exploring idea you have alot!
Maybe exploring the confirmed cave for rare shells and stuff or adding a small underwater cave system (make use of the confirmed diving!) to explore.
Pretty sure the cafe in the game will belong to Brewster but not 100% sure.
Otherwise, I don't know if the roost will return or not.
I like the garden and house design idea! I'd love to have a Japanese themed house!

The house design was my idea.
Thank you for liking my idea.

Drakeon had the garden idea.
It is a nice idea, I just tryed to give an example of what I thought Drakeon meant by Garden.
@Bidoof: I will defend your right to have an opinion on ideas and I am grateful for your insight on certain matters. Thank you.

Haha thanks, good to see you're not a rude prick about it and understand I can express my opinion, just 'cause I don't like it, doesn't mean everyone else doesn't. I'm one person out of the billions of people in this world, ily <3

but on track, you do actually have some great ideas.
the ones I don't like, well I don't like them
But the ones I do like, I really really like them
Haha thanks, good to see you're not a rude prick about it and understand I can express my opinion, just 'cause I don't like it, doesn't mean everyone else doesn't. I'm one person out of the billions of people in this world, ily <3

but on track, you do actually have some great ideas.
the ones I don't like, well I don't like them
But the ones I do like, I really really like them

I learned along time ago that an opinion is just that. It isn't meant to cause a fight. I try my best to voice my opinion on things without causing any issues. I try to be nice to people as much as possible. In the long run I apperciate and respect the opinion of others.

That is why when you like one of my ideas, I feel glad that I made an idea that I can be proud of.
@RisingSun: as in camera as you take photos with (like pressing 1 or 2 (whatever one it was) in CF) or being able to rotate the camera angle in the game. Because I'm pretty sure 360 degree camera angle is confirmed (or close to)

that's about all.

I'm talking about the angles, ,which is somewhat confirmed for inside, but I want it for outside as well.